Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 187

Murong Xin"er quickly stuck her hand out the window, dragging the Immoveable Bright King Talisman in her hand as she loudly said to Lu Chen"s back: "Big Brother Lu, thank you!"

Lu Chen simply raised his right hand and waved it across the zebra crossing without even looking back.

Looking at Lu Chen"s rapidly disappearing figure, the corner of Murong Xin"er"s mouth hooked up into a happy smile.

She suddenly felt that whether it was Situ Qingcheng, He Qian or even her sister Murong Yanran, they were no longer a threat.

Lu Chen returned to his dormitory.

It was actually only a quarter past two. There were still more than two hours until the elective cla.s.s at four-thirty in the afternoon.

Now that Lu Chen had gained a new understanding of the jade talismans he refined, and he had already stepped into the second stage of the Power of Merit, he still wanted to see what level he could reach by refining jade talismans now.

Of course, the most important thing was that he would be able to take out these jade talismans that could be ma.s.s-produced as gifts.

Who told the earth"s spiritual energy to be so thin and the jade talismans that were usually crafted to be consumables?

"Master... Master... "

Not even a few minutes after Lu Chen returned to the dormitory and sat down, Zhang Junwei"s voice sounded from outside.

Lu Chen opened the door and saw Zhang Junwei holding onto a jade box.

It was sent back so quickly?

"Master, this was sent over by someone called Shangguan Du. I originally wanted to hand it to you personally."

"But you haven"t been here all morning. He has to leave as soon as he has something to do. In the end, he confirmed that I am your disciple and was willing to give it to me without worry. "

Zhang Junwei didn"t dare to tarry even a little bit as he saw the man called Shangguan Du attached such importance to the box.

As he spoke, the exquisite jade box in his hand was carefully placed in front of Lu Chen.

Receiving the jade box, Lu Chen saw that there was an envelope attached and immediately opened it. Inside was another cheque.

Five million!

This Shangguan Du was quite generous, but not long after he rented the room to him, he had spent so much money.

Lu Chen put the cheque directly into his pocket and opened the jade box.

The Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm was also in the jade box.

However, one must not have the intention to harm others, and one must not lack the intention to guard against others.

Out of caution, Lu Chen first had the little fox inspect the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s seal to see if anyone had done anything to it.

The Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm was simply too rare. It was a treasure that the Celestial Sect of Wonders dreamed about. No matter how careful he was, he couldn"t be too careful.

After the little fox confirmed that the seal was not in a pa.s.sive state, it released the seal.

"Master, what is this? Could it be another jade talisman? " Zhang Junwei asked with a curious look on his face.

Ever since Zhang Junwei felt the miraculous use of the flawed Upper Sky Spirit Convergence Talisman, he had been filled with curiosity towards these things.

He naturally believed that this jade carving that looked like a red jade was a similar treasure.

Lu Chen hesitated for a moment before finally deciding to tell Zhang Junwei the truth.

"This is the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm. Every time it opens its eyes, a drop of blood would flow out."

"Each drop of the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s blood tear can let a dying person live for one more year."

Of course, the role of the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm wasn"t limited to this.

Although Lu Chen only said half of what he wanted to say, it was enough to shock Zhang Junwei.

"Six eyes, that is... "Six years …"

Zhang Junwei was so surprised that his eyeb.a.l.l.s nearly fell out of their sockets. He reached out his hand and subconsciously gestured.

Lu Chen smiled and waved his hand at him: "Alright, go take a good horse stance first. When you have time later, I"ll refine another Spirit Gathering Talisman for you."

"After all, the piece in your hand is flawed, and the effect isn"t that great. But because I was worried that you wouldn"t be able to take it, I didn"t dare to give you anything better. "

Zhang Junwei immediately cheered, "Yes master! I will go immediately!"

Ever since Zhang Junwei had worn the Spirit Gathering Talisman with a broken corner, he had absorbed a bit of spiritual energy from it.

He was already extremely satisfied with this remarkable change.

But now, hearing Lu Chen say so, he became even more ecstatic.

Everything that has a flaw has such an effect.

If it was in perfect condition, what could he do?

After Zhang Junwei left, Lu Chen carefully put away the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm.

At this moment, the little fox"s voice rang out.

"You, as a disciple, are too honest! I really don"t know how dangerous it is. "In the future, you will inevitably fall for it."

Lu Chen smiled, "Actually, it"s pretty good too. If you know too much, you will think too much into it. It might not be beneficial to your cultivation. "

"Moreover, I always feel that this guy is blessed by the heavens. Even if there were occasional disasters, it would probably be very difficult to harm him."

The little fox looked at Lu Chen in surprise, then said with a smile, "Lord"s perception is extremely high, no wonder you were able to become the master of the Eye of Merit!"

"And you"re right. For this guy to meet a master like you, is already a huge opportunity. "

Towards the little fox"s flattery, Lu Chen simply smiled without saying a word.

It turned out that when Zhang Junwei entered the restaurant, both Lu Chen and the little fox could see that someone had placed a restriction on him.

There was no doubt that this was Shangguan Du"s handiwork.

Otherwise, he probably wouldn"t have been so confident as to hand the jade box containing the six eyes Blood Silkworm over to him so that he could pa.s.s it around.

Before leaving, Shangguan Du must have specifically instructed Zhang Junwei not to open the jade box without permission.

If Zhang Junwei could not suppress his curiosity and opened the door, the killing intent would immediately attack him because of the restriction placed on him.

Speaking of which, this Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm also had the ability to absorb spiritual energy.

However, before he fully matured, it would definitely not be as good as the talisman Lu Chen refined.

Moreover, the power of meritorious service had now reached the second stage. Lu Chen really wanted to give it a try and see what it would be like to refine a jade talisman.

In addition, if he wanted to raise the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm as soon as possible, an environment br.i.m.m.i.n.g with spiritual energy was indispensable.

Otherwise, the growth cycle that lasted hundreds or even thousands of years would have been useless.

Therefore, Lu Chen"s demand for the Upper Sky Spirit Convergence Talisman had become even more urgent.

Using the "Innate Spirit Convergence Array" talisman to construct a complex type of Innate Spirit Convergence Array would allow one to collect the maximum amount of Spiritual Energy in the air.

Such an atmosphere would definitely have a great effect on the growth of the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm.

Just now, Lu Chen had only told Zhang Junwei about the role of the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm in its infancy. In fact, it was the most common use.

And after it matures, all it needs is a drop of blood essence from its breeder to form a coc.o.o.n and be reborn into a Six-Eyed Phoenix b.u.t.terfly.

After refining it and devouring its talent, one would be able to truly rebirth and possess a body comparable to that of a G.o.d or devil.

At that time, there would be no need for Lu Chen to lie to any other powerhouses.

This was because he was an existence that no one could ignore.

When the power of virtue reached its peak state, he would open the Eye of Merit and be able to pa.s.s through the future. Only this kind of powerful body would be able to withstand the terrifying pressure brought by the pa.s.sage through s.p.a.ce and complete his path of redemption to Hu Xiu.