Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 166

Lu Chen smiled and said, "These two tags are not ordinary jade plates, they can be called jade talismans."

"The green one is called the Immoveable Bright King Talisman. It is made from top-level Xiuyan Jade, and it is most suitable for a person like Uncle Hu who has just recovered from a serious illness."

"If you wear it, you will be able to dispel evil spirits, replenish your energy and help your mind, prolonging your lifespan."

"As for the inconsequential token I gave you, it is a pretty good "He Tian Yu". It is called the Innate Spirit Convergence Talisman."

"In the future, I will not only teach you medical skills, but also self-defense techniques. You can also understand the Dao arts of the Celestial Sect of Wonders."

"How can a beautiful girl like you not learn some self-defense skills?" I can"t possibly stay by your side all day, right? "

Although Lu Chen had explained it this way, Hu Lingling finally understood something.

However, for a girl like her, who was born in China and grew up under the red flag, this was truly subverting his view of the world.

In the end, she still wasn"t used to it.

However, due to her trust in Lu Chen, Hu Lingling carefully kept the two tokens.

She indicated that she would immediately take a taxi back to Wuliu Town, and quickly hand over the Immoveable Bright King Talisman to her father.

Lu Chen originally wanted to go to the school cafeteria to eat dinner with her first, but seeing how anxious she was, he decided to give up.

Walking out of the South School"s entrance, Lu Chen originally wanted to take a taxi to Wanda Plaza to meet up with them.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure standing not too far away.

Who else could it be other than He Qian?

Lu Chen looked at her doubtfully.

How did He Qian know that he would leave from here?

One had to know that the Jiang Prefecture Medical Academy was not small at all. There were quite a few exits.

"He Qian, you knew I would leave from here?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"A junior told me!" He Qian said with a smile, then pointed behind Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked in the direction she was pointing and came to a realization.

There were three girls with very beautiful appearances hiding behind him, watching them from the side. They were even whispering about something.

Lu Chen recognized them. They were the ones who had stopped him from answering his questions.

They seemed to be right behind him when he left the cla.s.sroom.

However, when they were chatting with Hu Lingling, they continued to walk forward.

When he came out later, he seemed to have seen them again on the road.

However, since all of this seemed so natural, Lu Chen naturally did not care.

After all, school was over!

But who would have thought that they were actually He Qian"s spies …

Lu Chen felt relieved just by thinking about it.

He Qian was an outstanding graduate from Jiangzhou Medical College.

It was said that he had worked as the president of the student council for two years.

With the addition of the school belle, her influence was not small.

In addition, the unit where she worked was nearby. Many of her juniors and juniors from the medical academy would also be a.s.signed to the Jiang Prefecture"s Third People"s Hospital.

Thus, it was normal for He Qian to maintain contact with them.

And it would naturally not be difficult to get control of their own whereabouts through them.

Noticing the gazes of the two, the three girls not only did not feel embarra.s.sed about being betrayed by He Qian, but they started to giggle.

Then, the three girls walked up to greet Lu Chen and ran off like the wind.

Looking at these youthful and lively backs, Lu Chen could only shake his head lightly.

He was actually somewhat rejoicing in his heart.

Although he had never studied in university, due to various circ.u.mstances, he actually had the chance to be a lecturer on the university"s campus.

It was pretty beautiful just thinking about it.

"Alright, it"s about time. Let"s go!" Lu Chen looked at the time. It was almost seven in the evening.

He Qian"s silver Volkswagen was parked on the parking lot. The two of them got out of the car and went straight to Wanda Square, which was located on People"s Road in Jiang Prefecture.

However, just as the car left the school gates, Lu Chen couldn"t help but frown.

Chen Xiaolian quickly checked the mirror and found that there was a black Mercedes-Benz following them from a distance …

"There"s a traffic jam ahead. Let me change the route!"

He Qian looked at the road in front of her. There were too many customers and she estimated that she wouldn"t have time to eat if things went according to her speed.

Lu Chen took a glance at the cars that were pretty much all together and lightly nodded his head:

"This was originally the peak period, and now that the roads in the old city are being renovated, and the cars are all on this side, I"m afraid it can only be changed."

After switching routes, He Qian drove the car to a slightly more remote section of the road.

Although it was a bit far, but because the traffic was relatively small, it seemed to be a lot faster.

"Lu Chen, there seems to be a black Mercedes-Benz following us."

He Qian also noticed the black Mercedes that was following Ye Zichen closely and reminded him with a frown.

As soon as she finished speaking, she was ready to speed up and throw him off.

However, the black Mercedes-Benz also seemed to have noticed He Qian"s intentions. It suddenly sped up and pa.s.sed them.

Then, a sudden halt, abruptly blocking their path.

He Qian was shocked. She had clearly just accelerated, so she could only step on the brakes.

"Creak ~ ~ ~"

Accompanying the ear-piercing sound of friction, the silver Volkswagen forcefully rubbed a nearly five-meter long birthmark on the road.

Lu Chen"s lips curled up into a cold smile. He directly opened the car door and walked towards the Mercedes-Benz that was in front of him.

At the same time, a burly man in short black sleeves walked out of the Mercedes-Benz.

This person was around 1.9 meters tall. He had a robust build and wore

Lu Chen suddenly stopped in his tracks. He could feel that this big guy in front of him was not simple.

"I heard that you were the one who beat Master Tushi, right?"

The man slowly walked towards Lu Chen and asked in a deep voice.

"You"re asking even though you know the answer?"

Lu Chen"s eyes narrowed as he said coldly.

The other party clearly did not come with good intentions, so he would not show a good face.

However, Lu Chen was a little curious. Just who was eyeing him?

Logically speaking, since Du Wenfeng personally tested him, he shouldn"t use such crude methods.

As for Murong Xin`er, everyone tried to test each other out. Obviously, they weren"t that bored.

Could it be Situ Haotian?

"Lu Chen, let"s call the police?"

He Qian came out of the car, walked up to Lu Chen and said in a low voice.

At the same time, she had already picked up her cell phone, ready to call the police at any time.

"Back to the car. Leave this to me." Lu Chen said softly, giving He Qian a a.s.sured look.

He Qian didn"t ask anything and just nodded. She sat back in the driver"s seat and watched worriedly.

However, she still had the phone in her hand. If anything happened, she would immediately call the police and use her family"s power.

Seeing He Qian return to the car, Lu Chen turned to look at the burly man in front of him.

At this moment, the other side also took a step forward.

Its footwork was circular and its footprints were circular. Its two feet moved in the same direction continuously. Its speed was very fast and it arrived in front of them in a blink of an eye.

Lu Chen was astonished.

Although there were some changes to his footwork, it went back to its original source and was compatible with the Eight Trigrams Steps.

The big bloke"s punch landed on Lu Chen"s temple, accompanied by the faint sound of an explosion.