Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 149

Pushing the boulder still in a panicked state, he looked at Lu Chen as if he had seen a ghost.

The old Hong whom he invited to help was not a simple person. He was a home practicing disciple of the Golden Light Monastery, and his Golden Light Body Protection Spell could be said to be indestructible.

He activated it to the extreme, so much so that even the bullet would not be able to pierce through it.

How could he be so severely injured?

Having been controlled by the little fox, Lu Chen"s attack succeeded. Lu Chen"s brows twitched, and once again threw a punch, aiming at the chest of the person pushing the boulder forward.

Seeing that there was no way to dodge such a fast attack, Master Rock could only grit his teeth and forcefully use his inner strength to defend himself.


With a dull thud, High Scholar Rock"s frail body flew backward like a kite with its string cut, smashing straight towards Old Hong, who had come to help.

Old Hong was quick to react. Although he was injured quite badly by the backlash, he still clenched his teeth and attacked.

At the same time, he also used the Taichi Revolving Technique to reduce the force in an attempt to stabilize the person on the rock.

However, the two of them appeared to be in an extremely sorry state. Only after taking a few steps back did they stabilize themselves.

Zhang Junwei stared at the scene in a daze.

There were times when he thought he was seeing things.

However, when he was sure that the person pushing the boulder was not a match for Lu Chen, he suddenly understood a logic —

It was very important to follow her master!

The new master that he had just taken in was too amazing. Although he looked very young, he didn"t expect him to be so fierce.

Lu Chen didn"t stop after succeeding his first strike.


He stomped on the ground with his left foot, and his body turned into a blur as he dashed towards the two of them.

In the blink of an eye, his figure had arrived. He swept his leg towards the two with a sharp whistling sound.

"Mister Lu, show mercy!"

A trace of despair flashed in the eyes of Pushstone as he subconsciously shouted out.

Indeed, when Lu Chen"s leg was less than an inch away from his face, which was slightly twisted due to fear, Lu Chen abruptly stopped.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Lu Chen withdrew his leg and stared coldly at the person pushing the boulder forward.

At this moment, he returned to his normal voice.

The little fox had successfully retreated. It had timely left his body and once again sat on his shoulder.

Pushing Stone stood up straight, clasped his hands, and respectfully said, "If you break the technique with your strength, then this humble one is convinced!"

"However, there is a dao that takes responsibility for its own actions. I hope that you can let this dao friend of mine off!" It"s none of his business. "

With that, he straightened his body and looked ready to do whatever he wanted.

Although Lu Chen did not like people who push stones out of the way, he still knew that it would be useful to have his friends out at this time.

At least, as a former soldier, he valued this.

Lu Chen nodded, then quickly took a glance at the heavily injured Old Hong and coldly said: "Since that"s the case, then forget it, there won"t be a next time. You can go now! "

Old Hong also put his hands together and said respectfully: "I am Hong Zhi Sheng, thank you for your mercy Mr. Lu!"

Lu Chen nodded at him, then turned around and said to Master Pushstone:

"Don"t be used as a gun by others in the future, and don"t come look for trouble with me again. Otherwise, don"t blame me for being merciless! "

"Thank you!" The two of them cupped their fists towards Lu Chen, supported each other and turned around to leave.

After watching the two of them leave, Lu Chen turned around to look at Du Wenfeng and Ma Buqun, who were walking quickly towards him from the other side.

"Young Master Du, how is it? I didn"t scare you just now did I?" Lu Chen suddenly asked with a smile when the two of them got closer.

"I"m sorry, Mr Lu. I didn"t expect you to be so formidable that you could use your strength to break it! It"s amazing, it"s amazing! "

A praising smile hung on Du Wenfeng"s face as he avoided the topic that he had ordered others to probe, without the slightest hint of awkwardness.

On the side, Ma Buqun merely smiled and nodded towards Lu Chen in greeting.

Lu Chen could feel Ma Buqun"s kindness towards him, and also knew that this matter was likely to be led by Du Wenfeng.

He looked at Du Wenfeng with a burning gaze and said meaningfully: "Young Master Du, logically speaking, as an outsider, I shouldn"t say so much."

"Well said, the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole!" Young Master Du is quite pleased with himself, I think you must have had quite a few eyes on him. "

"Please don"t be like the man who pushed the boulder. You might accidentally become a mantis who charged into the fray."

Du Wenfeng"s face changed. He looked at Lu Chen with a burning gaze: "Mister Lu, what do you mean by this?"

However, the smile on Lu Chen"s face became even more radiant: "What I mean is, Mr. Du wasn"t the only one watching the scenery upstairs just now."

As he spoke, his gaze suddenly turned towards an inconspicuous six story building to his right.

Du Wenfeng followed his gaze and looked over. He was surprised to find that a shadow had immediately appeared in front of the leftmost window on the third floor.

He immediately realized something and a malevolent look flashed across his eyes.

Lu Chen smiled and pointed at a few spots:

"There"s more than one person who wants to be a oriole! There are eyes watching them over there, over there and over there! "

Du Wenfeng also quickly looked over and discovered something.

Lu Chen ignored the angry Du Wenfeng whose face was already warped and cupped his fists towards him:

"I"m sorry Young Master Du, I still have things to do, so goodbye!"

With these words, Lu Chen turned around and left.

He had already taken a few steps forward before the furious Du Wenfeng managed to react.

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment. I have something here that I believe you would be interested in. "

While he was speaking, Du Wenfeng had already caught up to Lu Chen.

He held a black box in his hand, which was only the size of a palm, and handed it to Lu Chen.

Before Lu Chen could say anything, the little fox"s somewhat anxious voice suddenly rang out:

"Lord, be careful!" This black box contains the Thousand Gu Heart Devouring Talisman that can captivate one"s mind! "

"Thousand Gu Heart Devouring Symbol …" Shock flashed through Lu Chen"s heart, it sounded rather frightening.

Besides, something that even the little fox was wary of was not that simple.

"Once touched, if it cannot be suppressed, the ten thousand Gu will devour the heart, the mind will be unfocused, and you will lose your mind. And then, it will be controlled by the caster and become a puppet. " The little fox immediately explained.

Hearing this, a cold glint flashed across Lu Chen"s eyes.

However, the little fox then continued, "This Myriad Gu Heart Devouring Symbol has not been fully deciphered. "Seems like this guy is trying to test your true strength."

"Of course, if you were to really fall for it, this ambitious young master of the Du Family wouldn"t mind controlling or even plundering your secret."

Lu Chen coldly asked: "This guy is really as hard to deal with as a poisonous snake, who knows when he"ll pounce out and bite you."

"Little fox, by the way, do you have any way to deal with this Ten Thousand Gu Heart Devouring Symbol?"

The little fox said with a smile, "As long as sire believes in little fox, I guarantee it will be done well. Since he wanted to test it out, he might as well give him a big surprise! I hope he can take it! "