Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 12

Being cruelly rejected by Lu Chen, the little fox tenderly said, "Hey! Can you not be so petty? How much contribution did these Merit Beads make? Moreover, if you help me now, I can help you in the future too! I can help you in the future by saving people or by dealing with them! "

Lu Chen knew that this fellow was crafty, and the words that came out of his mouth were usually discounted at least nine times out of ten.

Therefore, he had to be very careful when dealing with it. It would be best if he didn"t show off his abilities until he saw a rabbit.

"Tell me, do you know what the obsession and demon in my heart is?" Lu Chen asked seriously.

"You"re asking me, but who should I ask!?" I can only feel this obsession, how can I know what it is? "However..."

At this point, the little fox suddenly paused, as if it was hesitating whether or not it should continue speaking.

"But what!" Don"t keep us in suspense. " Lu Chen urged.

"If you let me read your memories, I"ll help you look for it. Those who spectate should be able to see clearly! "

Hearing those words, Lu Chen rejected the offer flatly.

The little fox"s expression darkened.

Just as Lu Chen was about to say something, He Qian suddenly waved her hand in front of his eyes, "Mr Lu, Mr Lu, what are you thinking about? I"ve already called out to you quite a few times. "

Only then did Lu Chen come back to his senses, and he awkwardly said: "Huh? I was just thinking about the old general"s illness! What do you want? "

"I"ve applied for a leave of absence from Dean Wu. Should I send you to Wuliu Town now?" He Qian did not doubt him and said with a smile.

"Wuliu Town..." Lu Chen shook his head, "Let"s not go over there for now! I heard that my comrade"s sister is attending Jiangcheng Medical College. I would like to see her first. "

He Qian nodded and smiled, "Sure, I just graduated from River City"s medical academy not too long ago. I haven"t been back for a few months now!"

"There"s no time to lose, let"s go!" Lu Chen followed He Qian into the car, and before getting in, he casually threw a purple-gold shining achievement bead at the little fox who was still sulking over there.

"Wow!" The little fox"s clear voice was filled with joy.

Lu Chen warned it in his mind: "Remember, if you can"t help me next time, then don"t even think about the Merit Pearl!"

"I know, I know …" The little fox naturally agreed. Then, it turned into a white light and entered the Merit Pearl.

All the outstanding graduates of Jiangcheng Medical College would basically enter the Jiangcheng First People"s Hospital for internship.

This was how He Qian entered River City"s First Hospital.

Of course, whether or not he could keep his life depended on his abilities.

However, with He Qian"s ability, there was naturally no problem.

It had already been over a month since the new students started school, and the campus was very lively. There were couples everywhere, young men and women talking and laughing.

Looking at the students in River City"s medical academy who were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with an air of youth, Lu Chen actually had a faint yearning for university life.

He had joined the army very early on and had not gone to college. To him, this was a form of regret.

"We"re here!"

Just as He Qian and Lu Chen got off the car, a few girls walked over to them.

"Senior He!" Why is it you? " A tall girl greeted from afar.

"Little Li!" He Qian also shouted.

"Why is Senior He free to return?" Another girl with a short and plump body recognized He Qian and asked with a smile.

However, her eyes unintentionally fell on Lu Chen.

Little Li was clearly the most familiar with He Qian. She looked at Lu Chen without hiding anything, then said with a smile, "Senior He found a boyfriend right after graduating, so fast! "Hmm, she"s quite handsome, black in colour with the flavor of Gu Tianle. Not bad, not bad at all. She"s worthy of a famous school beauty of our River City"s hospital."

A group of young and beautiful girls surrounded him, greeting each other. They even looked at Lu Chen strangely, which made the unprepared Lu Chen somewhat at a loss as to what to do.

He had been a soldier for so many years, but this was the first time he encountered such a large group of pa.s.sionate girls at such close range.

Although he did not know how to deal with it, a soldier was still a soldier. On the surface, however, he put on a cold expression.

Even in the face of Li Jun"s teasing, Lu Chen remained calm and composed.

"Don"t spout nonsense..." He Qian, on the other hand, looked a bit embarra.s.sed. She exaggeratedly rolled her eyes and said with a straight face, "I brought Mr Lu here for some serious business. Do you know Hu Lingling?"

"The first G.o.ddess is Hu Lingling. Who doesn"t know her?!" Little Li smiled and said, "There"s a door seat in the library, and also the throne of the G.o.ddess. If you go there and look for her, you"ll definitely be able to find her!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen turned around and left.

"Yo!" "It seems like she really isn"t your boyfriend. She actually ran towards that Hu Lingling." Little Li teased.

"Don"t talk nonsense!" He Qian gave a small glare and quickly chased after him.

Then, the group of girls started chattering again and started discussing the relationship between the three of them.

Lu Chen"s footsteps gradually quickened, but his heart was growing increasingly uneasy.

He recalled the scene where Hu Xiu fell in front of him. If he were Hu Xiu, would he not hesitate to take the bullet for his comrade?

Hu Xiu gave him a second life, and that Hu Xiu"s sister …

In the future, he would be Lu Chen"s sister.

However, the closer he got to the library, the more uncomfortable Lu Chen felt. He didn"t know how to face Hu Lingling, how to tell her?

"We"re here!"

A few minutes later, He Qian led Lu Chen into the first floor of the library. At a glance, they saw Hu Lingling in a pure white dress.

She wore a pair of delicate rimless and a clean ponytail. She buried her head in a thick stack of books, writing something with a "sha sha" sound.

Seeing Lu Chen suddenly stop, He Qian couldn"t help but nudge him: "Why don"t you go greet him?"

Lu Chen was holding a photo of Hu Xiu in camouflage clothes and two men carrying guns in the depths of the rainforest. The scene of Hu Xiu lying on the ground in front of him appeared in his mind once again, lingering for a long time.

"I... "I don"t dare!" Lu Chen said subconsciously.

Seeing that Lu Chen was hesitating and didn"t know what to do, as if he was worried about something, He Qian couldn"t help but say in surprise, "Why? Do you have some sort of conflict with your comrade? Or. Is her brother planning to match you two? "

Lu Chen stuffed the photo of their comrade into his pocket, and shook his head: "No, you don"t understand the feelings of a comrade between us! And she"s my sister now, sister by blood! "

After saying this, he seemed to have made up his mind and walked step by step towards Hu Lingling.

He felt that with every step he took, his legs would become heavier.

In the end, it seemed that he had to use all his strength to move forward.

When he arrived in front of Hu Lingling, his head felt as if it weighed more than a thousand kilograms. He almost couldn"t lift it.