Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 165

Lu Chen didn"t care much about these unimportant people.

Even if Lu Chen knew that they were here for him, before they took the initiative to provoke him, he could just pretend that they did not exist.

After Murong Xin`er left, Lu Chen and He Qian ordered a set meal each and treated it as lunch.

He Qian couldn"t help but frown when she saw Lu Chen take out his phone and search for something while eating the set meal of goose meat.

Could it be that he was sending a message to the little vixen called Murong Xin"er …

So what if I am?!

She was so powerful, she was so beautiful, and her family background was definitely extraordinary.

Perhaps, only this kind of woman could be compatible with this man in front of her.

He Qian is just an ordinary person. It"s enough for her to be treated as a friend.

What was there to hope for?

Although he kept comforting himself, he still couldn"t help but look at Lu Chen"s phone.

However, when He Qian noticed that Lu Chen seemed to be booking a movie ticket on the interface, she immediately froze.

He couldn"t help but be secretly delighted in his heart.

"What are you buying?"

He Qian hesitated for a moment before asking.

"To buy tickets, of course. Eight o"clock! Today, thanks to you helping me out, I might as well watch a movie! I just don"t know what to look for. " Lu Chen raised his head and smiled at He Qian.

"You really bought it!" He Qian exclaimed.

Then, she reacted and quickly cut the steak with her head down.

"What? You don"t want to go? Or are there other arrangements? "

Lu Chen put down his phone and asked curiously.

"No other arrangements!" He Qian hurriedly said with a faint blush on her face.

"That"s not good. It"s settled then. I"ll go to cla.s.s and have dinner with you in the evening, and then I"ll go to the movies. "

As he spoke, Lu Chen waved towards the waiter and quickly bought the ticket.

… ….

At 6 PM in the afternoon, Lu Chen finally ended his elective cla.s.s with 500 people in it.

This was because this lecture hall could only accommodate five hundred people.

The original number of people was even greater.

However, the dean had rushed over after hearing the news. He arranged for everyone to maintain order, and those who did not have a seat could only return home.

Originally, these people were all reluctant to go and indicated that they could stand and listen to the cla.s.s.

However, the Headmaster had said that if they cooperated, he could be the head of the cla.s.s. In the future, Lu Chen"s cla.s.s would be placed in a auditorium that could accommodate a thousand people.

This condition attracted a lot of applause, only then did those students who did not manage to take their seats reluctantly leave.

After the previous round of adaptations, Lu Chen appeared to be more at ease on the podium.

He didn"t need to prepare for cla.s.s at all. As usual, he used the method of the previous cla.s.s, combining theory and practice to make himself as vivid as possible.

While displaying the various mystical techniques of Chinese medicine, Lu Chen shared the simplest theory with his cla.s.smates and teachers.

When he reached the most exciting part of the lecture, and then looked at the instantaneous healing effect, the entire cla.s.s would occasionally burst into applause.

The managing director saw that the opportunity was right, and in less than a quarter of an hour after Lu Chen began his lecture, he took out his phone and sent a message to the person in charge of the school"s broadcasting station.

A few minutes later, someone rushed over with a camera on his shoulder and quickly adjusted the camera lens in the middle of the aisle.

The dean quickly came to a realization and naturally, he praised Zhang Xuan.

Taking down Lu Chen"s lecture so that more and more students can share it with the teachers and even gradually make it public would definitely greatly enhance the academy"s influence.

This was definitely something that he could only wish for.

The dean was already considering if he should find a way to turn Lu Chen into a celebrity teacher and make him the name card of the entire Jiang Prefecture Medical School.

An hour and a half of lessons was long for many students.

However, when they arrived at Lu Chen"s place, not a single person was willing to leave their seats even if they had ten minutes to rest.

As a result, at six in the afternoon, when the bell for the end of cla.s.s rang, Lu Chen was still unable to escape.

It wasn"t easy for him to get rid of the students and teachers who had raised all kinds of questions, and he finally managed to successfully leave the cla.s.sroom.

Looking at the time, it actually dragged on for another half an hour.

However, Lu Chen didn"t mind. Instead, he was overjoyed.

This was at least a good start.

When the time was ripe, he wanted to put his thoughts into practice.

"Lu …" "Lu laoshi!"

Hu Lingling"s voice suddenly came from behind Lu Chen.

From the pause, it was clear that he wanted to call Big Brother Lu Chen over, but he changed his mind.

"I thought you were going to follow." Lu Chen turned around and joked.

Actually, when he walked out of the lecture theater, Lu Chen had already noticed He Qian following behind him.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he kept walking and did not turn back.

Otherwise, as long as he stopped to speak to He Qian, more people would surely come to him.

Of course, the most important thing was that Lu Chen did not want to cause He Qian unnecessary trouble in her studies and life due to his own reasons.

He Qing smiled awkwardly. "I was just in time for the experiment today. It took a long time. Otherwise, I would have come to take a seat a long time ago."

Listening to Hu Lingling finish with a single breath, Lu Chen couldn"t help but laugh, "Why are you so troublesome? I can teach you if you like. "

Hu Lingling"s eyes lit up. She couldn"t wait to ask, "Can your medical skills also be used?"

Lu Chen suddenly smiled and said with an enigmatic tone, "It"s not just medical skills."

Hu Lingling looked at him with suspicion. She frowned and said, "Not just medical skills?"

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something and her eyes widened.

"Could it be that you"re planning to teach me martial arts?!"

Lu Chen only smiled, then took out two things from his pocket, one green and one white.

He pointed to a jade plate engraved with the Immoveable Bright King Formation.

"Bring Uncle Hu the jade token back. Let him carry it with him. Try not to take it off as much as possible; it will be beneficial to his health."

Although Hu Lingling accepted it, the doubt in her eyes became even stronger.

Obviously, to her, it was hard to understand how a jade token could be related to good health.

But Lu Chen did not care.

He then pointed to another jade token with Tian Yu and said, "This one is for you. You"ll understand if you carry it with you."

As Lu Chen spoke, he stuffed the Innate Spirit Gathering Talisman into Hu Lingling"s hands.

Sure enough, Hu Lingling"s eyes flashed with a surprised look as soon as she received the Heavenly Jade Piece.

She felt her entire body shudder as if she had been electrocuted. It was as if all her tiredness of the day had suddenly been swept away.

The feeling of hunger disappeared in an instant …

What was going on?

She felt that her view of the world had been completely overturned at this moment.