Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 199

Just as Lu Chen had said, as the Chairman of the Hundred Rich Group, Yang Yi also had a lot of social contacts in his daily life.

Even though he wasn"t greedy for the items in the cup, he would always drink a few cups in order to do business in China.

Moreover, sometimes, it can only be accomplished if one drinks wine to their heart"s content.

Yang Yi had also eaten a lot of all kinds of alcohol antidotes.

However, it is still difficult to avoid liver and kidney damage due to the drug"s toxicity.

As he grew older, Yang Yi gradually began to feel that his strength was insufficient.

Sure enough, the moment the Immoveable Bright King Talisman entered his hand, Yang Yi felt a strange aura enter his body.

It had only been a moment, but he felt refreshed and all the tiredness of the day vanished, along with the slight bit of alcohol that had been rising in him.

These two days, in order to stir up the trouble with Li Ruoxi, Yang Yi had done it himself.

Preparing the infirmary alone had cost him a lot of effort.

It was because he was worried about leaving it up to others.

Staring at the Immoveable Bright King Talisman in his hand, a trace of indescribable emotion rose in Yang Yi"s heart.

Speaking of which, Yang Yi did indeed have the intention to gain merits by becoming friends with Lu Chen.

But now, this person had clearly helped him greatly, and even casually gifted him such a precious thing. How could Yang Yi not be moved?

Yang Yi, who came from a military background, was also a man of character.

However, he had seen a lot of swindlers in the past few years. In order for the company to survive, he had more or less reached a compromise, and he had also unknowingly changed a lot.

To him, Lu Chen"s way of handling it was even more precious.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Yi felt that the cheque he gave Lu Chen for ten million was too little.

Just as Yang Yi was deep in thought, Lu Chen"s voice sounded again.

"And this safety b.u.t.ton, it belongs to Old Mistress Yang."

"Old Mistress Yang is already old, and her body can still be considered st.u.r.dy on the surface, but when she grows old, all her bodily functions will naturally decline."

"This kind of safety b.u.t.ton with the Innate Spirit Convergence Talisman engraved on it can help replenish Qi and replenish spirit energy, prolonging one"s lifespan. "Director Yang can accept it for me and allow the madame to wear it on her person."

As he spoke, Lu Chen shoved another safety b.u.t.ton into Yang Yi"s hands.

"This …"

Yang Yi wanted to say something, but Lu Chen interrupted him.

"This is my honor to Old Mistress Yang, Director Yang do not decline. Furthermore, to be honest, the old lady has always been a good person, and should live to be a hundred years old. "

Hearing this, Yang Yi seemed to understand something.

He nodded his head heavily, "Lu laoshi, I will repeat myself. If there is anything you need, feel free to tell me. I will do my best."

Lu Chen waved his hand: "Alright! "Since I"ve already given away the items, I can be considered to have achieved success."

"Let"s not talk too much. This table is almost full. It will not taste good when it gets cold later."

Having said so, Lu Chen directly used his chopsticks to pick up a piece of steamed Yangtze River Saber Fish and stuffed it into his mouth.

Today"s dinner was carefully prepared by Yang Yi, and the entire table was filled with expensive dishes.

Besides, the head chef was also the gold medal chef here.

Today could be said to be a joyous day for everyone, causing them to feel extremely joyful. They immediately toasted each other, and the atmosphere became lively.

After a few rounds, Li Ruoxi suddenly said to Lu Chen:

"I wonder if Teacher Lu will have time to eat together with me tomorrow?" so that my family can properly thank you. "

Li Ruoxi seemed to be very careful when she said those words.

Saying that, she looked at Lu Chen, afraid that he would refuse.

Lu Chen thought for a moment, then said with a smile, "There"s no problem with that. However, I should be free at this time of night as well. "

"My job is to teach at the Jiangzhou Medical College. As it"s an elective cla.s.s, most of my end around six in the afternoon."

"After you decide on the time, send me a text or call ahead of time. I"ll call my own car!"

Hearing Lu Chen"s straightforward reply, Li Ruoxi secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

She quickly picked up her wine cup and followed Lu Chen.

Of course, Lu Chen still continued with his fresh orange juice.

The nine great clans of the Celestial Sect of Wonders, the Mu Rong family, the Situ family, and the Gu family had entered the stage one after another. Now, there was another Li family.

In a short period of time, almost half of them had appeared, and the rest would probably appear one after another.

Thinking of his father Lu Qingtian"s unknown death, Lu Chen felt that he had to speed up his pace.

Also, the time of the compet.i.tion was getting closer and closer. Lu Chen thought about how he could use this opportunity to test out the real strength of the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

After drinking with Lu Chen, Li Ruoxi"s face was still flushed even though there was no alcohol effect.

She hesitated, then picked up a good piece of salmon sashimi.

Before dipping the sauce, she first glanced at Lu Chen, then lightly dipped a bit of mustard and sent it into Lu Chen"s bowl.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. Then, he smiled and thanked her before eating it in one gulp.

Li Ruoxi instantly beamed with joy, but the redness on her cheeks was even more obvious.

Lei Ming and Yang Yi both noticed this detail, and quickly exchanged a look, revealing knowing smiles on their faces.

Of course, the two of them also knew that Li Ruoxi was thin-skinned, so they naturally didn"t say anything bad about her. Instead, they busied themselves with toasting each other and chatting happily.

The two of them clearly had a tacit understanding of each other as they pointed to the s.p.a.ce created by Lu Chen and Li Ruoxi.

Lei Ming and Yang Yi were so happy that they actually opened another bottle of Flying Moutai.

Lu Chen was speechless.

Yang Yi simply could not get drunk by relying on the Immoveable Bright King Talisman on his body.

Although Lehman was not as exaggerated as himself, he was still an inner force expert, so there was no need to explain his alcohol tolerance.

With the help of the Upper Sky Spirit Gathering Talisman, he could drink up all the wine in a bottle.

After eating their fill, the group sat down beside a root-carved tea table.

Li Ruoxi actually was adept in the Way of Tea, personally brewing tea for the three of them.

Looking at her movements that were as smooth as flowing water, in addition to her extraordinary temperament, gave others a pleasant feeling.

Yang Yi placed an exquisite card in front of Lu Chen and respectfully said, "If Teacher Lu likes it, you can come often. "This is a member of our RTian Hotel"s diamond card company."

"Le Tian Hotel has a membership system. A total of seven diamond membership cards are sent out. As long as Teacher Lu carries this diamond card, all the expenses here will be free. "

Lu Chen received the card number seven, thanked him, and kept it in his pocket.

Suddenly, Lu Chen"s gaze landed on Li Ruoxi, "Miss Li, since we"ve finished eating, I"ll prepare a present for you while we"re drinking tea."

Li Ruoxi widened her eyes and looked at Lu Chen suspiciously.