Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 161

"Then, what time is Mr. Lu convenient for tomorrow night?"

Yang Yi subconsciously rubbed his hands and looked at Lu Chen in embarra.s.sment.

Lu Chen was even more convinced that Yang Yi definitely had something that he wanted him to help with.

He smiled and said, "Tomorrow evening is also an elective cla.s.s. After cla.s.s ended at 6, where is Director Yang? Just send me a message. "

"If it was in the city, I would arrive in half an hour without any accidents. I definitely wouldn"t break my promise."

Yang Yi quickly nodded, "Then it"s a deal!"

Following that, Yang Yi took out an envelope and stuffed it into Lu Chen"s hands.

"Lu laoshi, please accept this favor!" Yang Yi sincerely said.

Lu Chen pushed back the envelope in Yang Yi"s hand, blinked his eyes and said:

"Director Yang, I will definitely take the money I need. One yard for one, though. This is the tail from last time. "

"Didn"t Chief Yang already pay before? So please take it back. "

Yang Yi obviously knew what Lu Chen meant, so he didn"t insist. He put the envelope back into his pocket.

"Mr. Lu, if there is anything we can do for you in the future, please speak your mind. Our Yang family will not hesitate to help!"

Lu Chen half-jokingly said: "Director Yang, I"ve been waiting for you to say this for a long time. "In the future, I will be begging for food here in Jiang Prefecture. There will be a lot of trouble for you."

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, Yang Yi couldn"t help but laugh loudly.

He wished that he could interact more with Lu Chen in the future.

For a person like Lu Chen, regardless of his background, just based on his exceptional medical skills, he would surely be able to soar into the skies.

Although the Hundred Rich Group managed by Yang Yi was at its peak, its development to this day had already reached a bottleneck.

If he wanted to improve by leaps and bounds, he would need considerable a.s.sistance or an appropriate opportunity.

Now, Lu Chen"s appearance had allowed him to see a ray of hope, but of course he wouldn"t miss it.

For the past one or two years, as the leader of the Hundred Rich Group, Yang Yi had been trying hard to think of a way to break through.

Unfortunately, after trying so hard, he still couldn"t figure it out.

After tossing and turning for a long time, he still couldn"t get any results.

Yang Yi obviously knew that this wasn"t a matter of ability or financial resources, but rather a matter of connections.

After all, the Hundred Rich Group was only a local consortium, and in front of those big crocodiles, it was nothing.

If Yang Yi wanted to enter that top tier circle, he needed a stepping stone.

Without a doubt, he had seen this possibility from Lu Chen.

Therefore, he did everything he could to obtain Lu Chen"s help.

However, this sort of thing could not be done too obviously. It had to be done naturally.

Therefore, Yang Yi"s so-called dinner wasn"t as simple as just thanking Lu Chen.

Actually, he wanted to introduce Lu Chen to someone with a special ident.i.ty.

If Lu Chen was willing to help cure that person"s illness, then with his own methods, everything would come to fruition.

That was the reason why Yang Yi paid so much attention to this meal, and especially wanted to discuss about some matters.

After greeting Old Man Yang and the rest of the Yang Family, Lu Chen turned around and left, not even giving those doctors and professors a chance to react.

However, just as Lu Chen walked out of the hospital, He Qian suddenly caught up to him: "Lu … Lu Chen, let"s have a cup of coffee together! Are you free? "

As she said that, He Qian subconsciously stroked her hair.

This was the first time she had taken the initiative to ask a boy for coffee.

In the Jiang Prefecture"s People"s Hospital, or perhaps in the entire Jiang Prefecture, there were many boys she knew.

In other words, there were many boys pursuing her.

However, most of them were aiming for her beauty.

On the surface, these men seemed very outstanding.

But in fact, in her eyes, it seemed so superficial and childish.

She usually didn"t waste time with these people, she even pretended to be cold on purpose.

In other words, Lu Chen had only been able to see He Qian"s gentle side to him for a short period of time.

After this period of interaction, Lu Chen"s ability and warmth had left a deep impression on He Qian.

It was as if some difficult problem had come into his hands, and he would always be able to solve it.

Most importantly, Lu Chen had given her a huge help today.

In terms of emotions, she had to express herself.

"You have a rest today, right? I"m sorry I called you over. " Lu Chen said with a smile.

He Qian quickly shook her head, "The one who should be thanking is me! Speaking of which, I have to thank you for giving me this opportunity. "

"Otherwise, I don"t know when an intern like me will actually have the chance to perform surgery."

Lu Chen smiled indifferently, "We still have some time, let"s go to the coffee shop and have a drink." But I don"t like coffee very much. Just a gla.s.s of orange juice. "

Seeing that Lu Chen did not refuse, He Qian excitedly said: "Alright then, take my car!"

"Alright, then let"s go!" Lu Chen replied.


Zhang Junwei was wandering around near the entrance of the hospital. When he saw Lu Chen coming out, he jogged over.

When Zhang Junwei saw He Qian, who was standing beside Lu Chen, he stopped and awkwardly greeted He Qian, "h.e.l.lo senior sister."

This time, he could finally learn to be smart and not call her his mistress.

"Go back by yourself, I still have things to do." Lu Chen waved at Zhang Junwei.

Even if he did not resolve the situation, he would not bring Zhang Junwei along with him.

"Yes, master. Have fun." Zhang Junwei chuckled and gave Lu Chen a meaningful look.

Lu Chen glared at him in annoyance.

Zhang Junwei was startled. He quickly put away his smile and ran away with his tail between his legs.

"Senior Apprentice Brother Xiao, is that Lu Chen? Was it really that powerful? "Break through it with force!"

Opposite the hospital, in a red Porsche 918, a young lady who was sitting in the front pa.s.senger seat leaned her head against the window and lazily asked as she glanced at Lu Chen from the corner of her eyes.

"Yes, Junior Sister Xin"er."

The handsome young man sitting in the driver"s seat nodded.

His gaze was also fixed at Lu Chen, who was not far away.

Yesterday in the vicinity of Fleeting Flood Pavilion, Lu Chen had fought two alone. The number of people who witnessed that scene was not small.

The pony was one of them.

"Little Ma, you"re my cousin, so you should call me Xin Er in this kind of situation!"

When Murong Xin"er said this, her gaze never left Lu Chen"s figure.

It was clear that she was filled with curiosity toward Lu Chen.

No wonder.

Usually, the other members of the Murong Family would perform the job of enticing a talented person like him.

This time, her grandfather specifically let her come here, and even specially sent her her cousin, Xiao Ma, as an a.s.sistant.

Not only that, but when they left, the old man had also specially instructed them to rope this man into the Mu Rong family for their use, even if it was to tempt them with their beauties.

In his own words —

The Murong Family really wished to have such an outstanding grandson-in-law.