Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 153

Zhang Junwei couldn"t help rubbing his eyes to see more clearly.

Unfortunately, it was completely useless.

He could only see the translucent dragon head as well as a lump of black fog.

Lu Chen turned his head over and reminded with a smile: "What you saw was only the Flood Dragon"s soul body. The only reason you can see it is because of the nameplate on your chest. No one else can see it. "

Zhang Junwei"s eyes turned cold as he lightly nodded his head, not daring to ask any more questions.

However, he still couldn"t help but quickly glance at the nearby Wu Dapeng.

As expected, that guy had a blank look on his face. Obviously, he didn"t see anything.

Although Zhang Junwei did not see the flood dragon"s real body, the sight of it had completely erased the last bit of doubt in Zhang Junwei"s heart.

"Mr Lu is indeed a man of his word! I thought I"d have to wait a while at least. "

The Flood Dragon"s dragon soul was floating not far from Lu Chen, and its voice came from the void.

"The Merit Bead that I owed you previously is now in your hands." With a thought, a scarlet Merit Pearl appeared in Lu Chen"s palm.

The karmic power continued to surge, like a blazing flame.

With a flick of his finger, he transformed into a red stream of light and fell into the whirlpool.

Upon seeing the incoming scarlet streak of light, Dragon Soul"s eyes lit up.

Of course, it could feel the pure and surging karmic power contained within it. This was exactly what it was hoping for.


At this moment, it couldn"t care less and jumped into the whirlpool.

The instant the Merit Pearl fell into the water, the whirlpool surged.

Even the confused Wu Dapeng was stupefied by what he saw.

However, his first thought was that there might be some big fish hidden there …

After only a few seconds, a white light suddenly surged in the whirlpool.

Boom — —

The air trembled violently, and a surge of power spread out.

The most shocking thing was that when the dragon soul appeared again, the ox-like horns on its head had already started to split apart, forming the shape of a deer horn.

Now, it only lacked an opportunity to leave this place, leap over the dragon gate, and become a dragon that truly soared through the nine heavens, calling the wind and summoning the rain!

Originally, because of the appearance of the water dragon, the surrounding heat waves had been greatly reduced.

But now, the surrounding air suddenly became cold.

Zhang Junwei was not too bad as he was wearing an Innate Spirit Convergence Talisman.

Not only did these jade talismans have the ability to gather spiritual energy, they also had a certain degree of resistance to this yin attribute power.

Secondly, he was once again standing beside Lu Chen.

With the power of karmic virtue, this cold energy was unable to approach him, so he didn"t feel much from it.

However, the Wu Dapeng standing not too far away was completely different.

He felt his hair stand on end, as if he had been thrown into an icehouse.

The sensation he brought to his body was secondary, it was mainly due to the psychological stimulation that made him unable to breathe.

When he thought of the legend about this construction site, his heart started pounding rapidly.

Wu Dapeng suddenly realized that the whirlpool under the pier was not some big fish, but something else!

Lu Chen looked at the solidified dragon soul from before, and couldn"t help but sigh in his heart.

No wonder the water dragon was so concerned about the Merit Bead. It could actually be of such use to it.

It was only a red Merit Pearl of the lowest level, yet it could actually break through its bottleneck and officially possess the body of a dragon.

Although it was only in its initial form, this step was undoubtedly a qualitative leap for it.

He believed that he would be able to ascend into the heavens in the future. Becoming a True Dragon was only a matter of time.

The whole process only lasted for a minute before the cold and gloomy aura in the surroundings receded and the previously cool and comfortable feeling returned.

Wu Dapeng felt the pressure suddenly lessen. His body swayed, and he directly collapsed on the ground.

He actually wanted to quickly hide far away, but after a slight struggle, he suddenly realized that it was as if all the strength in his body had been sucked out of him, causing him to be unable to move at all.

"Mr Lu, since you have fulfilled your promise, Xiaolong will naturally fulfill mine. In the future, if there"s anywhere that we can use the dragon, shout three times at this scale and Ao Lie will appear. "

The self-proclaimed Ao Lie extended his dragon claw. A dragon scale transformed into a green stream of light, steadily landing in Lu Chen"s hand.

"Roar ~ ~ ~"

With a resounding draconic roar, the whirlpool under the bridge suddenly disappeared, and everything returned to its original state.

However, Lu Chen could clearly feel that the river water was calm on the surface, but in reality, the surrounding environment was undergoing a tremendous change.

At this moment, starting from the pier of the bridge, endless spiritual energy was released.

The plants by the side of the road were nourished by this spiritual energy. The leaves that had originally drooped down due to the sun suddenly seemed to have been reborn, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with vitality and flourishing with vigor.

"Eh? The undead and ghosts in the Great Qing River had all been converted. It seems like this little loach is quite lucky! " The little fox"s surprised voice sounded.

"What"s going on?" Lu Chen asked doubtfully.

The little fox immediately explained, "This guy is pretty smart! "Since you know how to take advantage of the situation, let the rain or shine on you."

"Lord, although the Merit Pearl you gave him earlier is still scarlet red, it is a Merit Pearl that is infinitely close to orange."

"The power contained in it is not small, and is almost equal to the power contained in the previous two Merit Pearls. "That"s why this guy can"t use up all of his energy."

"It is quite generous. It might as well use the rest of its power along with the power of the dragon vein here. It can also be considered to have fulfilled the promise I made to you before."

"However, doing so would change the fates of one side, and it would also be a great achievement. As expected of you, if you cross the Dragon Gate, then you will be in this day and age! "

"Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~"

As expected, as soon as the little fox"s voice fell, the clear sky suddenly rumbled with thunder.

The next moment, dark clouds started to surge in the sky where the sun was high.

Kcha! *

Another bolt of lightning resounded through the world, and the sky immediately began raining cats and dogs.

Could it really be such a coincidence?

Lu Chen couldn"t help but stare with widened eyes.

"This little loach"s luck is really good!" With you here, with the protection of its source energy, it will definitely be able to successfully overcome the tribulation! "

The little fox enviously said before entering the Eye of Merit.

Lu Chen naturally knew why this fellow didn"t dare to stay on his shoulders.

This was because he himself was only a projection of the soul of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, so he didn"t dare to be under the thunder tribulation.

Otherwise, he would accidentally be caught in the crossfire and regret his actions.

When Flood Dragons ascended, they had to experience a total of nine types of tribulation lightning.

Although Lu Chen could hear Flood Dragon Ao Lie"s painful howls, he could clearly feel that with every lightning bolt descending, the strength in his body would increase by a bit.

After the ninth tribulation, the green scales on its body began to fade as it began to emit a golden light.