Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 2

Time pa.s.sed, but the patient did not wake up.

The bystanders could not help but doubt the medical skills of He Qian, the intern.

At this moment, the middle-aged man had a sneer on his face as if he was taking pleasure in another"s misfortune.

Facing such a huge pressure, although there wasn"t any progress in the previous treatment, He Qian only wiped the sweat off her forehead. She was still calm and collected.

"Then let"s try it with the Bloodletting Therapy."

He Qian said to herself. She seemed to have made up her mind. Her anxious eyes also became determined.

Five fingers connecting the heart, releasing the blood can uplift the mind, and let the blood in the body flow in a state, in addition to acupuncture stimulation acupoints, thus achieving the healing effect.

Lu Chen was looking forward to it. He wanted to see how far this intern named He Qian could go.

For now, at least, the steps were correct.

Although the patient had yet to wake up, he was already out of danger. Lu Chen did not need to make a move immediately and could only look around.

He Qian took a deep breath and calmed herself down. She raised the needle and p.r.i.c.ked the left and right side of the man"s earlobe.

After that, she placed a few needles on each of his fingers.

Immediately, droplets of dark red blood flowed through the needle.

After waiting for about a minute, He Qian gave a signal to the other party and her eyes finally revealed a look of relief.

The effect seemed to be quite good.

Only the patient"s appearance remained unfavourable.

His face was pale, his eyes were tightly shut, and his breathing became weaker and weaker …

This was clearly the first time she had encountered such a situation.

In a short moment, an anxious expression appeared on He Qian"s face, as if she didn"t know what to do next.

At this moment, the middle-aged man with a shiny face and a large belly slowly squeezed himself in front of the patient.

He gently pushed his and said in a deep voice, "I say, Little He, are you trying to save or hurt people by acting like this?" A mediocre doctor kills people and talks about people like you. "

Everyone"s eyes were focused on the middle-aged man as soon as the words left his mouth.

But he didn"t care in the slightest.

Or rather, he was trying to attract everyone"s attention.

He continued, "If you continue with your unorthodox first aid, this patient will probably be completely hopeless in less than two minutes."

"An intern is an intern! I can"t believe you don"t even know the basic sequence of first aid. I think your five years of medical school has gone to waste. "

"Humph!" You can"t stay in the hospital for more than a few days! Sooner or later, there will be a medical accident, which will end up harming oneself and others. "

Being ruthlessly scolded in front of so many people by the middle-aged man, He Qian"s face turned deathly pale, and her eyes were filled with tears.

The other party was her superior. He Qian was well aware of the real reason why they were targeting her.

However, even though he had tried so hard, it didn"t have the immediate effect he had expected. He couldn"t argue at all.

Helpless, He Qian stood up and said to the anxious young woman with red eyes, "Madam, your husband"s pulse is actually normal, but I"m not good at studying, so I can"t wake him up. "I"m sorry!"

With that, she bowed deeply to the young woman, turned around and pushed through the crowd, and returned to her seat at the back. Her body slightly trembled as if she was crying.

Looking at He Qian"s lonely figure, Lu Chen couldn"t help but feel a little annoyed in his heart.

Although what she did just now was a relatively basic method of first aid for traditional Chinese medicine, her technique was especially professional.

However, the patient"s condition was far more complicated than they had imagined, so the results were not instantaneous.

Under the current circ.u.mstances, it would take some time, or some other stimulation, to wake up.

In short, it wasn"t easy to achieve this step. He Qian had managed to pull the patient back from the hands of the King of h.e.l.l.

"h.e.l.lo, I am the Vice Director of the First People"s Hospital in Jiang City. My name is Jiang Zhenghua. I"ve been a doctor for more than twenty years, and I"ve had a lot of these problems. "Don"t worry, I"ll do my best to save your husband."

As the middle-aged man spoke, his eyes behind his were still staring at the young woman"s chest.

He had to admit that the most eye-catching aspect of this young woman was the mountain range in front of his chest.

That shaky appearance was indeed able to stir up the heart of any grown man.

The young woman was so focused on her husband who had fainted that she had not noticed Jiang Zhenghua"s malicious gaze.

However, all these small movements were noticed by Lu Chen. He couldn"t help but smile coldly in disgust.

He really wanted to see what this dignified fellow wanted to do after jumping out at this time.

"Then I"ll be troubling Director Jiang." The young woman looked at Jiang Zhenghua gratefully.

Jiang Zhenghua forced a smile and squatted down to check the patient"s condition.


Jiang Zhenghua seemed to notice that the patient"s pulse had stabilized, but his breathing was weak. He could not help but be startled.

After hesitating for a moment, he lightly tapped the patient"s chest.


The patient spat out a mouthful of blood.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all terrified.

This was the first time that many people had seen someone vomit blood in reality. Those who were timid immediately exclaimed and their legs went soft. They were so frightened that they retreated back to their seats, not daring to look.

Jiang Zhenghua was also shocked by this scene.

After being stunned for two or three seconds, he said awkwardly to the young woman, "Sorry, your husband"s condition is too serious. Plus, with He Qian"s torment, even if you push him into the emergency room now, it would still be very dangerous. "I"m worried that he might not be able to hold on any longer..."

Saying this, he deliberately sighed and shook his head.

Hearing that her husband had almost been sentenced to death, the young woman"s body swayed and she almost fell to the ground.

A few seconds later, she raised her head again and asked with some disbelief, "Director Jiang …" Really … Is there really no other way? "

"No more..." Jiang Zhenghua shook his head regretfully. "I don"t have the equipment or medicine right now, and I"ve also wasted a lot of time. Even a deity would find it hard to save me."

As he spoke, he intentionally glanced at He Qian, who was silent on her seat.

"Even this whatever director is not good, wasn"t he bragging a bit too much just now?" I thought he could really get rid of the disease and come back to life with a brilliant move! "

"Perhaps, this is because that young lady wasn"t proficient enough and wasted the best time for first aid, which is hard to say!"

"Tch!" I guess this guy is just faking it! You"re still saying that this young lady isn"t good? Why didn"t she suddenly step forward to save the patient just now? Who doesn"t know how to talk! "

… ….

At this time, the surrounding people began to discuss with each other.

Jiang Zhenghua didn"t think that everyone was targeting He Qian because of what he said. On the contrary, most of them were targeting him, so he stood there awkwardly without saying anything.