Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 143

Time flew by. When the sky turned white, Lu Chen once again opened his eyes.

He had succeeded again!

Indeed, sharpening the blade does not delay the chopping of firewood.

Lu Chen hadn"t expected that he would be able to successfully refine the second Diamond Protection Talisman on his second try.

The little fox could not help but exclaim from the side.

"Master has the power of meritorious service, the speed of his comprehension is truly amazing!" How about we try the last piece? "

After a whole night of suffering, Lu Chen had reaped a bountiful harvest. He was actually feeling very happy in his heart.

But honestly speaking, he had consumed more than 60% of his energy.

It would be too difficult to make another Diamond Protection Talisman.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but let out an exaggerated roll of his eyes. He quipped to the little fox, "You little thing, why don"t you let me try out this Limitless Five Thunder Curse?"

The little fox was obviously stunned for a moment before it replied in a serious tone,

"Master, it is said that you have to eat the rice piece by piece. You can"t be too greedy. Especially in the field of cultivation, it"s more important to take things step by step and avoid getting too involved in things! "

"Although this Limitless Thunder Curse is only a spell and not as powerful as the Limitless Thunder Array, it is still a high-grade Profound Rank curse!"

"Right now, Sir"s cultivation is only at most a middle Huang grade. To be able to successfully refine these three types of formations, it is largely thanks to the power of merit. It is already extremely rare."

"However, the might of the Limitless Thunder Curse is enormous. If I were to force it, I"m afraid that it would be a tragedy. Therefore, for the sake of safety, it"s best if you don"t try as you please, Sir. "

Just now, Lu Chen was just joking around.

In his heart, he knew very well that with his current strength, he shouldn"t be too ambitious.

Moreover, engraving symbols and arrays into a jade tablet would be much more difficult than using it under normal circ.u.mstances.

In other words, the little fox had used the method of soul imprint to teach him the three types of formations, so he understood every detail clearly.

Otherwise, even if it was the simplest Innate Spirit Convergence Array, it would be impossible for him to grasp it without ten days to half a month of hard work.

Not to mention the way things were right now, he had already engraved all three types of acupuncture techniques in one go!

Therefore, even if he wanted to study the Limitless Five Thunder Curse, it would be impossible to directly engrave and make jade talismans like it did now.

At the very least, he had to first practice drawing runes on the talisman paper to increase his proficiency.

Besides, he had already used up a lot of his energy, so there was no need for him to take the risk.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was still early, Lu Chen rested for a while, then picked up the last piece of tokens that he had with Tian Yu and used it to refine the emasculated version of the Diamond Protection Talisman for the third time.


With the increase in proficiency, as well as the experience acc.u.mulated from before, the third Diamond Protection Talisman went very smoothly.

Saying that it would be an exaggeration, but in the whole process, Lu Chen indeed did not encounter any obstacles.

Moreover, when the third Diamond Protection Talisman was successfully refined, Lu Chen discovered that he had only used less than two-thirds of the time in the entire process.

Only this time, the little fox seemed to be a little numb to Lu Chen"s improvement.

Or rather, it was directly provoked.

By the time the third Vajra Body Protection Charm was in Lu Chen"s hands, the little fox had already entered into the Eye of Merit and was submerged in the spring of Merit Cultivation.

However, by this time, Lu Chen could feel that most of the karmic power in his body had already been used up.

Even though there was still a steady flow of contribution points coming out of the spring, it was not to the extent of quant.i.tative change.

As a result, before successfully condensing the Merit Bead, Lu Chen"s meritorious services could not be replenished.

Of course, it was impossible for him to have any ideas about that achievement bead.

According to his plan, Lu Chen planned to pay a visit to the Great Qinghe Bridge Piers in the next two days, and personally hand over this Merit Pearl to the Flood Dragon.

Due to the transformation of the Power of Merit, even though Lu Chen had not slept the entire night, he was not the least bit sleepy.

Instead, he looked full of energy and vitality.

After a simple wash up, Lu Chen prepared to leave.

He first went to ask Bai Jinyu to help him polish the jade talismans he made, or engrave some inscriptions.

After all, it was a gift, and he still needed some decorations that symbolized luck.

"Master, good morning!"

When Lu Chen opened the door, he saw Zhang Junwei running towards him with a fawning expression, greeting him with a face full of smiles.

"Why is it so early today …" What"s the matter? " Lu Chen asked doubtfully.

According to his thoughts, he actually wanted Zhang Junwei to come over every night.

He did not have the time to deal with his cheap disciple during the day.

"It"s nothing, it"s nothing! just to see if there"s anything I can do to help. " Zhang Junwei said as he rubbed his hands.

Lu Chen naturally knew what this fellow was thinking.

The young master of the Zhang family was already getting impatient after having him take horse stance for the past two days.

"That"s great, you drive me there, I want to go to Breaking Dawn Pavilion." Lu Chen saw that Zhang Junwei had nothing else to do, so he pulled him over.

"No problem, boss." Zhang Junwei said with an excited expression on his face.

It was as if to him, Lu Chen being able to use him was something he wished for.

"Yes!" I will give you this "No problem" sign, please hold it well. I don"t know if you have any talent, so try wearing it first. If possible, I"ll get you a good one in the future. "

As Lu Chen spoke, he fished in his pocket and tossed a cracked Innate Innate Spirit Convergence Array jade talisman to Zhang Junwei.

Zhang Junwei was a martial arts nerd, so he definitely had the patience and perseverance to do so.

Of course, as a young person, it was normal to be ambitious and ambitious.

However, in general, Zhang Junwei did not receive any real guidance from a master teacher. Most of the time, he was just fooled.

Therefore, after all the hard work he had gone through over the years, he was not even half as hardworking as some of the students who had graduated from a martial arts school.

Of course, Zhang Junwei wasn"t completely useless.

This guy had been training quite a bit, so his physical fitness wasn"t bad.

And what was even rarer was that this seemingly unreliable young master of a rich family was actually a virgin.

Having maintained his body as a boy, his Yang energy did not leak out, which meant that he had preserved a rare wave of innate energy.

Lu Chen wanted to see if, with the support of the Upper Sky Spiritual Concentration Formation, he could stimulate this wave of Spiritual Qi.

"Master, is this thing with Tian Baiyu for me? What a pity! "Why did a corner of it get damaged …"

Zhang Junwei received the jade talisman with suspicion, feeling an abnormal warmth.

However, as a descendant of a wealthy family, he still had some sense of discernment after hearing so much about them.

He quickly realized that the quality of the "No problem" token was pretty good. However, it had cracked in a corner. He could not help but feel some regret in his heart.