Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 122

Listening to Little Peng"s endless speech, which was even more fluent than a crosstalk speech, Qi Chang couldn"t help but roll his eyes.

He interrupted him with a wry smile, "Impressive! Your mouth doesn"t look like it can eat the northwest wind. Stop reciting it there. "Any kind of hole can produce good items. The key lies in your eyesight and luck. Lead the way!"

Xiao Peng chuckled and stopped showing off, leading the four of them to the back.

Sure enough, there was a large courtyard behind them. Someone was using a small cart to bring in a large amount of wool from the back door. It looked to be in full swing.

An old man with white hair and a beard sat in the yard, making a pot of tea.

Another middle-aged man who looked similar to him was instructing him on how to pile up the new jadeite wool.

Little Peng, on the other hand, wasn"t talking nonsense.

With a single glance, Lu Chen could see that the right side of the courtyard was already piled with a pile of leather-colored, rather thick jadeite wool.

From the looks of it, it should be the silverware that he mentioned that was sent here just last night.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but feel overjoyed.

This kind of material has few cracks, less impurities, easy to emerald, the most important is the gla.s.s bottom.

Although the output was relatively small, to Lu Chen, as long as it was there, he would definitely be able to find it.

At this moment, the little fox had already been summoned.

Although it was unwilling, the spring water of the Merit Spring was only just full. Since there were no signs of the Merit Pearls forming, the little fox immediately sat on Lu Cheng"s shoulder.

Now that it saw these woolen materials, it also immediately began to move, beginning to search for what Lu Chen wanted.

The important part was of course the gla.s.s floor and the high ice seed that Clear Sky and Lin Siyun needed.

Of course, Lu Chen also had the thought of keeping better things for himself.

As for the root, it was brought along with them.

In the past, whether it was when he was with his grandfather or in the army, he actually didn"t have much of an impression of Qian Lu Chen.

However, now that he was out of the society, coupled with his guilt towards his comrade Hu Xiu, Lu Chen gradually felt the importance of money.

With money, he could actually do more.

Gathering the power of meritorious service was not a path one could take to cure others.

For example, Sun Daxu just now had forced him into a desperate situation with only six hundred thousand yuan. He even had the thought of living a peaceful life.

Right now, they were being carried in by a small cart. The materials that were sent in were grayish-brown and yellow-red in color. It was indeed a blade that was being sharpened without a doubt.

Knife grinding and cutting materials are also called wood cutting and cutting materials.

This kind of material had a lot of white or yellow fog, which would greatly affect the quality of the jade and would also be quite small. Each piece would be around one or two kilograms in size.

However, once the meat comes out, water and the bottom are better, there is also a chance for high ice or gla.s.s species.

However, after looking at it for a long time, Little Peng"s mouth, which was mostly made of yellow sand or gray fish skin, did not manage to find any of it. This made Lu Chen a little disappointed.

This was because this kind of material had a higher chance of producing jade, moreover, the water head and bottom were usually guaranteed.

Just as Lu Chen was secretly observing, that Old Master Peng, who was sitting on the wheelchair a moment ago, came over.

He was obviously old friends with Qi Changgen, so he greeted him and asked, "Old Qi, I heard that you got yourself some good materials?"

"Of course not!" Qi Zhang said complacently, "A total of three pieces. The lighter one is more than half a kilogram, the middle one is 1.4kg, and the water green ice seed is of the same texture!"

"This number?" The old tutor held out his three fingers.

"Three hundred and twenty!" Qi Changgen bluntly said, but then added, "I let people see it, they can all take out bangles!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The shape was so good! "Then you still made a profit." Old Master Peng exclaimed, as he spoke with envy.

"This is all thanks to this Lu laoshi." Qi Zhang Gen finally brought up the topic of conversation with Lu Chen.

"Was it opened by this gentleman?" Old Master Peng widened his eyes and looked at Lu Chen with a face of disbelief.

No wonder.

Because Lu Chen looked too young.

Ji ChangGen nodded and told her everything that had just happened.

Only now did Lu Chen know that although Old Master Peng was concerned about what had happened over there, he wasn"t willing to go over and investigate.

It turned out that because this Peng family"s store had had some disagreements with Li De and the others about taking the goods, they didn"t have any mood to join in on the fun, not only for Old Master Peng, but also for the normally lively Little Peng.

On the other hand, some of the employees came back to tell them after sneaking in to take a look.

Now that he had met Qi Changgen, he was naturally in a hurry to get to the bottom of this.

Soon, all three of the Peng Family"s fervent gazes fell on Lu Chen.

Just now, when Qi Changgen had mentioned Lu Chen, he had been full of respect and respect. Lu Chen had gooseb.u.mps all over his body just by standing by the side.

"Lu laoshi is indeed capable of discerning jade. His ability to discern jade isn"t even comparable to that of a thousand miles away!" Old Man Peng said sincerely.

At this time, Little Peng, who was at the side, couldn"t help but ask, "Lu … "If Lu laoshi is so capable, why don"t you take a walk in the public market?"

Lu Chen smiled, "I have to go. However, I reckon that after going there once, other people would guard against me like how a thief would, and would even get blacklisted. "

Little Peng was obviously stunned for a moment before noticing Lu Chen"s playful gaze. He couldn"t help but feel a little awkward.

When he heard what Ji Changgan had to say, his eyes were filled with uncertainty.

Although he found it hard to believe, Little Ping still didn"t dare to question Ji Changen.

Of course, not only was there admiration and admiration in his eyes, there was also vigilance and worry.

That was understandable.

This was just like opening a casino. Although they opened the door to do business, no one wanted a G.o.d of Gamble to appear out of nowhere.

Even if the gambler knew that winning money was not from the dealer but from other customers, it was definitely not a good thing for the casino operator.

This was because gambling required one to have both a loss and a win, and there would be many people partic.i.p.ating. If one knew that they would lose, there definitely wouldn"t be anyone who would step down.

Since there weren"t any customers willing to continue gambling, the casino would probably close soon.

On the other hand, Lu Chen had used his Fiery Eyes of Truth to buy all the good stuff here. If anyone else knew about this, they probably wouldn"t even come to buy the remaining c.r.a.ppy stones.

"Stingy!" Old Master Peng ruthlessly scolded Little Peng, his grandson, as he coldly snorted, "A person like Mr Lu is like a buddha"s heart to strangers. How can he be so ruthless towards small business people like us?"

Lu Chen chuckled softly.

An old fox was an old fox.

He was obviously worried like his grandson, Little Peng, but his words were much more pleasing to the ears.

If he said this, even if he wanted to sweep the place clean, he would probably have to give the other party some face.