Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 164

"I do have something on my mind!" Murong Xin"er revealed a sweet smile and looked at Lu Chen lovingly, "I just want to have a drink with you so that we can get to know each other! I wonder if that counts? "

As Murong Xin`er spoke, she picked up a gla.s.s of orange juice that was a third of the way down in front of Lu Chen, took a sip, and put it down.

It was as natural as drinking your own orange juice.

The most ridiculous thing was that in the end, she even licked her alluring lips.

"Cough, cough!"

Lu Chen wasn"t anything special, but when He Qian saw this scene, she choked on her coffee.

That lick of his lips just now had fused the Angel and the Devil together.

This girl was too direct.

So that"s what it means to have a drink together?

He Qian couldn"t help but turn her gaze towards Lu Chen.

She wanted to see how Lu Chen would deal with this …

"h.e.l.lo, Miss. Your freshly squeezed orange juice is very pure without sugar or ice."

At this time, the waiter brought Murong Xin"er"s freshly squeezed orange juice over.

Perhaps out of grat.i.tude, the waiter deliberately urged her on, so her orange juice came faster than before.

"Okay, thank you." Murong Xin`er took her drink and looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "Big Brother Lu, which cup do you want?"


After Lu Chen replied, he realized that something was wrong.

Then, he revealed a helpless smile and shook his head.

"Forget it!" Drink the one you ordered. Or maybe you could order another! "

As Lu Chen spoke, he directly took the fresh orange juice from Murong Xin"er"s hands.

At the same time, he quickly gave He Qian a look.

He Qian immediately understood and quickly opened her phone to order a gla.s.s of orange juice.

Lu Chen calmly drank a mouthful of the newly arrived orange juice, looked at Murong Xin"er, and slowly said:

"Miss Murong, since we"ve already played the game, let"s not waste any more time and directly talk to me about the reason why I"m here."

Although Lu Chen didn"t have any special expression on his face, Murong Xin"er could feel that he was very serious.

Thus, Murong Xin"er retracted the smile on her face and met Lu Chen"s gaze.

She said word by word, "I"m here to pick you up."

Murong Xin"er spoke very seriously, without a hint of joking.

Astonishment flashed in Lu Chen"s eyes, then he silently looked at her for a few seconds, as if he was trying to determine if she was joking or not.

As a spectator, He Qian was also dumbfounded.

This was not a movie, how could someone say such words so naturally and with a straight face?!

Moreover, it was a seventeen or eighteen year old girl …

Regardless of Murong Xin`er"s ident.i.ty, He Qian, who was also a woman, felt that this young lady had too much courage.

If it was He Qian herself, no matter how much she liked a man, she would still not be able to say it.

At least not in front of others.

What"s more, this was their first time meeting each other.

Lu Chen was a capable person.

Moreover, he had a charisma that ordinary people did not have.

It was not surprising that someone of the opposite s.e.x liked him.

However, this naked confession had appeared right in front of her. He Qian was both shocked and slightly jealous at the same time.

It was as if someone was fighting over something that should have belonged to her …

"What will you do tonight? Did you date a movie or something? "

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Murong Xin`er first looked at Lu Chen, then at He Qian, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

She picked up the orange juice that Lu Chen drank earlier and drank it in one gulp. Then, she picked up another piece of tea pie and put it in her mouth.

After eating, she noticed that the two of them still did not speak. She suddenly took Lu Chen"s arm, turned around and said to He Qian:

"This sister here, I am a man who does things according to the rules. I like to be first come first served. But since you guys aren"t dating tonight, then I would like to invite Brother Lu to watch a movie with me! "

At this moment, He Qian could tell that Murong Xin"er was doing this on purpose.

She bit her lips, met with Murong Bing`er"s somewhat provocative gaze, and calmly said, "We have an appointment."

"Oh? Brother Lu, is that true? "

Murong Xin"er turned her head to look at Lu Chen and asked seriously.

However, Lu Chen could see that there was a trace of craftiness flickering in her eyes. No one knew what she was scheming.

"Yes, we"re playing at eight tonight." Lu Chen nodded slightly, then quickly looked at He Qian.

At the same time, she had already pulled her arm out of Murong Xin"er"s chest without batting an eyelid.

Honestly speaking, the moment he was hugged by this girl, he felt as if he was struck by lightning.

It was currently summer, and Murong Xin"er"s clothes were very thin. The young girl"s unique firmness had deeply stimulated his nerves.

Fortunately, he was able to quickly suppress the anger with the power of karmic virtue.

He Qian froze for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "That"s right, it"s the eight o"clock match!"

"Then I"m a step too late. It looks like I have to change the day!"

Murong Xin"er feigned a regretful smile, then turned around and said to Lu Chen:

"How about this, Brother Lu, leave me your phone number so that we can contact each other." Or you"ll be free tomorrow. "

As Murong Xin"er spoke, she took out a pink coloured cell phone.

Without seeing any movement from her, the phone automatically unlocked, opened the dialing interface, and placed it in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen knew that even if he refused, it wouldn"t be of any use. On the contrary, he seemed petty.

He simply picked up Murong Xin"er"s phone and skillfully dialed his number.

"Alright, you guys drink! I won"t disturb your two people world anymore! Big Brother Lu, let"s meet tomorrow! Don"t forget to turn on your phone or not answer it. "

Murong Xin"er took the phone and gave Lu Chen a coquettish look.

Lu Chen only smiled, but didn"t say anything.

After Murong Xin"er left the coffee shop, the scene became a bit awkward.

However, the one feeling awkward could only be He Qian.

Because at this moment, Lu Chen"s attention was attracted by something else.

In the corner of the coffee shop, there were two middle-aged men wearing suits that caught his attention.

At this moment, they were using a stealth communication technique.

It was a pity that just now, due to Murong Xin`er"s appearance, Lu Chen did something to the entire coffee shop out of caution.

With the little fox"s help, Lu Chen easily released his Spiritual Sense to its maximum capacity, covering the entire coffee shop.

And this kind of communication method that used secret techniques was on the level of the soul. To him, it was basically not being guarded against at all.

"Young master Situ Haotian has orders. Continue to follow Murong Xin`er and see what her true purpose in coming to Jiang Prefecture is." I"ll stay and do as I was told. "

One of the men with a full beard said.

"Understood." The other slightly balding middle-aged man responded and left the coffee shop first.

The remaining bearded man was using the corner of his eyes to size up Lu Chen.