Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 132

On the surface, Lu Chen wanted Ma Buqun to burn, but in reality, it was to give him a chance to make amends.

Ma Qun took the opportunity to add firewood and quickly chanted an incantation. He then set up a spell formation to remove the black spell around the area.

This way, Ma Buqun could try his best to eliminate the dark magic imprint that he had previously left behind, minimizing the backlash brought by Lu Chen"s removal of the restrictive spell.

However, he did not know that the reason Lu Chen did this was to give him a peace of mind.

After all, the healing process must not be disturbed in the slightest.

If Ma Qun did not cause trouble, although Lu Chen had a way to use the little fox"s power to deal with him, there would definitely be some problems.

Thus, for safety"s sake, under the little fox"s instructions, Lu Chen used this method to rea.s.sure Ma Qun.

It was also during this process that the water in the cauldron began to boil.

As the herbs in the wooden bucket got heated up, a refreshing medicinal fragrance started to drift out.

"Little fox, attack!"

Lu Chen instructed. The little fox, who was originally sitting on his shoulder, immediately turned into a streak of light and dived into the soup.

As the little fox entered the soup, the power of merit wrapped around its body was released.

The originally black medicinal liquid turned emerald in an instant, while fog rose from the wooden barrel, continuously flowing down the sides like dry ice.

At this moment, Lu Chen"s eyes were focused on the soup in the wooden barrel, carefully feeling the changes within. However, the surrounding people were all staring in disbelief at what was happening before them.

Especially Ma Qun, who was standing closest to her. At that moment, his eyes were wide open.

Of course, he could feel the power of merit permeating the soup. This power was at peace, and in an instant, it had destroyed all the black spell formations around it.

The most ridiculous thing was that other than feeling a little unwell because he was too close, he did not feel any kind of backlash.

He finally knew why Lu Chen was so confident.

But at the same time, he was also a little fearful of Lu Chen"s unfathomable strength.

It was hard for him to imagine that Lu Chen possessed such terrifying strength at such a young age.

It was best not to offend such a character.

Otherwise, let alone the other party"s strength, it was likely that his background would also be difficult to shake.

Although Lu Chen wanted to let Ma Buqun know and retreat, the other side"s imagination had exceeded his expectations.

Moreover, at this moment, Lu Chen was not in the mood to care about the thoughts of the bystanders. All his focus was on Bai Wanli.

As time slowly pa.s.sed, Lu Chen waited patiently by the side.

"Cough, cough ~ ~ ~"

Suddenly, two light coughing sounds could be heard. Bai Wanli, who was originally in a deep slumber, suddenly moved.

Bai Jinyu was about to say something when Lu Chen stopped her with his eyes.

Immediately, the silver needle in his hand stabbed into several of the acupoints on Bai Wanli"s spine with unerring accuracy.

When the golden needle entered his body and the rich karmic power in the soup combined together, the cough turned into a carefree groan.

After about half a minute, Bai Jinyu was pleasantly surprised to see that Bai Wanli"s hunchbacked body was slowly straightening up.

At this moment, he opened his eyes. His face, which had been drained of color due to the suffering from the illness, had regained its rosy l.u.s.ter.

"Let"s continue soaking in it for a while longer. There shouldn"t be any problems." Seeing that Bai Wanli wanted to stand up, Lu Chen lightly tapped his shoulder and instructed.

Of course, Bai Wanli was aware of the changes to his body. He hurriedly nodded his head and quietly soaked it in the bucket.

Bai Jinyu was extremely excited and she couldn"t help covering her mouth to stop herself from crying.

It was a pity that two streams of sparkling tears had already flowed down unknowingly.

This is incredible.

An hour ago, his grandfather had been sitting in a wheelchair, enduring a great deal of pain. Now, looking at him enjoying it, it was simply a miracle!

A long illness can make a doctor.

Because of her grandfather"s illness, Bai Jinyu, as his granddaughter for the past few years, had put in a lot of effort.

However, no matter where they found famous doctors, they would all sentence the old tutor to death.

Everyone clearly told Bai Jinyu that she could only be treated conservatively to reduce the speed of paralysis and the degree of pain. There was no way to cure her.

Now, Lu Chen, whom she had just met for a long time, had actually given her such a huge surprise.

When Bai Jinyu looked at Lu Chen again, her eyes were bright with endless grat.i.tude and worship.

Seeing Bai Jinyu"s gaze, Du Wenfeng, who was watching coldly from the sidelines, became increasingly gloomy.

Although he was interested in recruiting Lu Chen, the premise was that Lu Chen was not a threat.

However, with regards to the Bai Family"s business, Du Wenfeng was determined to win. He absolutely did not want his plan to fail.

On the other hand, Ma Qun had an expression of relief.

Just now, when Lu Chen removed the restrictions on Bai Wanli"s body, he had been holding a handful of sweat for himself.

It was not the heart-biting pain of the ten thousand insects, only a moment of dizziness before it returned to normal.

Once again, he felt glad that he hadn"t gone head to head against Lu Chen and helped him light the fire, preparing beforehand.

This young man was simply too terrifying, not something he could even touch.

Ma Qun was an old cunning fox who had trained in black magic to this day.

He had already made up his mind. Towards a young hero like Lu Chen with such a formidable strength and mysterious background, even if he couldn"t be a friend, he absolutely could not be an enemy.

Otherwise, he would have died without a burial ground.

When Bai Jinyu saw Lu Chen retract the silver needles on his grandfather"s back, she couldn"t help but ask, "Mr Lu, do we still need more treatments to consolidate this?"

Lu Chen smiled: "Old mister Bai is an old man after all. Although the lesions have already been removed, you still need to pay attention to the necessary maintenance."

"How about this, I"ll prescribe a few pills for the old man and have him take three treatments according to this."

Upon hearing these words, Bai Jinyu and Bai Wanli looked at each other with excitement and delight in their eyes.

"Then can he come out now?" As Bai Jinyu spoke, she subconsciously looked down at the blazing flames.

Lu Chen suddenly realized that she was worried that the fire was too strong and that it was going to burn the old gramps.

He smiled gently, "It"s best to wait for another quarter of an hour! Don"t worry, definitely no problem. "

Lu Chen"s medical skill, Bai Jinyu, had seen it for herself, so she did not doubt his words.

Bai Jinyu nodded and continued to wait.

Bai Wanli actually didn"t want to come out of the barrel at all.

With the nourishment of the Power of Merit, it was as if every pore on his body had been completely opened, an indescribably carefree and relaxed feeling.

Especially after being tormented by illness all these years, it had long caused him to be exhausted.

He couldn"t wait to savagely enjoy such a comfortable feeling for once. How could he give up so easily?