Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 15

Lu Chen"s eyes darkened. He retreated a few steps, and at the same time, he pressed down with both hands, smashing them against his ankles.

Zhang Tong dodged, his right hand took the opportunity to strike out towards Lu Chen"s neck.

Lu Chen frowned. Borrowing the strength from his waist, he moved slightly to the side and pointed his finger at his elbow.

Zhang Tong didn"t back down in the slightest. He managed to dodge the incredible twist of his elbow by just a hair"s breadth.

Immediately, he turned around and kicked Lu Chen"s waist.

Lu Chen was astounded by the fact that his opponent"s moves were risky, and that he was using his body"s flexibility to deal a blow.

If it wasn"t for his sharp sixth sense which allowed him to discern the position based on the sound of the wind, he would have fallen for the other party"s blow.

At this level of strength, losing half of one"s combat prowess was considered light.

Lu Chen harrumphed coldly. He forcefully shifted his body to the side, and at the same time, lifted his knee to meet the kick.

Boom! *

The huge recoil forced both sides to take a step back.

After a few exchanges, Lu Chen had already figured out the other party"s background.

This person"s cultivation base should be around the same as his. They were both at the peak of the Dark Force, and half of his leg had already touched the door to the Strength Conversion stage.

It was fortunate that he had been fighting on the front lines all these years, coupled with the transformation of his karmic virtue. Otherwise, he wouldn"t have been able to last ten rounds against such an experienced, agile, and exaggerated opponent.

A cold light flashed across Lu Chen"s eyes. He exerted strength into his legs and followed behind Zhang Tong, both fists striking out towards Zhang Tong.

Zhang Tong was used to using skills and his speed was surprisingly fast, but if he were to face it head on, it would be inferior to Lu Chen"s Qi and blood energy that he had obtained from his experience in the rain of bullets.

In terms of physique, Lu Chen had just used the power of karmic virtue to comb through his body, and his strength was on par with his opponent"s.

Zhang Tong"s moves were strange and his killing moves were continuous. Therefore, Lu Chen did not hold back anymore.

His nickname in the army, Death, had not come for nothing.

What he learned was also a Killing technique, and he had truly seen blood before!

Seeing how Lu Chen"s fists were coming at her with such ferocity and killing intent, Zhang Tong"s face changed.

He instinctively took half a step back, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and took the attack head on.

Boom! *

He felt as if his blood was boiling over. He was forced to take a step back.


Lu Chen took the initiative and launched himself forward. One of his legs stepped on the right wall as he leapt high into the air.


His right elbow, which was wrapped in the momentum of his thunderous attack, viciously smashed towards the other party"s head.

After Zhang Tong was pushed back by a single punch, his aura became unstable.

Seeing Lu Chen coming at him with such force, he had no choice but to raise his arms again in an attempt to block this elbow strike.

However, the Murderers on the battlefield had always focused on killing with a single strike, while Lu Chen had used his full strength on this elbow.

The moment Zhang Tong came in contact with her, he knew things weren"t going well.

He felt a sweetness in his throat and was about to spit out a mouthful of fresh blood.

His left leg was not strong enough. His body shook heavily and he fell to one knee on the ground.

How could Lu Chen be willing to give him another chance to breathe!

He landed on one foot and pushed his left knee forward.

His three combos were even more tyrannical than Zhang Tong"s previous attacks. Each of his moves were fatal.

Zhang Tong had no way of recovering his zhen qi, so he could only dodge and rolled on the ground, avoiding the vital points on his face. Unfortunately, his right shoulder was still hit by Lu Chen"s knee.

Boom! *

Zhang Tong was sent flying backwards and slammed into the wall!

Lu Chen followed behind him and stepped onto his chest.

This kick didn"t have much force behind it. He only wanted to restrain the other party and not take his life.

The moment Zhang Tong"s foot landed, his body flew up like a whirlwind and he sent out a series of kicks.

Lu Chen cried out in surprise and retracted his leg. The tip of the other person"s foot still brushed against his right leg, causing him to feel a numbing sensation.

Lu Chen stood still. Zhang Tong stood up in a flash and grabbed his right shoulder.

Even though Lu Chen"s previous attack didn"t injure his bones, it had caused his shoulder to dislocate, and cold sweat to trickle down his back.

Lu Chen stared at Zhang Tong. At first, this guy had some traces of Southern Fist Art, but at the last moment, he was a true member of the Northern Faction.

Most importantly, there was also the shadow of a yoga technique between the two of them!

It seemed that not only did he excel in both families, but he also integrated the essence of yoga. It wouldn"t be an exaggeration to call him a genius.

"Go back and find your master! You are not my match. " Saying that, Lu Chen ignored the grimace on Zhang Tong"s face and walked towards the two girls.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Hu Lingling, who had a dazed look in her eyes, "Sister, what are you waiting for? Go eat dinner!"

Hu Lingling nodded her head and followed behind Lu Chen in silence.

At this time, He Qian was looking at Lu Chen with an even more peculiar expression. She waited until he walked a few steps before putting away the phone in her hand and chasing after him.

"Young Master Wei, what should we do now?" The green hair, who was filled with antic.i.p.ation, saw his senior apprentice brother suffer a loss. His facial expression changed drastically as he pulled on Zhang Junwei"s hand, who was still in a daze.

The red-hair immediately said, "What else can we do? We must help Big Brother back and ask for your help, Master!"

"Your sister?" After two minutes, Hu Lingling finally came back to her senses and couldn"t help but ask He Qian, "Who is it?" Is that you, senior sister? "

"It should be you." He Qian quickly glanced at Lu Chen and said uncertainly.

He Qian was a person with a pure heart. From their previous conversation, as a bystander, she had already guessed a few things about Hu Xiu.

However, since Lu Chen wanted to hide it, he must have his reasons. Naturally, she wouldn"t speak of it so carelessly.

Hu Lingling stood still as she looked at Lu Chen in doubt, waiting for his final answer.

"Let"s get in the car and talk."

Lu Chen said softly as he opened the car door, gesturing for Hu Lingling to get in.

Hu Lingling hesitated for a moment before she got into the car and sat in the backseat.

Lu Chen closed the door for her, then got into the front pa.s.senger seat.

He turned around and said to Hu Lingling, "I owe your brother my life. He saved me." Before coming here this time, I promised him that I would protect his family well. So, from now on, you are my sister and your father is my father! No one is allowed to bully you. "

Hu Lingling was stunned for a full five seconds. Then, she gently nodded and answered with an "Oh." Then, she went silent.

The car fell into silence, so much so that even though He Qian wanted to ask Lu Chen about Lu Chen"s thoughts on martial arts, she could only temporarily put it down.

In the Zhou Mansion, Lu Chen and the other two had a table filled with exquisite delicacies in front of them.

Unfortunately, other than He Qian, who occasionally tried the chopsticks, Lu Chen and Hu Lingling were not in the mood to use their chopsticks.

Lu Chen took out a notebook and a bank card and pushed them in front of Hu Lingling.

"This is your brother"s diary, this card is your brother"s reward after making a meritorious contribution!"

Hu Lingling directly opened her notebook. The contents of her diary were not many, and she would only write it down once every few weeks.

Hu Lingling smiled and felt sad. After a while, she finished flipping through the diary and finally locked onto the page in early July.

July 1st, dark.

Brother Lu and I were injured, but we had a good harvest. Finally, we got a hold of the drug lord Quintet.

Tomorrow"s raid on the warehouse is very dangerous, I hope everything is safe!

… ….

Hu Lingling looked at the blank page at the back with a frown. She asked with some doubt, "There"s none at the end, right?"