Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 179

In Murong Xin`er"s memory, people with different surnames usually joined the Murong Family. Regardless of how strong they were or how much potential they had, before the marriage, Murong Dancheng would never be this generous.

Even after marriage, one would have to go through various tests to gain true trust and grasp some relatively rare resources.

Murong Xin"er suddenly felt that if she wanted to escape from the shadow of her cousin Murong Yanran, she would have to depend on Lu Chen.

After a moment of thought, Lu Chen decided to pick up the talisman and study it.

Compared to his own "Innate Spirit Convergence Symbol", he wanted to see if there was anything that he could learn from it.

Once the safe-looking jade talisman entered his hands, Lu Chen immediately felt the Spiritual Energy fluctuations from it.

It was indeed everyone"s work!

When paired with the spiritual energy contained within Tian Yu"s body, the effects of Spirit Gathering were quite good.

Of course, because it was engraved with a normal Spirit Convergence Spell and not a Xiantian Spiritual Concentration Formation, it was at least two grades weaker.

First of all, runes were definitely not as good as spells.

Secondly, the formation engraved on Lu Chen"s head was the Upper Sky Spiritual Concentration Formation. It was something that could not be compared in the same breath.

The most important thing was that this kind of rune itself relied on the creator to infuse his power into it, so it was a consumable item.

However, if it was a formation, it would be able to last for a much longer period of time.

Especially the higher the level, the time limit could be ignored.

For example, the jade talismans that Lu Chen was currently crafting did not have any major accidents. Even in this sort of apocalyptic era where the spiritual qi was thin, using it normally for twenty to thirty years would not be a problem.

Originally seeing Lu Chen pick up the safety b.u.t.ton, Murong Dancheng thought that things were about to come to fruition, and his eyes couldn"t help but reveal a trace of joy.

But to his surprise, Lu Chen merely looked at it for a moment, then gently put down the safety b.u.t.ton.

"Senior Murong, thank you for your good intentions. This Spirit Gathering Symbol is indeed not bad, but I already have a Spirit Gathering Symbol to a.s.sist my cultivation, so there is no need to waste it. "

Both Murong Dancheng and Murong Xin"er were shocked by Lu Chen"s words.


He had it himself, so he didn"t want it?

What kind of reason was this …

For example, a consumable item like the Spirit Gathering Talisman, every time it was used, it would weaken a little until all of the talisman power was used up.

Therefore, no one had ever thought that there was too much of this thing.

In next to no time, the two of them thought of a possibility.

Did Lu Chen not lack jade talismans at all?!

Is that possible?

"This old man is too arrogant!" Murong Dancheng said with a sigh.

He did not give up, thinking that Lu Chen was just casually making up an excuse.

With this thought in mind, Murong Dancheng gritted his teeth and took out an emerald bead from his bosom, placing it in front of Lu Chen.

This bead was blood-red in color, it was a top-grade Red Jade.

It was only the size of a thumb, but its Spirit Gathering effect was much stronger than the middle Huang grade Spirit Gathering Symbol from before.

"This is a Low Xuan grade Spirit Gathering Symbol. This old man obtained it by chance." Murong Dancheng said with a smile.

Murong Xin"er sat beside her grandfather, her eyes filled with shock.

Of course she recognized this pearl.

This was the lordmaster"s most precious treasure, and he wasn"t willing to let it go so easily.

Lu Chen frowned slightly. After hesitating for a moment, he picked it up and felt it.

As soon as he touched it, a wisp of spirit energy quietly flowed into his fingertips.

Lu Chen could clearly feel that although this spiritual energy was much stronger than his ability to refine the Innate talismans and gather the surrounding spiritual energy.

However, it was just gathering spiritual energy, unlike the Upper Sky talisman, it didn"t have the ability to purify spiritual energy. It allowed the user to have a certain affinity with the talisman, making it easier for the user to absorb the spiritual energy.

In other words, the Spiritual Energy gathered by these Spirit Convergence Talismans needed to be refined, and even ordinary people would have an effect with the Upper Sky Qi Gathering Talisman.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Seeing Lu Chen"s reaction was so calm, Murong Dancheng couldn"t help but frown.

He suddenly felt that his confidence was somewhat lacking.

"Senior Murong, thank you very much for your kind intentions. However, gentlemen do not take away others" favorites. Take this low-grade Profound Rank Spirit Convergence Symbol back. "

"Otherwise, if the illness on your leg were to continue to plague you, it would be rather difficult to suppress it. Moreover, this junior truly does have a Spirit Gathering Symbol that is more suitable for me to cultivate. "

Once again, Lu Chen returned the jade bead in his hand.

Murong Xin"er looked at Lu Chen in shock.

Just now, the middle Huang grade Spirit Gathering Symbol was fine, but this one was a low Xuan grade Spirit Gathering Symbol.

You don"t even think much of it?

Could it be that he was able to casually take out a middle grade Profound Rank spirit gathering talisman …

This was too unbelievable!

Murong Danfeng"s eyes flashed with a bright light as he asked in a deep voice, "Mister Lu, this old man is full of sincerity. I hope you will not refuse!"

Lu Chen cupped his hands with a smile and calmly said, "Junior has already gotten used to using the Spirit Convergence Talisman. I don"t want to use it for anything else."

"Oh? This old man wants to see what the "Spirit Convergence Symbol" you usually use is like. " Murong Dancheng immediately asked.

At his age, he had seen countless people.

Murong Dancheng had never seen someone as calm and collected as Lu Chen at such a young age.

He wanted to see what kind of amazing treasures Lu Chen had in his possession.

"My grandpa gave it to you, so take it. It"s not like I"m going to let a piece of meat drop from you."

However, Murong Xin"er was worried that Lu Chen would find an excuse to reject her, so she hurriedly reminded him.

Furthermore, if they really broke up, she would have to stand against Lu Chen as well. This was a result that she absolutely didn"t want to see.

"This is the Spirit Gathering Talisman that I use to cultivate. If Little Sister Xin"er doesn"t mind, I will accept it."

Lu Chen fished out two Upper Sky Spirit Convergence Talismans and placed one of them in Murong Xin"er"s hand.

Murong Xin"er"s body suddenly trembled as she widened her eyes and looked at the trouble board in disbelief.

She could feel a strand of pure and gentle spiritual energy flowing into her fingertip when she touched the jade that Lu Chen had brought over.

Having grown up in the soaking of the Spirit Gathering Talisman, this was the first time that she had ever felt such a soft and gentle spiritual power.

This type of Spiritual Energy seemed to possess an extremely high affinity with the body. It did not even need to be refined before fusing with the body.

"Xin Er, hurry up and take a look..."

Murong Dancheng and Lu Chen were less than two meters apart. The moment Lu Chen took out the jade, his eyelids twitched.

Having seen countless Spirit Convergence Talismans, the Spiritual Energy emitted from this piece of jade was very special.

When she saw Murong Xin"er"s surprised expression, her curiosity was piqued.

Only after being called by her grandfather did Murong Xin"er regain her senses.

For a split-second, a hint of hesitation flashed in her heart.

Lu Chen slightly smiled: "Senior, please look at this piece of mine!"

As he spoke, he pa.s.sed the other Upper Sky Spirit Gathering Symbol in his hand to Murong Dancheng.

"What …"

Murong Dancheng felt the spirit power within the Spirit Convergence Talisman and was instantly stunned.

This kind of gentle and pure spiritual energy filled Murong Dancheng"s eyes with shock.

He was even more shocked when he found that the energy was constantly consuming the remaining Yin energy after entering his body.