Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 127

Because of the Eye of Merit, as well as the little fox"s help, Lu Chen was full of confidence.

In any case, the three formations in his possession were only the most basic ones. Even if he were to learn them from Qing Yun Zi, it wouldn"t cause much harm.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, wanted to guide Qing Yun Zi so that he wouldn"t be too stubborn, to just kill the demons and exterminate the devils, and to deviate from the essence of cultivation.

Of course, the most important thing was to not bring Lin Siyun into the pit. She would have to go further and further away from the path of cultivation.

After the two said their goodbyes, Lu Chen suddenly felt the Eye of Merit trembling on his chest.

This was …

This familiar feeling made Lu Chen feel joy in his heart.

At this moment, the little fox had already leaped up from his shoulder, transforming into a white stream of light as it scurried towards the Eye of Merit.

In an instant, the power of karmic virtue had been converted from liquid to gas, and was then continuously condensed in the air above the spring of karmic virtue, before finally forming a glowing scarlet pearl.

For the little fox whose cultivation base had dropped by a lot, this item was filled with endless temptation.

It was about to leap up and swallow it whole, but Lu Chen stopped it.

"Hey!" "Wait a moment."

Lu Chen"s voice suddenly rang out. The little fox was stunned for a moment and looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Chen noticed the little fox"s unfriendly gaze and explained with a smile: "This pearl has another use, it will definitely bring more benefits."

The little fox frowned and said with a displeased tone, "This thing is what I deserve, why don"t you let me swallow it? My Lord, are you planning on breaking your promise? "

Lu Chen shook his head and said patiently, "Do you remember the agreement we made with that flood dragon on the Great Qing River?"

The little fox raised his eyebrows and said with disdain, "That agreement? We didn"t say when to give it to him. "

"Let it wait. After all these years, can"t you even wait for this little bit of time? "

"If it can"t wait any longer and wants to suffer, then let little fox talk to it!"

"It"s only a flood dragon with a cultivation of less than a thousand years. Even if it"s a dragon transformed from a tribulation, it wouldn"t dare to act rashly in front of Little Fox."

Listening to how confident the little fox was, Lu Chen laughed and asked:

"But if it gains our benefits and uses the power of the dragon"s vein to make a fortune for itself, wouldn"t that be a great achievement? How many Merit Pearls do you need when the time comes? "

"In fact, I have a feeling that if we can cross this Flood Dragon and help it become a dragon, the next thing it will condense will not be a red dragon, but an orange one!"

The little fox was stunned for a moment before it gently nodded its head.

If it was as shrewd as he was, it naturally knew that what Lu Chen said made sense.

This was only the most basic red Merit Pearl. It seemed like the cooperation between them in exchange for the Flood Dragon"s help was not bad.

Therefore, it nodded its head, "Alright then! I"ll give this one to him first. But then I"ll talk to it. Since he has obtained the benefits, it"s time for him to do something. "

After convincing the little fox, Lu Chen finally let out a sigh of relief.

In reality, he was truly afraid that the little fox would directly swallow the achievement bead and then not know when he would be able to obtain a second one to fulfill his promise with the flood dragon.

Even though Lu Chen could feel it, the Flood Dragon was wary of the little fox"s strength.

But at the same time, the little fox"s current strength was limited. If they were to fight head on, it might not be able to deal with the opponent.

Otherwise, with the little fox"s personality, it probably wouldn"t want to negotiate with the dragon.

If they became enemies with each other, it would go against his original intention.

After settling the matter with the Pearl of Merit, Lu Chen returned and spent several thousand dollars to select two furs that were filled with spiritual energy.

One was a piece of jade, while the other was with Tian Yu.

With the little fox"s help, Lu Chen understood the structure of the interior very well. Without even opening it, he hurriedly left under the puzzled gaze of the boss, heading straight for Breaking Dawn Pavilion.

When he went to Breaking Dawn Pavilion in the morning, Lu Chen only had less than two million on him. Naturally, he had his reservations when facing those millions of jades.

Now that his strength had doubled, Lu Chen was full of confidence.

According to his plan, he would first purchase a few usable jades to practice using. As for the ones on hand, he would ask Bai Jinyu to help him make the necessary specifications.

Anyway, the more these things are, the better.

He had even secretly thought that once he found the right opportunity, he would send some of his former comrades over, increasing their chances of survival.

Originally, Lu Chen had wanted to continue plundering in the woolen market, but he could actually find some suitable items.

However, he didn"t want to waste too much time. As long as he had enough time, it would suffice.

Just as Lu Chen was about fifty meters away from Fleeting Pavilion, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

The next moment, his gaze locked onto a skinny, slightly hunched old man who was leaning on a walking stick.

Lu Chen felt a familiar power coming from his body.

He was almost certain that this old man in front of him was the same old man who had destroyed Qin Hu"s totem cultivation that night.

After which, his gaze landed on a tall and lanky youth who was well-dressed and somewhat handsome beside the old man.

"Old Ma, I"ll leave the matter of Old Master Bai to you." Please! " The young man respectfully said.

It was a pity that the dark Magus called Old Ma had his gaze on Lu Chen.

His originally murky eyes suddenly shone with a strange, demonic light.

However, in the next moment, his entire body trembled and he abruptly took half a step back. He raised his hand to wipe away the blood that was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Elder Ma!" The young man was instantly shocked.

"Cough cough!" Young Master Du, I"m fine! " Elder Ma coughed lightly and stared at Lu Chen.

At this moment, Young Master Du"s gaze landed on Lu Chen.

He frowned and asked Elder Ma in doubt: "You, know him?"

"He, is Lu Chen!"

After Elder Ma said this, he closed his eyes to rest. Black gas rapidly surged from his body as if he was healing from his injuries.

It turned out that just now, Elder Ma had been trying to gain the initiative by using his mental power to sneak attack Lu Chen.

But he never would have thought that the little fox would jump out at the very first moment and use the same method to give him a heavy blow.

It was just that the little fox"s cultivation had been greatly damaged, and was even in the form of a strength projection. Otherwise, Old Ma wouldn"t have been forced to retreat half a step and bleed just now.

However, other than Lu Chen, no one knew about the little fox"s existence. Therefore, he took it for granted that Lu Chen had counterattacked.

Although he looked calm on the surface, his heart was in chaos.

Upon hearing that it was Lu Chen, the young master who was addressed as Young Master Du had a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

However, he only hesitated for a moment and actually led a group of followers towards Lu Chen.