Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 198

Yang Yi was very clear that the Li family wouldn"t automatically become a further source of support for him just because of this relationship.

But now, as the direct daughter of the Li family, Li Ruoxi was miraculously cured by Lu Chen, and since Li Ruoxi had made her stance clear, then everything was no longer a problem.

Yang Yi was currently in an extremely good mood. After drinking the cup of wine, he was about to refill it for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled, indicating that he couldn"t handle the liquor and poured himself a gla.s.s of fresh orange juice.

Actually, Lu Chen, who had the blessing of the Power of Merit, was like a thousand goblets of water. Drinking wine was no different from drinking water.

However, the more it was like this, the more he felt that there was no point. He decided to just directly choose fresh orange juice.

When Yang Yi saw this, he laughed heartily. He did not insist and just poured himself a cup.

At this moment, Lehman was also in a good mood. He had a smile on his face the entire time.

Now that Li Ruoxi"s Three Yin Meridians had been healed, the worry in his heart was finally lifted.

Although most of the credit would definitely go to Lu Chen, he would definitely benefit as well.

The Li family"s background was there, and just this little bit of affection was already enough to make him experience endless benefits.

At this moment, Li Ruoxi stood up and said to Lei Ming, "Doctor Lei, I also want to thank you for today."

"If you hadn"t exhausted your Zhen Qi to form a solid foundation for my treatment, I"m afraid you wouldn"t have been so successful."

"Here, Ruoxi, a toast to you. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, please let me know and I will do my best. "

As she spoke, Li Ruoxi had already raised her wine cup with both hands.

Lei Ming felt flattered, but he did not dare to show the slightest bit of disrespect. He quickly raised his wine cup and said that he did not dare.

With the Li family"s background laid out in front of him, he didn"t dare to hold anything back, much less overestimate himself.

Just as Li Ruoxi sat down, Lu Chen suddenly took out a safety b.u.t.ton.

The style and texture were exactly the same as the one given to Lehman.

"Take this jade talisman. Wearing it over a long period of time will help you refine the cold energy within your body."

Lu Chen directly stuffed the jade talisman into Li Ruoxi"s hands.

As a member of the Celestial Sect of Wonders, although Li Ruoxi could be said to have no fate in cultivation due to the torture of her illness, she was still able to recognize what was good for her.

At least he knew a lot more than Lehman did.

As soon as she received this safety b.u.t.ton engraved with the Immoveable Bright King Array, Li Ruoxi was stupefied.

At this moment, she felt her mind suddenly become incomparably calm.

The joy that had always lingered in his heart even after his survival vanished in an instant.

Speaking of which, Li Ruoxi had used countless jade talismans.

He had come into contact with many jade talismans with strange formations engraved on them.

However, there had never been anything as magical as this safety b.u.t.ton.

Not only did it make her blood flow and heartbeat calm, it also made the Yin energy in her body calm down.

Li Ruoxi, who was originally full of alcohol, even felt the alcohol in her body being quickly dispelled, instead becoming full of energy.

"This... Give it to me? " Li Ruoxi looked at Lu Chen in astonishment, then subconsciously shook her head, "This jade talisman is definitely very precious, could you have worn it on your person? Ruoxi cannot, cannot! "

Amongst the people present, besides Lu Chen, only Li Ruoxi could be considered an expert.

Even though Lu Chen had just told Li Ruoxi that he would give her a present.

Originally, she had been looking forward to it.

But now, when it was really in front of Li Ruoxi, she didn"t dare to accept it.

"Miss Li, keep it properly. Look, I still have two pieces left, which are for Mr. and Old Mistress Yang."

As Lu Chen spoke, he took out two more identical safety buckles.

However, at this moment, Li Ruoxi wasn"t in the mood to pay attention to the similarities between the other two safety buckles.

Because just now, when Lu Chen"s hand had accidentally touched her hand, the feeling of being electrocuted had caused a moment of absent-mindedness in her eyes.

Of course, this wasn"t because Li Ruoxi was being overly sensitive or faking it.

It was because the power in Lu Chen"s body that was contained within her body was instantly sensed and clashed against each other, giving birth to that kind of illusion.

After a short moment of absent-mindedness, Li Ruoxi said with a slightly red face, "Teacher Lu, thank you! "Thank you!"

Lu Chen smiled and nodded. Then he turned his head to look at Yang Yi, and first handed over the Immoveable Bright King Talisman in his hand.

"Lu laoshi, this is..."

Yang Yi didn"t directly take the jade talisman from Lu Chen"s hand, but looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Yang Yi faintly felt that this safety b.u.t.ton must have some kind of special mystery, and it was definitely something that ordinary people wished for.

However, because of his personality, he still wanted to ask first.

Lu Chen explained with a smile, "Director Yang is not from the Celestial Sect of Wonders. Now that the year is over, there"s not much use in giving you other safety talismans."

"Therefore, I will give you a Acalanātha Inscription that can dispel evil and calm your mind."

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, Yang Yi"s eyes widened in surprise and joy.

He had already guessed that Lu Chen wasn"t simple.

But now that he heard Lu Chen take the initiative to mention things like profound doors and talismans, he finally realized that he had probably accidentally made a deal with a mysterious figure of the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

But the more it was like this, the more Yang Yi hesitated when faced with the safety b.u.t.ton in front of him.

It was because Li Ruoxi had that kind of expression a moment ago, and she clearly knew how to do it.

This could only mean that the safety b.u.t.ton was of extraordinary value.

As the saying goes, one does not receive benefits without success.

Strictly speaking, he still owed them a huge debt.

How could he accept such a precious gift from Lu Chen now?

Lu Chen, on the other hand, forcefully shoved the Immoveable Bright King Talisman into Yang Yi"s hand, then said with a smile:

"Besides the effects mentioned just now, I can guarantee that after Director Yang wears it, your alcohol capacity will be increased by several folds!"

"Director Yang has a lot of social contacts, so drinking alcohol must be a common occurrence. I think you"re in good shape, but you seem to have a little damage to your liver and kidneys. "

"If it continues like this for too long, sooner or later it will become a minor ailment. Although it is not difficult to treat, but there is a good saying that goes, illness goes from shallow to traditional Chinese medicine, and one can prevent it from happening sooner rather than later. "

"If you wear this Acalanātha Inferno on your body, there is no need to suffer the torment of alcohol, people will also feel a lot more relaxed."

Hearing Lu Chen"s explanation, Yang Yi couldn"t help but stare with wide eyes.

"A mere safety b.u.t.ton actually has such a magical effect..." It was truly unbelievable! "But, this is really too valuable."

Yang Yi was more moved when he heard that, but he still felt a little embarra.s.sed.

Lu Chen smiled and looked at Yang Yi without saying anything.

Yang Yi smiled awkwardly, then cupped his fists towards Lu Chen, "Teacher Lu, since that"s the case, then I"ll accept your offer!"

"I won"t say anymore words of thanks. If Lu laoshi requests in the future, just let me know!"