Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 188

This morning, during a conversation with Murong Xin"er"s grandfather, Gu Tianming, he mentioned some other powers in the west.

Lu Chen could sense that although the Mysterious Gate seemed powerful, in reality, it was no longer an absolute transcendent existence.

Especially after the incident with his father more than ten years ago, he had suffered great losses. Now, the status of the Celestial Sect of Wonders had been challenged to a great extent.

Even the sects and powers in the small countries surrounding the Divine Great Land were all stirred up.

Lu Chen had always been a decisive person.

He dismissed the complicated thoughts in his mind and concentrated. He was preparing to refine some more jade talismans in case of an emergency.

For the time being, he did not want to use the materials that Murong Danfeng had given him.

There was still a lot of the jade from Qing Hai that Bai Wanli had delivered.

These pieces of Cyan Sea Jade were originally from the Kunlun Faction, so the spirit energy contained within them was extremely pure.

For someone like Lu Chen, who had only recently come into contact with jade talismans to refine them, this was definitely a top choice.

Now that Lu Chen had the experience from before, coupled with the growth of his karmic power and the fact that the materials were even better than before, the whole process went by without a hitch.

After an hour and a half of continuous refining, Lu Chen finally succeeded in refining the last piece of the Immoveable Bright King Talisman.

A total of eight jade talismans lined up in front of him.

Five of them were Upper Sky Spirit Gathering Talismans, and the other three were the Immoveable Bright King Talisman.

As for the emasculated version of the Diamond Protection Talisman, Lu Chen had no intention of refining it.

After all, even the castrated version consumed a lot of time and effort.

Moreover, using it as a gift was a bit too much.

In just three hours, he had already refined eight jade talismans.

His speed was indeed much faster than the previous days, and his energy consumption had also decreased significantly.

The most important thing was, although the level of the eight jade talismans did not change on the surface, he could feel that the power inside was much stronger.

After going to the washroom to take a shower, Lu Chen changed into a fresh set of clothes and went out.

For this elective cla.s.s, the school arranged an auditorium.

And it will be a practice in the future.

The originally noisy cla.s.sroom suddenly became quiet due to Lu Chen"s arrival. Everyone turned their attention to him.

Lu Chen saw Hu Lingling standing off the stage, nodded to her lightly, and started his lecture.

After another brilliant round of explanations, the students and teachers below all shouted out in delight.

With his previous lecture experience, Lu Chen was now even more adept at it.

After explaining a few key points, in order to make it easier for the partic.i.p.ants of the next cla.s.s to understand, as well as to prove his point of view, Lu Chen routinely treated a few unique patients in the cla.s.sroom.

Under the effect of the Power of Merit, the healing effect was greatly enhanced.

Along with the explanation given by the person in question, those who had doubts could only shut their mouths.

The entire cla.s.s was pushed to its climax again and again.

Almost every quarter of an hour, there would be a round of enthusiastic applause. Some of the people in the crowd were numb to the applause. Wu and the other heads of the academy took some time out to listen to the lecture as well.

They had originally planned to just stand there and observe it, but in the end, no one was willing to leave even when they were standing.

As the leading team of this year"s Jiangzhou Medical College, they were basically all from a major academy.

Since he was an expert, of course he would be able to see through it.

It could be said that Lu Chen"s performance was astounding, blocking off all doubts and thoughts.

When everyone exchanged glances, they could see the excitement in each other"s eyes.

Of course, there was another reason why Lu Chen was valued so highly was because the school had received an unexpected donation.

Crucially, the money came in a hat, and because of the significance of the donor"s ident.i.ty.

Therefore, Lu Chen"s att.i.tude and ability were very important.

It was not that someone wanted to think obscenely about this donation, but it was because they wanted to determine whether Lu Chen, who was born into an unorthodox family, was worth investing in.

After all, Lu Chen had only been able to become a lecturer through the back door.

If it was limited to the medical academy of Jiang Prefecture, everyone could just ignore it out of respect for Dean Wu.

However, if they wanted to push him to the front desk, there would definitely be people who would raise their doubts.

However, as the academy hung the video of Lu Chen"s lecture on the campus forum, the voices of doubt had become quieter.

On the contrary, more and more people began to support Lu Chen.

Since the footage was released, it had caused a huge reaction throughout the medical community.

The academy"s forum had crumbled due to the excessive number of visitors.

As a result, the hospital had no choice but to add more servers to the server, and they took the initiative to register an official account in other related forums, posting videos and related articles to create momentum for Lu Chen.

Without a doubt, this had a huge positive effect on the academy"s propaganda.

As the school"s leader, he naturally had to think of ways to make use of it.

As the person to uncover Lu Chen, President Wu naturally hoped for him to be able to fly higher.

After all, this was related to the reputation of the entire academy as well as its future development.

Therefore, he still had to ask for the opinions of others regarding this matter.

But now it was all right.

After seeing Lu Chen"s methods, no one objected.

This was especially so for the vice who had a large opinion of Lu Chen. When Lu Chen mentioned the healing effect of ma.s.sage on the meridians and bones of the human body, he treated it as an example. Only words of grat.i.tude remained in his mouth.

He was the most popular candidate to be the next dean of Jiangzhou Medical College.

Therefore, he was naturally exceptionally sensitive to the slightest movement within the academy.

To him, Jiang Zhou Medical College being able to safely pa.s.s from Dean Wu"s era to his era was undoubtedly the best result.

Now, if there were to be any mistakes due to Lu Chen, Dean Wu might be the main culprit, but he would definitely be in trouble as well.

If he did not operate well, it was very likely that he would be able to bring down a, and he might not even be able to keep his position as vice

Then he wouldn"t be able to make up for it.

But now, Lu Chen had cured his lumbar disc, giving him great confidence.

On one hand, it proved that Lu Chen"s medical skills were indeed exceptional. It wouldn"t be a problem to push him out.

Secondly, at his age, he was in the ascension phase of his career.

After all, when the organization was conducting an investigation, the issue of physical health was also a more important one.

Finally, at six o"clock, the bell for the end of cla.s.s rang.

This time, Lu Chen had become smarter. He ended his lecture half an hour earlier, leaving some time for him to answer his questions.

Thus, when the bell for the end of cla.s.s rang, everyone tactfully and knowingly let him go.

However, when he shouted that the cla.s.s was over, everyone stood up and gave him another warm round of applause.

Lu Chen faced the crowd and bowed in greeting, but he was actually very happy in his heart.

He had also gained a lot from this lesson, which also proved his speculation.