Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 212

Who would send him a text at this time?

Doubtful, Lu Chen opened the message, and soon, he came to a realization.

It was from Li Ruoxi.

Good morning, Teacher Lu. I"m Li Ruoxi.

I don"t know if I"m disturbing your rest by texting you so early.

Last night, when I went back, I told my parents that you had cured my Three Yin meridian, and they were pleasantly surprised.

They definitely have to thank you face to face. They have already rushed to Jiang Prefecture City overnight.

Father and Mother will have some wine at the Roman Holiday Inn tonight, and I hope Teacher Lu can enjoy it.

I wonder if you could set the time at around seven o"clock in the evening?

Seeing such a long text message, Lu Chen let out a bitter laugh.

The enthusiasm that Li Ruoxi displayed was in stark contrast to the cold and aloof feeling when they met each other, even a little unapproachable.

Lu Chen had already experienced Shangguan Zixi"s strength before.

He also wanted to see the Li family"s background through Li Ruoxi"s parents.

For a daughter like Li Ruoxi, who possessed the Three Yin Meridians to last up to twenty years of age, a normal family would not be able to handle all the resources that would have been consumed.

Lu Chen replied to Li Ruoxi"s text without hesitation, indicating that he would be there for the evening.

After putting away his phone, Lu Chen directly went to the bathroom.

After a night of tempering, his body felt sticky, as if half of it had been fished out of oil.

He had to clean it properly.

After about twenty minutes, Lu Chen changed into a clean set of clothes. He felt refreshed and full of energy.

However, just as he finished changing his clothes, before he could even dry his hair, his phone rang.

Seeing another unfamiliar phone number, Lu Chen frowned slightly.

Who could this be?

Even though he was puzzled, he still pressed the answer b.u.t.ton.

Immediately, a gentle voice came over the phone.

Was it her?

Situ Qingcheng!

In an instant, Lu Chen"s frown deepened.

Situ Qingcheng was beautiful, but the feeling she gave Lu Chen wasn"t very good.

"Good morning, Mr. Lu. I"m Situ Qingcheng. I didn"t disturb your rest by calling so early, did I? " Situ Qingcheng asked.

"May I ask why Miss Situ is calling me?" Lu Chen asked directly.

Situ Qingcheng didn"t seem to mind Lu Chen"s att.i.tude at all. She immediately said:

"I"m very sorry for offending you two days ago!" "Qingcheng wants to apologize and show her sincerity. I wonder if it"s convenient for Mister Lu to come today?"

On the other end of the phone, Situ Qingcheng"s voice was filled with sincerity.

Lu Chen had a rough understanding of the situation. This woman definitely wasn"t just apologizing, she must have some ulterior motive.

He indifferently said, "If Miss Situ has anything to say, please say it over the phone! As for my apologies, it"s just a misunderstanding. I don"t think there"s a need for it. "

Obviously, Situ Qingcheng wasn"t willing to give Lu Chen the chance to refuse.

She quickly said: "Mister Lu, please give Qingcheng a chance, or else the Patriarch will definitely punish her."

"I"m already at your house. It won"t take too long for me to reach there."

"It doesn"t matter if you have other things to do, I can wait …"

Hearing this, Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.

This woman was really persistent, of course she had a thick skin.

However, this Situ Qingcheng seemed to be very sincere. For a moment, he didn"t know how to reject her.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

It was Zhang Junwei.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but smile bitterly.

"Hmm... Beauty, are you here to look for my Master Lu Chen laoshi? "

Lu Chen let out a bitter laugh, then said with a smile, "Miss Situ, then wait downstairs for a moment. I"ll be there in a bit."

After Situ Qingcheng happily agreed, Lu Chen hung up the phone and immediately walked downstairs.

"Beauty, why aren"t you saying anything! What"s your name, and what business do you have with my Master? " Zhang Junwei asked with a smile.

When she had heard the words" Mr Lu "just now, her first thought had been to look for Lu Chen.

Furthermore, with such a respectful tone, Zhang Junwei didn"t think there was anyone who would be so courteous to such a beautiful lady.

Situ Qingcheng stood downstairs, not willing to acknowledge Zhang Junwei at all.

She did not know that Lu Chen had come down because he heard Zhang Junwei"s voice.

He truly felt that Situ Qingcheng was not a kind person. If he were to reject her offer just like that, then maybe he would start with Zhang Junwei.

With Zhang Junwei"s character, he might even be betrayed by Situ Qingcheng.

It was no wonder that Situ Qingcheng didn"t like Zhang Junwei at all.

It was hard for Situ Qingcheng to notice Zhang Junwei"s current appearance.

He wore a plaid shirt and a pair of flip-flops. No matter how you looked at it, he looked like a delinquent.

He seemed to be around twenty years old, yet he wasn"t even a low-grade yellow-rank. Situ Qingcheng looked down on him even more.

Even though Lu Chen was young, he appeared exceptionally calm. Furthermore, given his strength, even if Zhang Junwei was Lu Chen"s disciple, he probably wouldn"t be taken seriously.

"Master... You haven"t had breakfast yet, have you? "This is the breakfast I bought for you. It would be too cold if you wait any longer."

Seeing Lu Chen walking down from the second floor, Zhang Junwei immediately took the exquisite box to his side.

"Um... "Just put it aside first!" Lu Chen nodded with a smile.

This crazy Zhang Junwei, although sometimes his brain didn"t feel like it was enough, but in these aspects, he did have quite the good intention.

"Mr. Lu … This was … I brought you breakfast … "

Situ Qingcheng looked deeply at Zhang Junwei, then carefully examined Lu Chen"s expression, feeling that it was a little unbelievable.

She suddenly realized that she had probably judged him by his appearance.

Seeing that Situ Qingcheng had brought her own breakfast as well, Lu Chen"s brows slightly twitched.

This woman really knows how to see the light of day.

No wonder Murong Xin`er was wary of her.

Before Lu Chen could say anything, Zhang Junwei smiled and took the box from Situ Qingcheng"s hands.

"Beautiful girl, so you also brought my master breakfast!" "Give it to me, I"ll hold it for him!"

Situ Qingcheng wanted to reject him, but Zhang Junwei was so enthusiastic that she didn"t know how to start.

"It was indeed a bit abrupt today. I hope Mr Lu doesn"t mind." Situ Qingcheng had no choice but to hand the breakfast in her hand to Zhang Junwei as she apologetically said to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled, "Miss Situ, please forgive me. "I"m from the military, and I"ve never been one to beat around the bush."

"If there is anything, please do not hesitate to say it. If I can do it, I will not decline. "

Situ Qingcheng was slightly surprised for a moment, then looked at Lu Chen seriously: "Mister Lu is a straightforward person, I like dealing with direct people the most."

"To tell you the truth, our Situ Family wants to get to know people like Mister Lu."

"I wonder if Mr Lu has time for lunch? Can we have lunch together and have a good chat?"