Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 139

In this era of chaos, a large amount of spiritual veins had dried up, and the spiritual energy in the air was abnormally thin, making it difficult to gather.

Now that the Spiritual Concentration Formation of the Innate Realm was in its initial stages, the spiritual energy in the area began to rapidly gather as the formation operated.

However, because the amount of spiritual energy was too little, the rate at which spiritual energy was gathering seemed exceptionally slow.

Lu Chen had already expected something like this.

He concentrated and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

As time pa.s.sed, the spiritual energy from all directions was locked onto by the Upper Sky Spiritual Concentration Formation, forming a large amount of energy.

This spiritual energy was suddenly gathered in a very small area and continued to collide and compress, gradually becoming restless.

Lu Chen carefully controlled the spiritual energy and used the trajectory of the array.

"Crack ~ ~ ~"

Time pa.s.sed quickly. After an unknown amount of time, Lu Chen was suddenly awoken by a slight cracking sound.

He slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to find that a corner of the jade tablet that had risen from his chest to his Mind"s Eye had shattered.


With the sudden loss of the power to lift it, the piece fell to the ground instead of falling in a straight line.

However, there was the presence of the Upper Sky Spirit Convergence Array and the surrounding Spiritual Qi was present. Under this kind of impact, they did not receive any further damage.

"Lord, it"s too late. Otherwise... "Try again?" The little fox"s voice suddenly sounded.

Of course, Lu Chen also had the same thought, and lightly nodded his head: "Alright! I was indeed a little bit anxious just now. The spiritual energy acc.u.mulated within the jade token was too rich, it was too much. Then let"s try again. "

Lu Chen once again closed his eyes, carefully reflecting on the process of carving the jade talisman. In his heart, he seemed to have understood something.

Although this jade tablet with a broken corner had successfully engraved the Upper Sky Spirit Convergence Array, and it was even running smoothly, it was not perfect.

Carefully focusing his mind to feel the circulation of the spiritual energy, every time there would be a sliver of obstruction. Clearly, it did not achieve the effect Lu Chen had imagined.

Thus, he took out a second jade plate …

About an hour later.


With the experience of carving the first jade plate, everything went smoothly.

When Lu Chen felt the Xiantian Spiritual Concentration Formation within the second jade talisman operating almost perfectly, and the spiritual energy gathering becoming more and more intense, Lu Chen felt a surge of excitement in his heart.

"Congratulations, Sir!" This jade talisman is already close to middle Huang grade. " The little fox said in an exaggerated manner.

"Middle Huang grade …" Currently, my strength can only engrave low-grade yellow-rank items, right? "What"s going on?" Lu Chen asked doubtfully.

"Master, this is the Innate Spirit Convergence Array! How can the formation that little fox gave you is not good? " The little fox"s voice was filled with pride.

After coming to an understanding, Lu Chen smiled awkwardly and ignored the little fox.

He never thought that the power of this Upper Sky Spiritual Concentration Formation would be one grade higher than jade talismans of the same grade!

With this kind of jade talisman, which was constantly absorbing spiritual energy from the surroundings, it was undoubtedly a great support for cultivators.

After mastering the trick, Lu Chen made another three Upper Sky Spirit Convergence Talismans in one go.

Although the level and quality were similar, each time, the speed was faster than the last.

Especially when he was refining the fifth piece of the "No problem" token, it only took him an incense stick"s worth of time to succeed.

However, according to what the little fox said, if a true talisman crafting expert spoke, then it could be done in one fell swoop.

Moreover, an array formation of the same low-grade yellow-rank could actually obtain the effects of high-grade yellow-rank.

Of course, haste makes waste.

For Lu Chen, being able to reach such a level when he was creating jade talismans for the first time was already an unimaginable result.

This was all thanks to the Eye of Merit. It allowed him to reach the maximum utilization of spiritual energy, otherwise it would have been impossible for him to achieve such an effect.

Feeling that the engravings of the Innate Spirit Convergence Array had reached their limit, Lu Chen took out the sixth plate.

He was prepared to try out the Immoveable Bright King Formation.

With the experience he had acc.u.mulated from the Upper Sky Spirit Convergence Array, Lu Chen"s movements had become more skilled.

As the spiritual energy in the air was gathered by the four Upper Sky Spirit Convergence Talismans, the s.p.a.ce around Lu Chen was filled with spiritual energy.

However, when the Immoveable Bright King Array was constantly being constructed through the Mind"s Eye, this spiritual energy once again became restless.

As the surging waves of spirit energy gathered on the nameplate, it began to violently tremble in midair. At any moment, it seemed as if it would break apart at its limit.

It was the same feeling as when the first jade plate was about to shatter...

Lu Chen"s heart couldn"t help but sink.

He gritted his teeth and concentrated more and more on the task at hand. He tried to divert the energy in the air as much as possible to avoid the explosion that would occur if he lost the ability to use the trump card.

Indeed, there was a world of difference between having and not having experience in the creation of jade talismans.

Gradually, the tremors became weaker and in the end, it quieted down once more.

Looking at the gradually brightening up trouble board, Lu Chen was overjoyed, but he didn"t dare to slack off in the slightest.

He continued to improve the Unmoving Nether King Array. Whether it was legs or eyes, he reinforced them bit by bit, trying to achieve perfection...

About an hour and a half later.


Lu Chen"s heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously opened his eyes.

Floating on the other side of his forehead was the "Unimportant Thing", glowing brilliantly and emitting a grand aura.

Sensing the fluctuation of the spiritual energy in the jade talisman, Lu Chen was overjoyed.

It was exactly the same as the Upper Sky Spirit Gathering Symbol from before, this first piece of the Immoveable Bright King Talisman was actually also close to middle Huang grade!

Acalanātha Inferno"s array, could calm the mind and calm the mind, drive out evil, and increase one"s concentration. In the process of cultivation, it could achieve twice the results with half the effort.

At the same time, because he had eliminated all distractions and suppressed his inner demons, it greatly reduced the possibility of him going berserk during his breakthrough.

Of course, if an ordinary person were to wear such a good item, they would be immune to all evils and disasters.

Unfortunately, with Lu Chen"s current strength, for the time being, he could only engrave a single array formation onto the same host body, and was unable to restore the array formation to its original form.

Otherwise, if the Innate Spirit Convergence Array and the Immoveable Bright King Array were combined, it would definitely have an effect of one plus one is greater than two.

However, Lu Chen wasn"t in a hurry.

He believed that as his cultivation level increased, he would be able to create a two-in-one jade talisman, and a three-in-one jade talisman that would be even more complicated would be a piece of cake.

After tidying up his excitement, Lu Chen picked up the seventh token …

Just like this, he refined another four pieces of the Immoveable Bright King Talisman in one breath before stopping.

Just like before, although the quality did not improve, due to the increase in proficiency, the speed became faster and faster.

Of course, the reason why he created so many of the Acalanātha Inferno talismans was not entirely for the sake of practicing martial arts.

He thought that these jade talismans could temporarily be given to the Hu family"s father and daughter to wear.

Especially Hu Xiu"s father, Hu Weiguo. After all, he had just recovered from a serious illness and needed a long period of time to recuperate.

Just relying on medicine would be too slow.

If he added in the power of the jade talisman, he would definitely be able to achieve twice the results with half the effort.

Thus, whether it was the Innate Spirit Convergence Talisman or the Immoveable Bright King Talisman, they were both extremely important to him.