Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 136

Du Wenfeng did not care about the value of this piece of jade and instead deeply suspected Lu Chen"s ident.i.ty.

Who was he?

To think that he could actually see through the skin and the material"s essence...

At this moment, Ma Buqun no longer had any hesitation. A determined look appeared in his eyes.

Bai Jinyu stared at the piece of jade for a while, then quickly glanced at Lu Chen, thinking about something.

"How many years? How many years has it been since I"ve seen Tian Baiyu in person?" Mr Lu, as expected of the heavens, there is always someone better than others. This old one admires you, admires you! "

Bai Wanli sighed as he gently caressed the cut piece of jade.

Lu Chen smiled and waved his hand, "Senior is praising me too much. It was all luck, just luck. "However..."

Seeing that Lu Chen seemed to want to say something, Bai Wanli quickly said: "Mr Lu, speak frankly. This old man will definitely be able to help you."

Lu Chen smiled lightly: "Senior Bai, actually, it"s not a big deal. These two pieces of jade have already been undone, but I do not know what to do with them. "

"I hope someone can help me cut it into the desired shape. Of course, it would be best if we could do it as soon as possible, because I"ve been in urgent need recently. "

When Bai Wanli heard this, he burst into laughter, "This is not asking for a favor. Mr Lu is obviously delighted to see this old man. Give me your cell phone!"

"If Mr. Lu doesn"t mind, then leave it to this old man! It just so happens that after all these years of trying, my cooking skills have still not developed. "

Hearing that Bai Wanli was going to do it himself, Lu Chen was a little taken aback.

According to his original plan, as long as Fleeting Pavilion could help him create what he wanted, carving skills would be a secondary concern.

After all, these things were used for practice.

Bai Jinyu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up.

"Grandfather, you"ve just recovered, let me handle this!" Bai Jinyu looked worried and tried to persuade him in a low voice.

She was afraid that her grandfather hadn"t carried a knife for many years and had just recovered from a serious illness, so it was hard to avoid his energy loss.

If Lu Chen accidentally caused any damage to him, although the Breaking Dawn Pavilion could make up for it with jade stones of the same quality, it would not be beautiful.

Hearing Bai Jinyu say this, Lu Chen also followed the flow and said, "Senior Bai, you have just recovered from your serious illness, it"s better to rest more! These things that I have brought over are merely to practice, there is no need to put in effort for the grandeur of an old senior. "

Bai Wanli raised his eyebrows and a trace of sadness flashed across his eyes. "What? Mister Lu doesn"t trust an old man like me?"

The Bai Clan"s craftsmanship was second to none in the entire country.

Especially Bai Wanli. As the soul of the Bai Clan, his skills were undoubtedly the highest.

Even though he had not produced a single work of art in the past three years, who would dare to doubt his status as a peerless sculptor in the art of jade?

Du Wenfeng was a little curious. What was Lu Chen planning to do with these two jades?

Before this, he had purposely chosen some safety buckles, and other inconsequential sculptures of jade.

If it was just one or two pieces, there was nothing strange about it.

However, to ask for so much all at once, it was clear that there was some sort of special purpose.

He suddenly thought of the recent Treasure Auction held in the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

Could it be …

When he thought here, Du Wenfeng"s thoughts became more and more active.

He was already considering whether he should take the risk and probe further to see how deep Lu Chen"s water was.

Almost subconsciously, Du Wenfeng touched the unremarkable black jade ring on the ring finger of his left hand. A demonic light flashed across his eyes.

"Master... Did you feel it? "

The little fox"s voice rang out, and with a flash, it appeared in front of Lu Chen"s chest and sat on his shoulder.

"You"re talking about Du Wenfeng, right? He had indeed made a mistake. I never thought that it would be an expert. Lu Chen said self-deprecatingly.

The little fox nodded its head, "The black jade ring on his hand is incredible. It was actually made from high-grade dark jade. No wonder it was able to perfectly imprison the power within the body and fool me. "

"Ignore him first and see what he wants to do." Lu Chen said, then ignored the little fox and looked towards Bai Jinyu beside him.

Looking at Lu Chen"s questioning gaze, Bai Jinyu smiled wryly and nodded her head, agreeing.

Lu Chen actually knew very well that after his treatment, Bai Wanli wasn"t really that much of a problem.

The reason why Lu Chen said those words was because, to him, these safety buckles and "no matter what" plates did not require much skill to carve. All they needed to do was to be neat and tidy.

It could be said that even carving on a computer wouldn"t be a problem.

The other one echoed Bai Jinyu"s words because she noticed her worry.

Now that he had received Bai Jinyu"s hint, Lu Chen did not want to disappoint her, so he simply nodded his head:

"Senior Bai, since you have decided to do it yourself, this junior can"t do it!" But you must pay attention to the combination of work and leisure. After all, you have only just recovered from your illness. "

Seeing that Lu Chen had finally let go, Bai Wanli finally revealed a satisfied smile.

Bai Wanli couldn"t wait to pick up a piece of material and start controlling the cutting machine.

He was fully immersed in the disintegration of the jade and everything else was thrown to the back of his mind.

Time pa.s.sed in a flash.

Bai Wanli simply observed them for a while and was confident enough that he didn"t need to draw any lines in advance. The two pieces of jade were evenly divided into thirteen pieces, each of which were exactly the same size and thickness.

According to Lu Chen"s request, these thirteen pieces weren"t specially polished. They were merely polished by Bai Jinyu and returned to his hands.

As for the leftover side materials, Lu Chen said he didn"t need them for now.

However, Bai Wanli insisted on helping him make a few small items and sending them over to him later.

Lu Chen knew that Bai Wanli did this to repay his kindness, so he didn"t decline. Moreover, he specifically instructed him to keep it simple - whether it was a pearl, ring, egg mask, a pendant or a safety b.u.t.ton, it was fine.

Actually, the reason why there was a requirement for such a regular jade plate in the beginning was completely because Lu Chen had never come into contact with jade talismans before. He needed a relatively large s.p.a.ce for the array.

If he was skillful enough, even if it was only the size of a grain of rice, he would be able to engrave formations and create jade talismans.

Also, for beginners like Lu Chen, materials with the same quality would naturally be better the more regular they were, and it would be even better if they were plain.

"Thank you, Senior Bai, thank you, Miss Bai."

After taking the 13 jade plates, Lu Chen said gratefully.

Although he had long understood the quality of these two pieces of jade, after cutting them, he could feel the quality of the jade more directly. That kind of feeling was hard to put into words.

The higher the purity of the jade, the more spiritual energy it would have.