Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 208

After a period of nourishment and practice, Zhang Junwei had a vague sense of qi flow.

In addition to his pure heart, he was extremely sensitive to spiritual energy.

The moment Zhang Junwei touched the safety b.u.t.ton engraved with the Innate Spirit Convergence Array, he felt the spiritual energy fluctuations that were even more abundant on the surface. He couldn"t help but be startled.

"Master, is this for me?"

Zhang Junwei said excitedly as he held the safety b.u.t.ton with the Innate Spirit Convergence Array engraved on it in both hands.

"That"s right!" "According to the breathing technique I taught you, it will be beneficial to you." Lu Chen said indifferently.

Zhang Junwei quickly took off the nameplate on his neck and carefully put the safety b.u.t.ton on his chest.

Then, he impatiently followed the breathing technique taught by Lu Chen and tried to sense the surrounding spiritual energy, trying to infuse it into his body.

With the circulation of the spiritual qi, Zhang Junwei was pleasantly surprised.

He felt as if he was bathed in the rich spiritual energy, with an indescribably carefree feeling.

Moreover, the abundant energy that gradually emerged from the eight extraordinary meridians allowed this set of breathing exercises to be un.o.bstructed and relaxed.

Noticing the obvious changes in Zhang Junwei"s body, Lu Chen lightly nodded his head and encouraged:

"You have made great progress. I believe that with this Innate Spirit Convergence Talisman, you will be able to cultivate even faster in the following days."

"As long as I follow the sequence, I will definitely be able to take the first step within a relatively short period of time and truly step onto the road of cultivation.

"However, you must remember that even though perseverance is a good att.i.tude, you must still pay attention to the combination of work and leisure."

"There is a saying that goes, "haste makes waste." Don"t overexert yourself, it would backfire."

"It"s getting late. You have to set your own schedule, so go back and rest!"

As Lu Chen spoke, he patted Zhang Junwei on the shoulder and prepared to leave.

Unfortunately, Zhang Junwei showed no reaction.

Lu Chen frowned.

And then he was enlightened.

He suddenly realized that this guy was still immersed in the wonderful feeling brought by the Innate Spirit Gathering Symbol...

Lu Chen was surprised to discover that Zhang Junwei was able to easily return qi to the void with just this basic breathing technique.

The spiritual qi he absorbed from the safety b.u.t.ton on his chest was being guided by his own initiative to cleanse the eight extraordinary meridians.

At this rate, he believed that he would officially enter the Qi Refining stage in less than half a month!

When he thought of Zhang Jun"s carefree and slightly paranoid personality, Lu Chen felt a little relieved.

Zhang Junwei"s mind was a bit muddled, and his personality was somewhat innocent.

However, it was precisely this kind of talent that allowed him to focus on his cultivation and forget about everything else.

Lu Chen suddenly felt that this fellow before him wasn"t someone who could be judged by common sense.

Perhaps with a little guidance from him, he would be able to create a path that belonged to him.

The future is limitless.

Since that was the case, he might as well let nature take its course.

After coming to this conclusion, Lu Chen said no more and headed upstairs.

Zhang Junwei was exceptionally sensitive to Lu Chen"s aura. Upon discovering that Lu Chen had left, he immediately came back to his senses.

However, Zhang Junwei said firmly towards Lu Chen"s back, "Master, don"t worry, I will work even harder and definitely not embarra.s.s you!"

As for the words Lu Chen had just said, he hadn"t taken them in at all …

Lu Chen, who was currently walking upstairs, didn"t stop walking.

He just smiled helplessly and continued to walk forward.

After returning to the dormitory, Lu Chen washed up, sat on his bed, and thought back to what had happened tonight.

When he had the chance, he would definitely have a good chat with Shangguan Zixi and learn as much as he could about the matters of the Ruins of Karakorum.

If it was possible, Lu Chen didn"t even mind revealing his ident.i.ty to her, in order to further understand her parents" past.

Only by grasping more information would Lu Chen be able to easily lay out his plans.

Lu Chen absolutely did not believe that he could fight against the entire Celestial Sect of Wonders by himself with the help of the little fox and the Eye of Merit.

At least for the time being!

Of course, for the current Lu Chen, the most important thing was to quickly improve himself.

Lu Chen took out the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm first.

Previously, he had specifically placed a Xiantian Spirit Gathering Glyph next to the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm, hoping to borrow the power of the Innate Spirit Gathering Array to help it grow as fast as possible.

Seeing the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm, the little fox was the first to speak.

Its eyes were wide open as it looked at the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm in Lu Chen"s hand in surprise.

"Lord, I didn"t expect that this little guy actually didn"t have any resistance to the Spiritual Energy within the Upper Sky Spirit Gathering Symbol."

Lu Chen asked doubtfully, "Is something wrong?"

To be honest, he rarely saw the usually calm and arrogant little fox have such a huge reaction.

The little fox immediately told Lu Chen that the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm, one of the Ten Divine Silkworms, had the ability to absorb the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth.

However, it would usually only absorb the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth from the air.

This was because the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth was the purest. Even though it was extremely rare in this apocalyptic era, it could be absorbed without any side effects.

As for the spiritual energy, due to its unusual alertness, it was naturally very repellent and would rarely come into contact with it.

"Master, we really picked up a treasure this time! According to the speed at which the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm was absorbing spiritual energy, its first eye should open immediately. At the same time, the first tear of blood will follow. "

At the end, the little fox was clearly excited.

He was about to open his first eye …

Lu Chen was also astonished.

He did not know what the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s blood tears looked like, but he guessed that they were probably a single teardrop.

Or perhaps it was the same as the Merit Pearl, in the state of crystallization.

Unfortunately, he could not find a suitable container.

Logically speaking, the most common container for storing these items would be a jade bottle.

This was because the jade artifact contained spirit energy and had a very good nurturing effect. It could preserve as much of its original power as possible without losing it.

If it was just a little bit, he could have used a porcelain bottle.

However, in order to maintain the strength within like a jade container, one would often need to use some runic formations.

Of course, this was not difficult for Lu Chen at all.

The Eye of Merit on him could originally be used to store these things.

It was fortunate that he had broken through to the second stage now. Otherwise, it would have taken a lot of effort.

Along with a stream of orange karmic power, the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s body started to shine with vibrant colors.

"Milord, get ready. Its first eye will open!" The little fox reminded from the side.

Lu Chen did not say a word, staring at the constantly changing Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm.

The one on the front left had a faint flow of blood-red light. His tightly closed eyelids revealed a small gap, and it looked like it was about to open.