Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 169

Lu Chen asked indifferently: "It can"t be that Miss Situ happened to pa.s.s by here, right? I just want to know, why are all of you so interested in me? "

"The Situ Family is interested in all the young elites." Situ Qingcheng smiled as she spoke.

"Situ Qingcheng, it"s not that the Situ Clan is interested in the young elites, it"s just that you"re interested in them!"

Just then, a melodious voice rang out from not too far away, full of ridicule.

Who else could it be other than Murong Xin"er?

Situ Qingcheng raised an eyebrow, "Oh?" I was wondering who it was. So it was little sister Xin"er. What a coincidence! Could it be that you are interested as well? "

Murong Xin"er smiled but didn"t say anything. Instead, she walked straight to Lu Chen"s side and grabbed his arm.

"Big Brother Lu is mine, so don"t randomly send it."

As she said that, she actually leaned her head on Lu Chen"s shoulder naturally.

Situ Qingcheng hesitated for a moment before she turned to look at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen actually did not want to get involved.

Of course, he could tell that the weird Murong Xin`er of Gu Ling was not on good terms with Situ Qingcheng.

However, he knew in his heart that if he were to be targeted by these two women, it would be extremely difficult for him to shake them off.

"Sorry! The eight o"clock match was about to begin. It seemed that they wouldn"t be able to make it in time for dinner. I"d like to go to a movie with my girlfriend. If you have anything to say, please find a new time to say it! "

As Lu Chen spoke, he pulled his arm out of Murong Xin"er"s embrace without revealing any trace of it.

Murong Xin"er didn"t mind. Instead, she said with a smile: "However, Big Brother Lu and I have agreed that you will accompany me tomorrow!"

Lu Chen knew in his heart that if he refused, Murong Xin`er would continue to pester him.

By then, even Situ Qingcheng would not be able to stop herself.

Furthermore, compared to Murong Xin`er, he actually wanted to keep his distance from Situ Qingcheng.

Just as Lu Chen had said, Situ Qingcheng had definitely not appeared here by accident.

If there were no surprises, everything should have been planned in advance.

Moreover, if it wasn"t for the appearance of Situ Qingcheng, Murong Xin`er would probably have kept her promise today.

Even if she had been following him all this time, she wouldn"t have shown up so rashly.

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to get on the car and leave, Situ Qingcheng suddenly said, "Brother Lu, can you leave a phone number. I"ll personally apologize to you later."

Lu Chen smiled wryly in his heart. He actually asked for a phone number.

However, he was feeling rather troubled about whether he should give it or not.

If he gave it to her, Situ Qingcheng would be able to get rid of this trouble for the time being. However, Murong Xin"er would definitely not be too happy, and might cause some trouble.

Speaking of which, although he could see through her little tricks and easily restrain her little tricks, he was still very convinced of this little girl"s abilities.

According to what the little fox had said, even high-rank gold-rank experts would have to put in a lot of effort in order to force out the hallucinogenic poison when encountering someone like him, who had the ability to protect his body from all kinds of poisons.

However, if she didn"t, Situ Qingcheng wouldn"t be willing to let the matter go either.

Although he could not see through her true strength, Lu Chen had every reason to believe that she was definitely not weaker than Murong Xin`er.

"Sir, you should just let her ask this Miss Mu Rong herself." The little fox suddenly reminded him.

Lu Chen"s eyes immediately lit up, and he immediately went straight to the point.

"Miss Murong, time is running out. I"ll have to trouble you to pa.s.s on my contact details to Miss Situ." Alright! I"ll be leaving first. I"ll see you two later! "

As Lu Chen spoke, he opened the pa.s.senger door and got in. He then gave a slight nod to He Qian.

He Qian was in the car, but she heard every word of their conversation.

Without any hesitation, he started up the engine, then left the three of them and headed back to Wanda Plaza.

At this moment, she was actually very happy in her heart.

Because she had clearly heard Lu Chen just say that she was his girlfriend.

Even though he clearly knew that this could be an excuse, he wanted to let those two women know the difficulties and retreat.

Regardless of whether it was Murong Xin`er or Situ Qingcheng, both of them were absolute beauties.

Especially Situ Qingcheng, she was a peerless beauty like Murong Yanran from the Murong family.

However, Lu Chen had directly rejected her.

Of course, since Lu Chen had already said so, due to Situ Qingcheng"s inherent pride, she couldn"t say anything more.

Situ Qingcheng"s gaze landed on Murong Xin"er, who had a face full of provocation. A meaningful smile appeared on her face.

Murong Xin"er"s expression froze and she became alert.

"Are you all right? How did the people from the Situ and Mu Rong Families come to find you? "

He Qian observed the road ahead and asked worriedly as she drove.

It was obvious that He Qing knew the origins of both the Situ and Mu Rong Families.

"But I"m fine! It"s just that I"m starting to have a headache right now. " Lu Chen couldn"t help but smile bitterly.

He really had a headache.

Right now, three powers had already appeared.

Du Wen Feng could be counted as one, after which he met the Situ and Mu Rong Families.

Furthermore, when he was outside Fleeting Pavilion yesterday, Lu Chen could clearly feel that other than Du Wenfeng, there were at least four other groups of people secretly observing.

"Have you really never heard of Situ Qingcheng before?" He Qian suddenly asked.

Lu Chen smiled and nodded: "I"ve never heard of it." "What, is it really that famous?"

He Qian was obviously stunned for a moment, as if she felt that it was inconceivable.

Then, she forced a smile, "More than just famous! "Among the young men in the Celestial Sect of Wonders, she is the only one who can defeat Murong Yanran, the Mu Rong family"s first young lady."

"That"s right! You should know this Miss Mu Rong, right? But she was publicly acknowledged as the number one genius of the Celestial Sect of Wonders. But unfortunately, he is currently in seclusion. "

Lu Chen gently shook his head: "To be honest, I really don"t know anything about the Celestial Sect of Wonders. So this is really my first time hearing about this young miss Mu Rong. "

This time, He Qian was even more speechless.

She quickly glanced at Lu Chen, who was sitting in the front pa.s.senger seat. She did not continue speaking, but she did not know what she was thinking at this moment.

"What"s wrong? I"m telling the truth. I really know nothing about the Celestial Gate. Otherwise, you can tell me. " Lu Chen said with a smile.

He Qian shook her head gently, "Speaking of which, I"m not really from the Celestial Sect of Wonders. I"ve heard many things by hearsay. If you really want to know, I"ll bring you to see my Grandfather in the next two days. He can tell you about the Celestial Sect of Wonders. "

"It"s a pity that my grandfather is far away in the capital. Otherwise, if you could meet him, you would have heard more about him."