Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 146

Bai Wanli enviously looked at the "Mi Tian Bai Yu" token in Lu Chen"s hand and quickly waved his hands as he said:

"Mr Lu, you can"t do it, you can"t do it! This" Heavenly White Jade Medallion of Innocence "has an extraordinary value in itself, not to mention it"s a jade talisman to expel evil spirits! "

"This old one will not accept anything without merit! Yesterday, when your hand returned to its normal state, I owed you a great favor. How can you be so shameless as to take an inch from it? "

It was impossible to say that Bai Wanli was not tempted by this jade talisman.

On the contrary, as a true lover of jade, he actually liked the "meddlesome" sign Lu Chen had posted yesterday.

Especially since he was attracted to this piece of jade which was made out of mutton fat.

However, after witnessing the miraculous power of the jade talisman with her own eyes, Bai Wanli knew that its value was extraordinary.

Or to be more accurate, such a treasure could no longer be measured with money.

The more it was like this, the more embarra.s.sed he was to accept it.

Although part of the reason for Lu Chen making these jade talismans last night was for practice, he had already considered Bai Wanli"s situation while he was crafting them.

On the other hand, Qi Changgen was an exception. At that time, it was not part of Lu Chen"s plan.

Of course, one of the true reasons for rushing over here today was to hand over this jade talisman as soon as possible.

He also wanted to see if the jade talismans he refined had any obvious effects.

In his heart, a crazy idea had already sprouted.

If these jade talismans could really cure the evil spirits and strengthen his body, he wouldn"t mind spreading them widely.

This was much simpler and more practical than treating patients one by one.

After all, no matter how powerful he, Lu Chen, was, he only had two hands.

There were thousands and thousands of patients in this world, how many could he save?

Moreover, if he wanted to realize that tiny wish of his, he would have to acc.u.mulate a lot of karmic virtue.

"Old Senior Bai, you must not decline. Consider this junior using it to exchange for the Cyan Sea Jade in your hands." Speaking of which, this junior even has a huge advantage! "

Lu Chen smiled as he placed the jade talisman into Bai Wanli"s palm.

"This …"

Bai Wanli didn"t know what to say.

Yesterday, he had already made up his mind. As long as Lu Chen could use it, he would be able to give those pieces of Cyan Sea Jade to him for free or at an extremely low price.

Bai Wanli looked gratefully at Lu Chen: "Mister Lu, I"ll take you to take a look at those cut pieces of Cyan Sea Jade."

"If anyone has caught your eye, please select this old man and have him craft it. I will send someone to deliver it to you another day."

"If this is not enough, you can just inform me at any time. Currently, the price of the Cyan Sea Jade is extremely low.

Hearing Bai Wanli"s words, Lu Chen"s heart couldn"t help but move.

This Old mister Bai was truly worthy of being a famous jade maker. He seemed to be rather knowledgeable.

Judging from his tone, he seemed to know that Qinghai Jade was a very good choice for making jade talismans.

Everyone had their own secrets, so Lu Chen had no intention of delving deeper.

In fact, ever since Lu Chen knew that Bai Wanli had been taken advantage of by a group of horses, he had felt that the Bai Family wasn"t that simple.

Otherwise, Du Wenfeng himself wasn"t an ordinary person, and it didn"t seem like he would need to do anything to Bai Wanli.

Since he had gone through so much trouble, he must have had some ulterior motives.

He just didn"t know what kind of secrets the Bai Clan was hiding …

Bai Wanli obviously valued Lu Chen very much, preparing a batch of Cyan Sea Jade Material overnight.

Not only that, Lu Chen discovered that Bai Wanli had thought it through very carefully. Every single piece of green sea jade would be used to make a safety b.u.t.ton and an unimportant plate.

Lu Chen was very satisfied with the result.

As expected of the famous Jade Carving Family of China, they have deep roots.

The things that Bai Wanli took out were all top quality jade materials that were one in a thousand. The spiritual energy contained on them even exceeded the piece of White Jade He Tian that Lu Chen had opened yesterday.

The most important thing was, due to the time problem, he had already carved out 20 samples of the "Safe" and "Innocent Boards" overnight. No more no less, no less.

Lu Chen did not refuse and directly collected the so-called samples. He then asked for Bai Wanli to help him carve out the rest of the ingredients for him to use.

As for the price, Lu Chen wisely chose not to mention it.

Lu Chen knew very well in his heart that Bai Wanli would never take money no matter what. There was no need to ruin the scenery and ruin the old man"s mood.

Seeing that it was almost time for lunch, Bai Jinyu apologized and left for Zhang Luo"s lunch.

After lunch, Lu Chen finished all the wine in his cup in one gulp, then apologetically cupped his fists towards Bai Wanli and Qi Changgen:

"Seniors, this junior still has some matters to take care of in the afternoon. I"ll take my leave now. We"ll meet again next time."

According to Lu Chen"s plan, he had to take care of the Flood Dragon"s matter today.

If not, the little fox would not have said anything about the Merit Bead there. However, Lu Chen knew that it was very concerned about it.

If one day the little fox couldn"t hold back and directly ate it, he might not be able to get another one in a short period of time.

After Lu Chen was enthusiastically sent out of Fleeting Pavilion, he took out his phone and made a call to Zhang Junwei, asking him to drive over.

Lu Chen had only taken a few steps when he suddenly frowned.

The little fox"s voice also sounded.

"Master, you"re being watched!" It"s even an old acquaintance! "

Lu Chen"s lips curled up into a disdainful smile: "This guy really doesn"t remember. "Seems like the attack was too light the last time!"

Of course he could feel someone staring at him.

Moreover, the other party was silently approaching him from behind.

Suddenly, Lu Chen moved.

Just as the strong wind was about to hit him, he slightly leaned to the side and dodged his opponent"s attack with just a hair"s breadth of movement.

"Kid, you reacted quite quickly."

After failing, the man stopped.

He spoke a bit stiff Mandarin, his eyes staring straight at Lu Chen.

Hearing this strange accent, Lu Chen"s figure came to a stop. He turned his head and saw a familiar figure.

His hair was disheveled, his clothes were ragged, and he had a big gray beard.

In his right hand, he was leaning on a cross with a female idol on it. In his left hand, he was holding a buddhist pearl, and his mouth was constantly chanting incomprehensible scriptures.

"s.h.i.tou!" I didn"t frighten you last time, you actually dared to come looking for me. " Lu Chen said with a sneer.

"Kid, let"s see if your martial arts has improved!" I don"t know if you were lucky last time, or if there was the help of an expert this time, but I came prepared. "

Overseer push stone"s movements were neat and tidy. Suddenly, one of his legs stepped forward, crossing paths with the other, and a punch flew towards Lu Chen"s face.

This punch seemed simple and unadorned, but in reality, it contained countless variations and its power was shocking.

As long as the target moved, there would be countless numbers of backup plans.

When the opponent"s iron fist was about to hit Lu Chen"s face, Lu Chen could even feel the air sizzling from the punch.

That was the sound of his inner strength tearing through the air after stepping into the Transformation Boundary!