Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 152

Seeing that more than a dozen people had gathered in front of him in the blink of an eye, Lu Chen could not help but bitterly smile as he watched all of them glaring at him like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey.

The originally aggressive Zhang Junwei suddenly panicked when he saw the scene in front of him.

Because these workers often did physical work at the construction site, they had long developed a body of shiny black tendons and muscles.

It was summer again.

All of them were wearing vests with bulky arms. They looked quite frightening.

Furthermore, they had all sorts of tools in their hands, and they were extremely intimidating.

He even beat the old master to death with his random punches.

Zhang Junwei knew that even if he fought one on one, he might not be a match for the other party, not to mention so many people.

Despite the panic in his heart, thinking of his Master Lu Chen"s methods, Zhang Junwei mustered his courage and did not retreat.

He even pointed at the opportunity to show off in front of Lu Chen.

In his opinion, Lu Chen shouldn"t let him suffer a loss, right?

With this thought in mind, he even took half a step forward and stood in front of Lu Chen as the workers surrounded him.

"Alright, alright, don"t be nervous! I"ll talk to them. "

Glancing at Zhang Junwei, who seemed calm on the surface but was actually trembling, Lu Chen reached out to pat his arm and comforted him in a low voice.

Then, he walked past Zhang Junwei and said to the man known as Supervisor Wu,

"Supervisor Wu, right? Just quickly call your Director He and tell him that a teacher surnamed Lu is here to take care of things in the river. "

Director He?

That person"s heart thumped.

However, he quickly regained his senses and asked in a deep voice, "Who do you think you are? Why don"t you have our Director He"s number? "

He did remember that Director He had secretly instructed that some Daoist priest or something would come here and have him pay attention.

If the other party has any requests, do your best to cooperate and do not obstruct them.

As someone whom Director He trusted, he vaguely knew that something had gone wrong here recently, leading to the suspension of work.

However, the two young men in front of him were only in their early twenties. It was difficult to link the two together.

He took it for granted that this person, who called himself Lu laoshi, knew that the person in charge of this branch of Director He"s, was just putting on a show.

After all, there were many people who knew General He on such a large landscape road.

However, at this moment, Director Wu"s phone rang.

Seeing that it was Director He, he quickly turned around and picked up the call.

"Director He, what orders do you have …"

The voice of Director He on the phone rang: "Wu Dapeng, what"s the situation over there? Someone saw that there seems to be some movement from your side, and a large group of people surrounded you. "

"Are there any families of former workers causing trouble? "Don"t do anything rash. Talk to him properly, I"ll deal with him immediately!"

Wu Dapeng quickly said, "No, no! It"s just that two young people in their twenties are here to cause trouble. "

He didn"t know which of Director He"s eyes was staring at him, so he obviously didn"t dare to hide anything.

"A little over 20 years old?!" Could it be … Fast! Ask him what his name is. " Director He said anxiously.

When Wu Dapeng heard that, he immediately realized something and quickly said, "One of them said his name is Teacher Lu, and he even knows you."

"What!?" Is he really Lu laoshi?! " Director He"s voice became even more agitated, "Hurry up and greet them, please don"t forget to." "I"ll be there right away, I"ll be there right away …"

Before Wu Dapeng could say anything else, Director He had already hung up.

At this moment, he was stupefied. He knew that he had probably kicked an iron plate this time.

Then, Wu Dapeng turned around with a warm smile on his face: "Lu … Lu laoshi, I"m sorry, I"m really sorry. It was like pouring water into the Dragon King"s Temple. We didn"t know each other at all! "

Zhang Junwei was stunned as he saw Wu Dapeng, who had been looking like a ferocious devil just a moment ago, suddenly change his expression upon receiving the call.

But soon after, he couldn"t help but exclaim in his heart.

His Master was indeed his Master, she could easily scare him with her name.

Towards such a small character, Lu Chen did not take them seriously at all.

He smiled softly and didn"t say anything else. Instead, he took a few steps forward.

"What are you all standing around for, hurry up and do it!" "It"s gone, it"s gone!"

Wu Dapeng saw that the workers behind him didn"t seem to react, he turned around and shouted, but there was no trace of awkwardness.

Everything seemed so natural and natural.

Zhang Junwei couldn"t help praising him on the side.

It was no wonder why this guy could be the supervisor even though he didn"t have eyes for the price. This chameleon"s ability alone was something ordinary people couldn"t learn.

The workers nodded their heads in confusion and then left.

Although Wu Dapeng did not know where Lu Chen came from, he was definitely not a simple person for Director He to have such an att.i.tude.

He didn"t leave and just stood nearby with a smile as if he was waiting for orders.

Lu Chen"s eyes were fixated on the river, and his gaze fell on the piers of the bridge in the center.

At this time, the water in the river which had been sparkling a moment ago seemed to have sped up significantly.

The area around the pier, in particular, was slowly forming into a huge whirlpool.

Of course, those who were unaware of the situation couldn"t tell what was going on at first glance.

However, Lu Chen knew that as soon as he approached, the flood dragon hiding below him had already discovered him.

"Little fox, just call that guy out!" Lu Chen said to the little fox on his shoulder.

"It"s just a mediocre water dragon. Since it knew we were here, it"s fine that it didn"t come out to greet us. It actually dares to put on airs!" Little Fox will go and bring it out right now. "

The little fox grumbled in annoyance before turning into a white flash and entering the river.

In less than five seconds, the already swift river surface suddenly began to boil.

The whirlpool in the middle grew larger and larger, and the heat waves that were rolling in the surroundings were instantly dispersed by the invisible water vapor.

Zhang Junwei and Lu Chen stood side by side, and at this moment, they couldn"t help but stare at the changing river surface with wide eyes.

Because he had heard from Lu Chen that there was a flood dragon here, he had mentally prepared himself.

As a result, he could clearly see the changes on the surface of the water.

At this moment, Zhang Junwei no longer doubted the existence of a huge monster that could appear at any time under the pitch-black surface of the water.

At this moment, Zhang Junwei was both nervous and excited. His heart was pounding so hard that even his breathing had quickened.

As waves rolled and crashed against the bridge pier, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the middle of the whirlpool.

Zhang Junwei was stunned.

He did indeed see a flood dragon with a bull"s horn on its head, but it was wrapped in a ma.s.s of black fog and couldn"t be seen clearly.

Moreover, its body was also translucent.