Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 159

Lu Chen quickly took a glance and lightly nodded at He Qian: "We can start the operation now!"

Hearing this, He Qian immediately called the nurse to take action, and quickly sent Old Man Yang into the operation room.

Lu Chen had already carefully looked at the scar on Old Man Yang"s back the first time.

This time, with the little fox"s help, he already had a comprehensive understanding of Old Man Yang"s injuries.

Old Man Yang was sent to the operation table in a completely awake state.

When He Qian asked if there was a need for local anesthesia, Lu Chen shook his head at her.

Reaching out with his hand, his finger tapped lightly on the scar of the bullet shard. A thread of Lu Chen"s true qi followed the flow of his skin into the lesion, quickly wrapping it up.

Although Old Man Yang felt itchy and painful right now, he was still very clear-headed.

As soon as Lu Chen"s true qi entered his body, he could clearly feel it.

Following that, the itch and pain he felt became numbing, causing him to groan in relief.

Of course, his heart was filled with admiration.

Old Man Yang had originally tried all sorts of methods to treat his illness, but to no avail. He had actually long given up all hope.

Especially at his age, he felt that no matter how long he lived, it didn"t matter whether he was treated or not.

As long as it didn"t hurt too much, he would be thankful.

But now, he suddenly felt a strong sense of confidence.

Old Master Yang was completely convinced that with Lu Chen"s G.o.dly methods, there was actually a possibility that his illness could be cured.

Of course, what he did not know was that Lu Chen had used his true qi to paralyze the affected area, causing him to lose his sense of pain.

This method was actually the same as acupuncture anesthesia.

However, relatively speaking, using zhenqi for anesthesia was simpler and more secure.

"Get the shrapnel!"

Lu Chen instructed softly. All the medical staff in the operation room looked at each other in dismay.

Just like that, it began?

Basic anesthesia, infusion, and the like didn"t need to be done?

At this moment, Old Man Yang, who was on the operating table, suddenly said, "What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and attack!" You have to believe in Doctor Lu! "

Only then did He Qian react and looked at Lu Chen hesitantly.

However, looking at his a.s.sured expression and recalling Lu Chen"s amazing medical skills, He Qian lightly nodded her head.

Then, she picked up a shiny Lancet from the tray.

Without any hesitation, He Qian directly slashed at the right side of the scar.

Everything went very well.

Only five minutes later, with a clatter, a spindle-shaped piece of shrapnel was placed on the tray.

That"s it?

Everyone was staring at the data on the apparatus, and noticed that during the entire process, Old Man Yang"s various indicators were exceptionally stable.

"Hurry up and st.i.tch it!" Lu Chen couldn"t help but remind him.

He Qian quickly nodded her head and started to sew the wound. Her movements were exceptionally skilled.

It was at this moment that Lu Chen actually said to the still conscious Old Man Yang:

"Old Master Yang, since the shrapnel has been successfully taken out, there"s no need to take any more medicine. All that is needed now is some diet to heal the wound, it will quickly heal."

"I"ll give the prescription to Director Yang later, and let him handle it accordingly."

Old Man Yang turned to look at Lu Chen and couldn"t help but give him a thumbs up:

"A genius doctor is a genius doctor, not prescribing medicine can cure illnesses! Actually, even this old man knows that it"s three parts poison, so it"s better to take nourishment than to eat it! "

"To tell you the truth, this old man hates to drink medicine the most. Especially the Chinese medicine, it"s really taking my life. "

"Eating is good, eating is good! Better have a little more meat or something. All these years that I have been tormented by this illness and under the advice of those quack doctors, I have to beg my father to tell my grandmother for meat even if I have to eat it.

"Oh right, Mr. Lu, can you drink? It"s been a long time since I"ve had a drink. The Liquor worm in my stomach is making a revolution. "

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Drinking an appropriate amount of alcohol can help blood circulation. Of course it"s fine. But the best bar is the Medicinal Bar! "

"Medicinal wine..." Old Man Yang frowned slightly.

Lu Chen immediately explained, "The taste isn"t too bad, it can also be mixed with medlar and dates, I think Old Master Yang will like it." I"ll tell Director Yang about it together. "

When Old Man Yang heard this, he instantly beamed with joy.

But very soon, he suddenly became stern again, "Mr. Lu, don"t call him Director Yang. "His daughter is 18 years old this year, a bit younger than you. Why don"t you just call him Uncle Yang."

Lu Chen felt a little awkward.

Because he had called Yang Yi Brother Yang before, and Yang Yi also called him Brother Lu.

Now that he was lacking another generation, Lu Chen felt that he was at a disadvantage.

However, Lu Chen didn"t think too much about it. Soon enough, he was attracted by something else.

He felt his chest slightly tremble, and a large amount of karmic power gushed out from the spring.

Lu Chen felt a little puzzled.

He had treated quite a few patients before, but he had never had so much merit power gushing out.

He couldn"t help but size this old man up carefully again.

However, there didn"t seem to be anything special about him.

At this moment, the little fox"s voice suddenly sounded, "Sir, I"m guessing that Old Man Yang"s family has made some big wish!"

"Now that you"ve cured him, the other party is probably going to repay you. Many people will definitely be indebted to you, so consider it as you having acc.u.mulated a large amount of merits. "

Lu Chen suddenly came to a realization. So this was actually the case.

"Then, little fox, what if we go do good deeds ourselves?" Lu Chen couldn"t help but ask.

"Of course you can! But with that bit of money in your pocket, I"m afraid it"ll be a little difficult! " The little fox said with a smile.

Lu Chen only smiled, but didn"t say anything.

If he could use money to buy merits, he wouldn"t have too big of a problem.

After the operation was successful, Lu Chen left first.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Yang Yi was the first to welcome him.

"Lu laoshi, how is it?" Yang Yi grabbed Lu Chen"s arm and asked in antic.i.p.ation.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "The operation was very successful. In a while, I"ll write a prescription for medicinal food and a recipe for wine. Just follow the prescription and you can take the medicine."

Yang Yi immediately said gratefully, "Teacher Lu, there"s no need to thank me for this kindness. In the future, if there"s..."

Lu Chen waved his hand, interrupting Yang Yi"s next words, "Director Yang, I"m a little curious as to which family has made a great wish. Do you intend to make a wish after Old Master Yang"s successful surgery?"

Yang Yi looked at Lu Chen in confusion, then turned his head to look at his mother and wife.

At this moment, Old Mistress Yang spoke up with a smile.

"Mister Lu, it was an old woman and my daughter-in-law"s wish."

"If this old man is successful in his operation, we are prepared to increase the annual amount of grants from the Jiang Prefecture Medical Academy to ten million."

"And since I know that Teacher Lu is a teacher in the Jiang Prefecture Medical School, half of this sum of money will be used for your teaching needs."