Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 200

"You have two pearls on you. One is Tian Yang fat jade and one is Tian Huang stone. They are both top quality goods and can be used to refine jade talismans no matter how good they are." Lu Chen said with a smile.

Li Ruoxi was stunned at first, and couldn"t react in time.

However, she touched her chest subconsciously.

Suddenly recalling the process of treating her illness just now, Li Ruoxi"s face blushed once again.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Li Ruoxi removed the two thumb-sized jade beads from her neck and handed them over to Lu Chen.

Taking the two warm pearls in his hand and sweeping them with his hand, Lu Chen said to Li Ruoxi:

"It is indeed a good item!" "Regardless of whether it is this He Tian Yang fat jade or this yellow stone pearl, they are both of the highest quality."

"Right now I don"t have anything better than this jade on hand. I plan to attempt to re-seal the array formation. There should be a pleasant surprise waiting for me!"

The moment he saw Li Ruoxi, Lu Chen actually sensed the existence of these two jades.

However, after probing for a while, the little fox finally confirmed their perfection.

As for the two of them, they were just barely comparable to high-grade yellow-rank spells. The power they could release still couldn"t be ignored.

Thus, from a certain perspective, Lu Chen could also be considered to be very happy about it.

Now that he had entered the second stage of the Power of Merit, he urgently wanted to try out the effects of refining this kind of jade talisman.

According to the little fox"s suggestion, he could now try practicing the seal inscriptions of the second array formation.

In other words, the second formation on the same jade talisman was independent of each other, but it had interactions with each other to achieve an effect of one plus one is greater than two.

Of course, Lu Chen understood the little fox"s intentions for what it was doing.

He only hoped that he would be able to grow and have more ability to protect himself.

As more and more people came into contact with the Celestial Sect of Wonders which was still active in China, Lu Chen actually felt a little pressured.

Because of his father, Lu Qingtian, once his ident.i.ty was exposed, he would be met with endless danger.

There were countless wealthy families and clans in China that had existed for a thousand years.

Those who were able to stay behind and remain active were naturally not to be underestimated.

Perhaps what they could see now was only the tip of the iceberg.

Everyone held back their true strength and did not reveal it.

"On the basis of the original runes, there is now an additional seal carved onto the runes …"

Seeing Lu Chen"s indifferent explanation, Li Ruoxi"s face was filled with doubt.

She even wondered if she was hallucinating.

This was something that the clan"s old monsters yearned for in their dreams, but had never been able to achieve.

Yet, Lu Chen, a young man in his early twenties, actually spoke so lightly?

Lu Chen knew that Li Ruoxi had misunderstood him, but he didn"t want to explain too much.

This was because it was indeed a bit shocking.

What he wanted to engrave was a formation, not a relatively simple rune.

Lei Ming and Yang Yi were both stunned.

Although the two of them did not understand the situation, they still felt a sense of danger.

The gaze he used to look at Lu Chen was filled with respect.

In fact, for ordinary people like them, just Lu Chen being from the Celestial Sect of Wonders and knowing how to make jade talismans was enough to surprise them.

Lu Chen didn"t pay any attention to their surprised gazes. He held the two beads overflowing with precious light in his hands and stroked them a little, trying to understand the structure of the inside of the beads in detail.

At the same time, under the little fox"s guidance, Lu Chen chose a auspicious location based on the changes in the aura in the air.

He walked straight to the southeast corner, moved a potted plant that was a little lush, and sat down on the ground.

"Everyone, please wait for a moment."

Lu Chen said, and directly held the white jade bead in his hand.

With a thought, an invisible force pa.s.sed through his palm towards the jade bead.

Weng …

The jade bead in his palm trembled slightly. Then, an invisible force pulled the bead away from his palm and it slowly rose to the other side of his forehead.

Lu Chen"s eyes darkened, and a strand of the power of merit quietly flowed into it.

The originally engraved sigil on the jade bead, the South Ming Fire Talisman, was immediately isolated by the power of karmic virtue.

The reason he did this was to ensure that when he added another formation on top of the others, they wouldn"t be affected.

Otherwise, the two powers would be mutually exclusive. Although Lu Chen could guarantee that the array formation he had engraved would not be a problem, the South Sea Light Fire Talisman from before would definitely fall apart.

Speaking of which, this was also the greatest difficulty to engrave the second rune or array formation within the same jade stone.

It was because the two powers could not coexist. Naturally, a fight would ensue, and the fight would not end until one side died.

With the barrier of the Power of Merit, Lu Chen was able to easily solve this problem.

What Lu Chen needed to do next was to engrave the array in a relatively small s.p.a.ce.

Due to its size, although the texture of this" Tian Yang fat jade bead "was impeccable, it was still quite difficult for it to be displayed in a narrow s.p.a.ce.

However, Lu Chen had made up his mind to give it a try.

These two pearls were both engraved with runes. One was called the South Aurora Fire Talisman by the little fox, and the other was the Red Lotus Fire Talisman.

Of course, both of these runes were in the castrated version and not in the complete state.

Otherwise, if he wanted to coexist with it, he would have to obtain the full version of the Diamond Protection Formation.

Of course, formations were naturally superior to runes. Thus, if one were to use formations to carve, it was actually a bit convenient.

If the first layer of the jade bead was a formation, wanting the two of them to coexist in harmony and complement each other, it would instead be much more difficult.

The Murong Family is worthy of being one of the nine great families of the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

As the Patriarch, Murong Dancheng was also very generous.

Amongst the batch of jade materials he had given to Lu Chen, most of them were top-notch.

In terms of materials, accommodating two formations wasn"t too much of a problem.

Now that there was a chance to practice, how could Lu Chen miss it?

With the little fox by his side protecting him, Lu Chen focused his attention and quickly entered a state of forgetfulness.

This time, he was going to refine a castrated version of the Diamond Protection Talisman.

Other than Lu Chen having similar thoughts himself, he also had the intention of becoming a little fox.

Of course, with the current situation of this young miss of the Li family, in order to achieve the best results in her cultivation, she would also need such a complex jade talisman.

Relying on her extraordinary Innate Ability, her path of cultivation was bound to progress at a tremendous pace.

Lu Chen was also a little surprised.

This was the first time he had seen the little fox give such a high evaluation of someone.

There was a saying, save others until the end, send Buddha to the west.

Even Lu Chen was looking forward to how far Li Ruoxi would be able to go in the end.

The process of refining the emasculated version of the Diamond Protection Charm was exceptionally smooth.

Of course, Lu Chen wasn"t sure about the feelings of the three people waiting at the side.

But he himself enjoyed it.

Lu Chen sat in silence as he refined the Diamond Protection Talisman. Time seemed to flash by and he felt great.

Weng …

With Lu Chen at the center, the spirit energy in the air began to fluctuate greatly.

The spirit energy floating in the air seemed to be attracted by some kind of invisible force as it frantically gathered towards the Yang Pi Jade Beads floating in the air.

Suddenly, the previously flawless white jade bead started to glow with a golden light, as if the entire room was covered in a layer of holy light.