Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 173

"I"ll tell you when we meet tomorrow!"

Even through the phone, Lu Chen could imagine Murong Xin`er"s mischievous look.

"Where?" Lu Chen couldn"t be bothered to answer the logical question and directly asked.

"The Soaring Dragon Hotel."

Murong Xin"er blurted out as if she had already expected Lu Chen to agree.


Lu Chen replied. Without giving the other party a chance to speak, he directly cut off the phone.

Lu Chen naturally knew about the Soaring Dragon Hotel.

It was located in the center of Jiang Prefecture and was one of the two five-star hotels in the city.

It was unknown what Murong Xin"er had planned to do when she chose to meet him there.

However, this did not matter to Lu Chen.

However, he was somewhat curious as to how Situ Qingcheng would be able to get his contact information from Murong Xin`er.

Even though they could rely on the Situ Family"s power, they could still use other channels, such as attacking the people beside them.

However, before she left, Lu Chen noticed her confident gaze.

This kind of proud woman really liked challenging all kinds of difficulties. Clearly, she would use Murong Xin"er as her breakthrough.

Thinking of the fact that more and more people were targeting him, Lu Chen squinted his eyes and took out the Infinite Thunderbolt spell fragment from last night.

He slowly unfurled the sheepskin scroll and placed it in front of him.

Subsequently, his mind stirred as his Spiritual Force carefully probed into it …

Lu Chen looked exhausted. This high-grade dark cla.s.s Limitless Thunder Curse was indeed tiring.

Even now, he only had a basic grasp of the rules of the operation half the night.

Based on this speed, it would take quite some time for him to understand the profound mysteries of this technique.

As for its usage, he didn"t know how long it would take.

After carefully putting away the scroll, Lu Chen took out another Innate Spirit Convergence Symbol and placed it in front of him.

He slowly closed his eyes and began to absorb the spirit energy from the Innate Spirit Gathering Symbol, compensating for the consumption just now.

Unknowingly, the whole night pa.s.sed by very quickly.

Lu Chen opened his eyes once again and was surprised to find that it was already morning.

After washing up, Lu Chen walked out of his room and quickly went downstairs.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, Lu Chen once again saw Zhang Junwei riding around in a corner of the garden.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but exhort him.

After a night of training, Zhang Junwei"s Qi had improved by leaps and bounds.

At this rate, he should soon be able to officially enter the first step of cultivation — the Qi Condensation stage.

Seeing that Lu Chen had something on, Zhang Junwei wanted to continue to be his driver, but Lu Chen refused.

Zhang Junwei did not force him, but instead, he continued to walk with a serious expression on his face.

Today"s visit to the Soaring Dragon Hotel may not be a Hongmen Banquet, but he did not want to bring Zhang Junwei along for the time being.

After all, it was not a good thing to let Zhang Junwei intervene in advance, so he refused Zhang Junwei"s good intentions.

After walking out of the north gate, Lu Chen called a taxi. Following the message sent by Murong Xin"er last night, he arrived at a room in the Soaring Dragon Hotel.

The waiter had already received orders, so he politely helped Lu Chen open the door before turning around and leaving.

Seeing Lu Chen, Murong Xin"er quickly got up from her chair and walked over with a smile.

"Big Brother Lu, you"ve finally come. I"ve been waiting for you for a long time."

After Lu Chen entered, there was a steaming hot breakfast on the table, which exuded an alluring scent.

Murong Xin"er was wearing a light makeup and a bright red dress, revealing half of her shoulders.

Her graceful body, when compared to the dress, looked young and graceful. It could be said that she was impeccable.

It was obvious that Murong Xin"er had purposely dressed up today.

But she obviously liked bright red, which made her look gorgeous.

Lu Chen unceremoniously sat down, picked up a cup of milk for breakfast and took a big gulp. He then said with a smile:

"Speak, Miss Mu Rong. Why did you call me here today?" To tell you the truth, I only have some time in the morning, otherwise I really won"t be able to make it here! "

Murong Xin"er smiled and said, "Hehe! Other people say that you have to get famous as soon as possible, so it seems like this appointment is also the same! "

Lu Chen"s expression turned serious, and he softly spat out a few words: "Get down to business!"

Murong Xin"er stuck out her tongue and said with a smile, "Actually, it"s not that big of a deal. It"s just that my family gave me a death order and I hope that I can bring you back."

Lu Chen squinted his eyes and calmly said, "Give me a reasonable reason!"

As he spoke, he threw a bun into his mouth.

It was the onion filling. It was soft, not greasy, and it tasted pretty good.

Murong Xin"er sighed and said with a frown, "Those old men of mine said that they want to chat with you."

"But I"ll let them come over. Their ident.i.ties are also a bit sensitive, so it is easy for them to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. "So …"

Lu Chen nodded, and calmly said: "I understand! This place isn"t your territory, is it? "

"Thus, while it is fine for you youngsters to come over, the seniors are different."

Murong Xin"er hurriedly nodded her head, "Mhmm! That"s what it means. Brother Lu, look... "

Lu Chen did not say anything. His gaze fell on the old man who was slowly walking in from the door.

He only noticed the other party because he heard footsteps.

However, he quickly discovered that even though the old tutor"s aura was very stable, there wasn"t the slightest bit of spirit power in it.

The old man in front of him was unfathomable.

The little fox also immediately sat on Lu Chen"s shoulder, narrowing its eyes as it sized him up.

"Do you know what happened to him? Is it just a martial artist or someone from the Celestial Sect of Wonders? " Lu Chen couldn"t help but ask.

"Middle Xuan grade!" The little fox faintly spat out these words.

Lu Chen was stunned.

Although the cultivation level was divided into four stages, and the middle grade of the Profound Realm didn"t sound like anything special.

However, given the fact that the earth"s spiritual energy was very spa.r.s.e, those who could open the path of cultivation were all extremely talented individuals.

And something like this who had stepped into the Profound Rank was even more precious.

The old tutor in front of him had actually reached middle legendary realm.

"This is not strange, because this old man still has traces of the power of karmic virtue left in his body. It seems that he has received benefits from the Eye of Merit." The little fox said with a smile.

"Are you saying that this person before me has some sort of relationship with me?" Lu Chen was astonished.

If that was the case, then this person was either a familiar face to his father or grandfather.

While Lu Chen was secretly communicating with the little fox, the old man had already leisurely walked up to Lu Chen and stopped in his tracks.

He stared at Lu Chen from top to bottom for a while.

Even Lu Chen felt uncomfortable under his gaze. He even subconsciously became vigilant.

This was because the elder standing there so simply gave him quite a bit of pressure.

"Yes! It"s too similar, too similar. "

Finally, the elder stared at Lu Chen for half a minute. Suddenly, he stroked his beard and said.