Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 182

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, Murong Dancheng actually felt a lot more at ease.

To be honest, this was exactly what he was worried about.

Murong Xin"er"s eyes were a little unfocused.

When she looked at Lu Chen now, it was as if she could hear her own heartbeat.

For a young man in his early twenties to be able to excel in one aspect of Dao arts was already not an easy feat.

With a woman"s intuition, Murong Xin`er could naturally sense that Lu Chen was not pretending to have such confidence.

"Mr Lu, there"s a guest room in the living room …" Murong Dancheng said with a smile.

As he spoke, he stood up.

However, Lu Chen gestured for him to sit down.

"Senior Murong doesn"t need to go through too much trouble. I"ll give it a try. If it"s possible, the entire process shouldn"t take too long."

"Besides, there"s no harm in staying here. I just need to trouble Senior to raise your pants a little."

Murong Dancheng nodded and did as he was told.

Without further ado, Lu Chen took a deep breath and fished out six thin needles from his chest, holding three in each hand.

With a jolt of his mind, the zhenqi in his body burst forth and coiled around the needle.

The surface of the needle began to emit a faint cyan light, and started to tremble slightly.

The light green light was very visible, but not obvious.

However, he couldn"t avoid Murong Dancheng"s eyes at all.

He noticed the green glow and his eyelids twitched.

The Qi King Needles were not any extraordinary methods, but for Lu Chen to be able to do as he pleased at such a young age, it was indeed something to fear from the younger generation.

What Lu Chen did next caused Murong Dancheng to be even more shocked. He stared with wide eyes, afraid that he would miss out on a single detail.

Lu Chen"s hands moved, and six needles flew out from his hands. Six rays of blue light shot out and landed accurately on the six acupoints.

Murong Dancheng was very knowledgeable, and even though he did not dabble in the art of Qi Huang, he was very clear on the distribution of acupuncture points in the human body.

From the place where the silver needle fell, we could see the middle part, the middle part, the nose, the Yin Yang Ling Spring and the inner and outer kneecaps, respectively.

The fact that Lu Chen was so experienced was what truly shocked Murong Dancheng.

This efficient method had undoubtedly reached the level of a master.

He had personally witnessed the unparalleled Sacred Hand Dugu Wuheng using acupuncture techniques.

Lu Chen"s technique just now was not inferior to Dugu Wuhen"s!

Even though he was guided by a master teacher, he was still in his early twenties. Regardless of his innate talent, or the efforts he made the day after tomorrow, he would still be unable to differentiate between the two.

Geniuses were easy to find, but those who worked tirelessly were hard to come by.

When he looked at Lu Chen again, Murong Dancheng"s eyes burned even hotter.

A long illness can make a doctor.

Moreover, Murong Dancheng"s strength was right there.

He immediately knew the reason behind Lu Chen"s actions.

It was just to seal the meridians near his knees, to prevent the yin qi from spreading freely...

No wonder Lu Chen dared to say that even if there was no cure, it wouldn"t have any effect.

Murong Dancheng clearly felt that Lu Chen was actually unable to circulate the true energy in his legs with just six silver needles.

However, it didn"t affect the circulation of the bloodline!

Of course, the cold yin qi that originally needed to be suppressed was also restricted to the knees.

This method was truly amazing.

Although he knew how to deal with it and he was very confident, Lu Chen did not let his guard down.

He was very clear in his heart that if he wanted to gain the trust of Murong Dancheng, he absolutely could not afford to make any mistakes.

Most importantly, he had to think of a way to make Murong Dancheng believe in the existence of the so-called master behind him, and then spread it as far as possible.

Right now, he was still too weak.

Thus, he had to think of a way to add a protective talisman.

Furthermore, since Murong Dancheng owed him a favor, he would probably make a wise decision at the critical moment.

At the very least, he wouldn"t fall out with her and make things difficult for her.

After sealing his meridians, Lu Chen immediately followed the little fox"s instructions and pressed his palm against Murong Dancheng"s knee.

The power of merit slowly surged out from his palm and flowed into Murong Dancheng"s knees.

At this moment, Murong Dancheng"s heart was shaking uncontrollably.

He felt a wave of pure energy penetrate through his knee and deep into his bone marrow. The key point was that the Yin Qi did not have enough time to stop it before it disintegrated.

Following which, a wave of warmth began to form, and his originally numb knees actually started to feel something.

Murong Dancheng looked at Lu Chen in shock.

He did not know what mysterious method Lu Chen had used to have such instantaneous effects.

As for Murong Xin`er, after a long time, she still couldn"t find anything wrong with her, so her gaze naturally fell on Murong Dancheng"s face.

He couldn"t help but feel happy when he saw the old tutor"s relaxed and satisfied expression after a short period of shock.

Lu Chen had succeeded!

The last bit of hesitation in her heart disappeared.

She had to take this man.

She was willing to pay any price.

Lu Chen"s Power of Merit had now evolved to orange second stage, and it was exceptionally vigorous.

Under his command, the energy flowed into Murong Dancheng"s knees.

This continued for about a minute before Murong Dancheng suddenly frowned.

He could clearly feel that there seemed to be something moving on his left knee.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen"s palm blocked his line of sight, causing him to be unable to see anything.

Gradually, the feeling of wiggling became more and more intense. It was as if something was about to be pulled out from the bones in his knees.

He had no doubt that the wiggling foreign object was the Bone Erosion Insect that Lu Chen had mentioned earlier.

And at that moment, the little fox on Lu Chen"s shoulder moved, transforming into a streak of invisible white light and disappeared into Murong Dancheng"s kneecap …

After waiting for three seconds, Lu Chen pulled his palm back.

At the same time the foreign object was extracted, Murong Danfeng felt a cool sensation on his knee. He couldn"t help but let out a carefree moan.

Murong Xin`er stared fixedly at Lu Chen"s palm.

Surprisingly, she saw a one-inch long white insect, the size of a soybean, crazily twisting its fleshy body in the palm of her hand.

It really was the Bone Erosion Insect!

It was exactly the same as what the ancient books described.

With the power of merit in his palm, no matter how the milky-white Bone Corrosion Worm struggled, it was unable to escape, much less harm him.

At this moment, Murong Dancheng had no time to care about all this.

With a slight jerk of his knees, the six silver needles that Lu Chen had inserted shattered one by one.

After that, Murong Dancheng started to operate his mental cultivation art, and the zhen Qi inside his body started to flow rapidly, forming a complete pattern in one breath.

There was no obstruction when it pa.s.sed through his left knee.

He could faintly feel that his bottleneck was beginning to show signs of loosening.

Murong Dancheng opened his eyes once again and looked at Lu Chen in shock.

Only now did he realize that the unknown energy that Lu Chen had injected into his body earlier had the miraculous effect of nourishing his zhenqi!

Not only that.

The jade talisman that Lu Chen gifted him previously now seemed to have a stronger ability to gather spiritual energy due to this surge of energy.