Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 13

At this moment, Hu Lingling, who was concentrating on taking notes, noticed the change and looked up with some hesitation.

The empty library hall was filled with seats. A man and a woman were standing in front of her. It was truly strange.

Most importantly, he didn"t even recognize the two of them.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, resisting the urge to turn around and flee, pulled a chair over and sat down.

"You two are looking for me?" Hu Lingling pointed at her nose with her index finger that was as green as a spring onion with a puzzled expression.

"Hm!" I"m Lu Chen, your brother"s comrade! " Lu Chen tried his best to soften his expression a little, "This is your senior sister, He Qian!"

"He Qian?" Senior? "

Hu Lingling slightly frowned, as if trying to remember something.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes wide and excitedly said, "An outstanding graduate, ranked first? By the way, I saw your picture in the corridor today. You"re much prettier than in the picture. "

He Qian smiled and nodded, "That"s right, it"s me!"

Hu Lingling greeted him sweetly, then looked towards Lu Chen in suspicion.

Why would my brother"s comrade come to find me?

Could it be?

Hu Lingling"s heart skipped a beat.

She suddenly had a bad premonition.

Without waiting for Hu Lingling to speak, Lu Chen eagerly said, "There"s something about your brother that I want to talk to you about, you … You have to be mentally prepared! "

"My brother? What happened to him?! " Hu Lingling raised her voice by half and her short stature abruptly stood up. "Did something happen to him?!"

Lu Chen raised his head to look at Hu Lingling. Her pair of big, black pearl like eyes were filled with anxiety, concern, and water vapor.

Perhaps the next time he said it, the beautiful eyes would fill with tears.

"Hu Xiu, he …"

Lu Chen opened and closed his mouth, unable to utter a word.

Such a pure and beautiful girl, I would love to see her, but of course he didn"t want her to suffer such a huge blow.

Seeing her reaction, she also cared a lot about her brother, just like how Hu Xiu cared about her.

I"m afraid she can"t bear the pain of losing her family.

Lu Chen tried his best to clear his throat, and secretly thought in his heart: Hu Xiu! Your sister, your family, I will take care of them in the future! Please forgive me for hiding your death for the time being.

"How could that be!" Lu Chen suddenly laughed out loud, "That Hu Xiu is very smart. He follows like a little fox. On the first day he joined the team, I knew that this kid would definitely rise to the top and become rich!" Look, I"ve already retired, but he"s still in the team! And a real promotion, Colonel. "

Hu Lingling was stunned and looked at Lu Chen suspiciously, "Is that so? That"s good, that"s good. Oh right, when will my brother return? "

"That"s hard to say." Lu Chen smiled gently, "He was a.s.signed to a special training team with a top secret information level. After that, he has to go abroad to carry out a mission. Maybe three years, maybe five, maybe … I"ll be back in a month or two. In short, once the mission was cancelled, he would definitely come back! It"s not that I"m afraid of you worrying, it"s just that before he returns, I have to stay by your side to take care of and protect you all, and completely solve his worries. "

The more Lu Chen said, the more convinced he became.

"Oh? "If that"s the case..." The doubt in Hu Lingling"s heart was completely dispelled. She finally put down the stone that was hanging in the air.

She pouted unhappily. "I knew it, that guy didn"t want to come back. In short, he had a lot of reasons. Tell me, why can"t I, a man, have a grudge with a little girl like me? There was nothing bad about Jiangcheng Medical Academy. Why did they have to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University?! "Besides, dad is still sick. I don"t know how much longer he can hold on. He just left without saying a word. If only …"

Hu Lingling stopped and did not continue.

However, her meaning was clear. She did not have much confidence in her father"s body.

"Alright, this is the first time we"re meeting. Shall we go out for a meal and get to know each other?" Lu Chen said with a smile, "I still have to go to Wuliu Town to visit your father. To be entrusted by others and to be loyal to others, wasn"t this the responsibility of comrade-in-arms to be fulfilled? Otherwise, your brother will definitely scold me again. I can"t stand his chattering. "

"I …" Hu Lingling opened her mouth and wanted to refuse.

Although the man in front of her was her brother"s comrade, he was still a stranger to her.

Moreover, eating with an unfamiliar man …

She seemed to instinctively reject it.

Even though there was a beautiful senior sister standing beside him, he still felt that it was strange.

Seeing that Hu Lingling was a bit hesitant, Lu Chen quickly said, "Also, I have some Hu Xiu"s remnants …" Oh, the forgotten things have to be handed over to you. That kid, Hu Xiu, was usually rough and rough. He had even left behind his personal belongings while moving to his dorm. How about this, let"s go eat first! There are a lot of things that I can tell you on the way! "

So dangerous!

Lu Chen"s mouth quivered and he almost blurted out his words. It was fortunate that he changed it so quickly that he managed to cover it up.

"Then... "Fine!"

Since she couldn"t refuse, Hu Lingling could only reluctantly agree.

When the three of them finished packing up and walked out of the library, Lu Chen was afraid that his mouth would slip up. He did not dare to speak anymore, so he simply returned to his usual solemn expression and remained silent.

He Qing started to chat with Hu Lingling.

The two beautiful girls seemed to have a common topic of conversation, and soon, they began to talk and laugh, as if they were good friends who had known each other for many years.

When they were almost to the parking lot, Hu Lingling suddenly stopped and said with a frown, "Senior, we …" "Let"s take a detour!"

"What"s wrong?" He Qian followed Hu Lingling"s gaze and saw three young men with colorful heads and a large gold necklace. They were all playing with earholes as they walked over along the small path.

"Humph!" Cow candy Zhang Junwei, my next cla.s.s cla.s.smate, the first day of school has been pestering me! So annoying. If only my big brother was here, I would definitely let him scare that guy. " Hu Lingling said angrily.

When Lu Chen and the others saw the other party, the young men across from them saw them as well.

"Eh? Young Master Wei, look at that, is it your G.o.ddess Hu Lingling? " A green hair killer Ma Te pointed towards Lu Chen"s side, and said as he winked at the large gold necklace.

"Hmm? It"s not only the Tong Yan G.o.ddess, but also the long-legged G.o.ddess, He Qing! " The yellow-hair smiled in surprise.

His voice was loud, as if he was speaking on purpose. Lu Chen and the other two could hear him clearly from far away.

"That"s right, it"s them! It"s just that, who exactly is that man next to us? " The young man with dyed red hair frowned as he spoke.