Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 189

Throughout the entire process, Lu Chen could feel the power of karmic virtue continuously emerging from the Eye of Merit.

It was just a trickle, but she felt more excited than ever.

Because this just happened to be proof of his previous guess.

To be able to make more people acknowledge and promote traditional Chinese medicine, and to benefit more people, was itself a matter of boundless merit.

A few minutes after he left the cla.s.sroom, the phone in Lu Chen"s pocket rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was indeed Yang Yi"s number.

Lu Chen picked up the call, smiled and asked, "h.e.l.lo, Mr. Yang!"

"Lu laoshi, is the cla.s.s over?" How about I arrange for the driver to come and pick you up? " Yang Yi"s polite voice came over the phone.

"There"s no need to go through so much trouble. I"ll just call a taxi and go over. It"ll be much more convenient this way." Just send me the address. "

Lu Chen tactfully refused Yang Yi"s good intentions.

Rather than waiting here for Yang Yi"s car to come over, it was indeed better to just take a taxi.

However, Lu Chen was also wondering if he should buy a subst.i.tute car.

Yang Yi didn"t insist and immediately said, "Okay, I"ll send you the address immediately."

"Pay attention to your safety on the road. When you arrive, give me a call. I"ll pick you up myself."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chen walked out of the school gate.

At the school gate, Tang Xi had a taxi waiting for them. He waved and came over.

It was not the peak hour yet, so the road was still congested.

Fortunately, the taxi driver was very familiar with the roads. With Lu Chen"s consent, he walked past a few alleyways that were a little far away, but were unusually quick.

After many twists and turns, he finally managed to avoid the most congested section of the road.

About 20 minutes later, he arrived at the address sent to him from the text message — Le Tian Private Club.

He looked at the time, and saw that it was five minutes earlier than he had expected.

Like most taxi drivers, this 40-year-old bearded driver was also very talkative.

Hearing that Lu Chen was going to the Le Tian Private Club, he couldn"t help himself from skipping over some information regarding this hotel.

This hotel had more than 20 floors. It was a high-cla.s.s private club in Jiang Prefecture.

According to him, this place was reserved for internal members and was not open to the public.

Those who were able to come here were usually either rich or n.o.ble.

Of course, Lu Chen could hear the hidden meaning behind the taxi driver"s words. However, he did not want to say much, and only listened as an audience.

Finally, he got off the taxi under the taxi driver"s strange gaze.

Standing in front of the hotel, Lu Chen took out his phone and dialed Yang Yi"s number.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, no one answered the phone.

He dialed again, but still no one answered.

Lu Chen hesitated for a moment before deciding to wait in the hall.

Just as he stepped into the hotel, he heard a voice coming from his side. It sounded very ordinary, but it was very tasty.

"Wait …" Sir, are you on the wrong track? "If you want to apply, please go next door and hand over your resume."

Lu Chen turned his head to see a uniformed security guard walking over. There was a formal smile on his face, but it was slightly stiff.

In his eyes, it was as if he could see through everything else.

Lu Chen said indifferently: "Le Tian Private Club Hotel. There"s no mistake, this is the place."

When the tall security guard heard this, the ridicule in his eyes grew even stronger.

Every three to five days at the entrance of Le Tian Hotel, there would be one or two young men who rushed into the hotel for various reasons.

Basically, as long as he walked over and asked, even if the other party wouldn"t leave with his tail between his legs, at the very least, he wouldn"t look at him with such calmness.

Even those who wanted to try their luck in finding a job would appear to be cautious.

Not to mention those who had intentionally barged in out of curiosity to take a look.

With a cautious att.i.tude, the tall security guard wanted to ask Lu Chen what he was doing, but suddenly, a voice from the side, whose tongue was tied up, sounded out.

"Ouch!" Where did this land come from … "Crack!" Old Man Tu, why do I look so eyesore? The recruitment attendant is not here! "

Compared to the tall security guard"s questioning, this voice was especially harsh.

He frowned, but then turned his head with an ingratiating smile.

Apparently, the tall guard recognized the owner of the voice.

Furthermore, the other party"s ident.i.ty was not simple at all.

Even though the tall guard disapproved, he had to keep a smile on his face.

Noticing that the tall security guard was looking at him, he took another sip of his wine and continued in a strange tone,

"Skinny, you … How does your Le Tian Hotel manage it?

"It"s really hard to let someone who is unrelated into a hotel to spend money here at ease!" What if something happens? "

The speaker was a young man wearing a plaid shirt and dark

At this moment, he was holding a jug of wine, drinking from time to time. It was obvious that he was drunk.

"Young Master Chen, I"m really sorry, I"ll deal with it immediately!" The tall guard quickly said.

The young man who was called Young Master Chen narrowed his eyes and glanced at Lu Chen in ridicule.

Lu Chen chuckled, not wanting to bother with this kind of nonsense and drunkard.

Even though Lu Chen could sense that this kind of person was simply borrowing wine to go crazy, he still couldn"t believe his eyes.

As if he felt like he was ignored, Chen Young Master"s brows twitched: "You still dare to laugh!?" Get out of here! I don"t know where this pauper came from, but don"t dirty this place! "

The tall security guard clearly did not want to cause any trouble, so he hurriedly walked in front of Lu Chen and advised, "Young man, it"s better if you leave quickly. There"s no recruitment here for the time being."

Although the security officer"s att.i.tude was cold, Lu Chen could understand it, so he was not to blame.

As for this Young Master Chen who had gone mad borrowing wine, Lu Chen was unsure of his motives. For the time being, he did not want to punish him.

Actually, just a moment ago, the little fox had been itching to punish this fellow, but it was stopped by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at the tall security guard and slowly said, "Could I trouble you to ask which room Director Yang is in? He invited me here."

When the tall security guard heard this, he was slightly startled.

Yang Yi was someone he knew very well.

Although the young man in front of him was wearing an ordinary outfit, his calmness was there.

As a security guard, he could be considered to have read a lot of people, so he couldn"t pretend to have this kind of temperament.

But just as he hesitated, Chen Young Master, who was glaring at him like a tiger, jumped out again.

"There are a lot of people who know Director Yang, I"m afraid everyone present knows him. But Director Yang might not know you … "

At the same time that Chen Young Master spoke, the two bodyguards that were following behind him also stopped watching the show and surrounded him.

From the looks of it, as long as Young Master Chen gives the order, they might really throw Lu Chen out.