Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 204

Shangguan Zixi"s eyes were blazing as she looked excitedly at the South Ming-Li Fire Talisman on Lu Chen"s other hand, which had fused with the castrated Vajra Body Protection Formation.

"Senior is being too courteous!"

Lu Chen observed Shangguan Zixi"s reaction, and said with a smile:

"Junior had the good fortune to carve a new array formation on top of this jade talisman. This is a very good opportunity to practice."

"Speaking of which, it was junior who took advantage of the situation, so I can"t say "thank you"."

"On the other hand, I have to thank senior for taking action in time to prevent my efforts from being wasted and full of smiles."

"This goat fat jade bead was originally meant to be returned to Miss Li. Since Senior is its original owner, of course there will be no problem. "

"If I find anything amiss, I hope Senior can give me some pointers. Lu Chen thanks you very much."

As Lu Chen spoke, he handed the jade pearl over.

"Mr Lu is too modest. Speaking of pointers, I have a lot of questions in my heart, and I hope that Mister Lu can enlighten me! "

Shangguan Zixi cupped his fists towards Lu Chen, and solemnly received the jade pearl with both hands.

When her fingertips came in contact with the jade bead, her delicate body suddenly stiffened, and her expression abruptly changed.

However, she quickly came back to her senses.

Although she still maintained a calm smile on her face, Shangguan Zixi"s heart was in turmoil.

Shangguan Zixi had personally forged this South Ming Fire Talisman, so he was well aware of its current situation.

But now, after Lu Chen"s processing, the power of the South Ming Fire Talisman seemed to have more than doubled!

The composite runes had the effect of one plus one is larger than two, but such a terrifying amplification effect was completely unheard-of.

Furthermore, due to the effect of the Diamond Protection Talisman, this originally restless energy had become abnormally stable.

Shangguan Zixi calmed down, a sliver of spiritual power from his fingertips secretly entering the talisman pearl, wanting to find out a little clue.

However, Shangguan Zixi astonishingly discovered that the array formation could easily block his spiritual energy, making it hard to advance forward.

She did not believe it and focused her attention once again. A surge of even stronger spiritual energy was released, wanting to break through this invisible barrier.


He only felt a dizzy feeling and immediately drove out the strand of spiritual power from her fingertip, making it impossible for him to get close to her.

However, after this collision, she did have a hint of subtle information.

Shangguan Zixi was sure that this so-called Diamond Protection Array was only a formation that was close to the dark cla.s.s.

A quasi-Xuan grade array formation actually had such an aura?

Absolutely unbelievable!

Shangguan Zixi gave Lu Chen a deep look, the expression in his eyes extremely complex.

There was surprise, admiration, and even a trace of gratification …

She turned around, and said to Li Ruoxi who was at the side in a profound tone:

"Xi Er, you must take this jade bead. Don"t disappoint Mr Lu."

After receiving the jade bead, Li Ruoxi lightly nodded her head. She quickly glanced at Lu Chen, then carefully put it away.

Shangguan Zixi smiled and looked at Lu Chen: "You"re not being polite at all! "Today, Mister Lu is returning to spring with an amazing skill, treating Xi"er and Shangguan Zixi"s five senses."

"It just so happens that I have a movement technique called the Heavenly Thunder Steps. It is one of the supreme techniques that you spoke of back then."

"However, this Heavenly Thunder Steps is too profound. My apt.i.tude is dull, and in the past ten or so years, I haven"t been able to see through it. It is truly a waste of a heavenly resource."

"I see that Mister Lu is extremely talented, and might be able to understand the profoundness of this Heavenly Thunder Steps."

"For the sake of not being covered by dust, I"ll give it to you as a token of my grat.i.tude."

As Shangguan Zixi spoke, he pulled out a thin roll of silk.

Lu Chen was taken aback.

It turned out to be my father"s absolute art?!

Furthermore, Shangguan Zixi had dared to speak of her relationship with her father in front of others …

This also seemed to imply something.

Hesitating for a moment, Lu Chen stretched out both of his hands and received it respectfully.

After taking a close look, he solemnly put it away.

"Just as you said just now, I have a jade talisman with me. I believe you would like it."

Lu Chen took out a piece of the Immoveable Bright King Talisman"s safety b.u.t.ton.

Shangguan Zixi"s eyes flashed with surprise.

She did not refuse and directly took the safety b.u.t.ton.

Feeling the power of the Immoveable Bright King Talisman, Shangguan Zixi"s body slightly stiffened.

The moment she touched it, she felt an invisible force quietly flowing into her body.

When she thought of the past, her chaotic mind suddenly became incomparably tranquil. The pain that was hidden in her left shoulder also disappeared at this moment!

She had cultivated arduously for half her life and had established herself in the art of charms and incantations. She even had some knowledge of formations.

But he had never encountered such a wondrous jade talisman.

It wasn"t because her level was high, but because she was too complete, and the power she contained was also exceptionally high.

Shangguan Zixi couldn"t help but grip the safety b.u.t.ton tightly in her hand. Raising her head, she looked at Lu Chen seriously:

"Mr Lu, may I ask, what is the array inside? "I feel that this talisman is much more complete than the [Vajra Body Protection] talisman from before. There are no flaws at all!"

Lu Chen couldn"t help but praise him in his heart.

It was obvious that the emasculated version of the talisman was of a much higher grade, but the other party was still able to see through it in an instant.

He smiled and said, "This is a formation that can dispel evil, and at the same time, it can calm one"s mind and calm one"s mind. It is called the Immoveable Bright King Talisman."

"I believe that the power contained within it should have an extremely good effect on Senior"s hidden injuries. I hope senior will like it."

Shangguan Zixi looked at Lu Chen in astonishment, and asked in disbelief: "You … How did you know I had hidden injuries? "

Shangguan Zixi had heard of a similar array formation mentioned by Lu Chen.

However, most of them were symbols, not formations.

However, at the end of Lu Chen"s words, her face became agitated, and she lost control of her emotions.

There were no more than three people who knew of her hidden injuries.

Shangguan Zixi was sure that this was the first time she and Lu Chen had met, and that no one else would casually reveal this secret.

Then there could only be one possibility. Lu Chen had seen her situation with his naked eyes …

Seeing Shangguan Zixi"s reaction, Lu Chen smiled and explained, "Just now, when junior was refining the array, senior"s wisp of spiritual energy seemed to have a flaw."

"Junior will continue to ponder on this. Senior"s body is most likely secretly injured."

"Actually, I didn"t dare to be completely sure just now, but after Senior touched the Art of Acalanātha, I confirmed this point."

"In addition, if this Immoveable Bright King Talisman has any effect on senior"s hidden injuries, junior should have a certain degree of confidence in healing."

From the moment Shangguan Zixi gifted Lu Chen the Skythunder Step, he had already guessed at the relationship between Shangguan Zixi and his father.

Since Shangguan Zixi meant no harm, and he was even trying to show off his att.i.tude, Lu Chen naturally had to repay her kindness.

In addition, Lu Chen also hoped to learn some information about the Kunlun Secret Realm from Shangguan Zixi.

Given her feelings for her father, Lu Qingtian, she would definitely place great importance on such matters.