Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 221


When the poison touched the orange power, it only lasted for less than a second. Suddenly, it started to burn intensely, turning into nothingness in an instant.

Wu Siqi first felt a burning pain in her body, and then she felt as if there was a warm power swimming happily in her body.

That kind of comfortable feeling had never happened before. It actually made her want to moan.

However, in front of so many people, Wu Siqi finally clenched her teeth and forcefully suppressed this feeling.

The last time Lu Chen had helped her remove the Shadow Snake Gu, he had experienced this feeling.

However, this time, it was even more obvious and ferocious.

She had to put in a lot of effort in order to suppress this feeling, so that she wouldn"t embarra.s.s herself in front of everyone.

After about a minute of Lu Chen"s treatment, he finally withdrew his finger.

"Alright, Miss Wu. The remaining Yin Snake Gu in your body has been cleared. Pay more attention to your diet. "

"The Shadow Snake Gu is usually hidden in food or tea, as long as it has some powder, it can successfully plant the Gu poison."

Towards Wu Siqi"s reminder, Lu Chen had only left it at that.

At this time, Lu Chen discovered that at the mouth of the spring, the power of contribution was continuously gushing out.

Unfortunately, it didn"t last long because it had been a fierce fight in the beginning.

In less than half a minute, his karmic power had increased by less than a third.

This time, he had only eliminated the remnants of Wu Siqi"s poison. Naturally, he didn"t hold too much hope that he would be able to acc.u.mulate much merit power.

However, Lu Chen didn"t mind.

Even if it was just a small stream, it was still a acc.u.mulating process for him.

Wu Siqi nodded seriously, her expression becoming serious.

A faint trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, she let out a soft sigh.

Raising her head to look at Lu Chen, Wu Siqi said in a low voice:

"Thank you for your reminder, Mister Lu." "Actually, after a few days of investigation, I already had some leads."

"It"s a pity that the other party detected us. The clues were quickly cut off." I"ve been busy for most of the day, but I still can"t get anything out of it. "

Uncle He, who had remained silent the entire time, could not help but say:

"That"s right, Mr Lu. If the person who planted this Gu doesn"t succeed, he probably won"t give up and will find another opportunity to attack."

"Sigh!" There is no such thing as a thousand days of guarding against thieves. However, we don"t have any good methods to guard against this Gu technique. It"s really worrisome. "

Lu Chen nodded slightly.

Of course he understood in his heart that the reason Wu Siqi said that her appet.i.te was not good just now was because of the Shadow Snake Venom in her body.

On the other hand, it might have something to do with him not being able to find out who the mastermind was.

If anyone were to be remembered like this, they would probably feel a chill down their spine and be unable to eat or sleep at ease!

As the saying goes, save him until the end, send him to h.e.l.l.

Since he had encountered such a situation, there was naturally no reason for him to stand back and watch.

Earlier, after completely eliminating the Gu poison within Wu Siqi"s body, the power of merit in Lu Chen"s body did not erupt like he had expected.

He quickly realized that this matter wasn"t perfect before it was completely resolved.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Chen said to Wu Siqi, "Miss Wu, you don"t have to worry too much about this matter."

"There is a saying that evil cannot win in the end, and there is still a way to deal with these rats and bugs hiding in the shadows!"

As he spoke, Lu Chen handed the last Vajra Body Protection Talisman in his pocket to Wu Siqi.

"Lu laoshi, this is?"

Wu Siqi had obviously felt the power radiating from the Vajra Body Protection Symbol, and her eyes were filled with shock.

Lu Chen smiled lightly: "I have a jade talisman that can resist all evils and injuries. It"s called the Diamond Protection Talisman."

"As long as you wear it, let alone this Shadow Snake Gu, even a Gu technique stronger than this would not be able to get close."

"Of course, if the opponent"s Gu technique is really too strong, surpa.s.sing the middle rank of the Xuan cla.s.s, then the strength would be lacking."

"But even so, even if I can"t completely block it, I can at least discover some signs in advance so that I can have some time to react."

"Since the real culprit of the Gu is using such a sinister method, it means that he doesn"t dare to openly attack Miss Wu. This jade talisman can"t be any better for you! "

Hearing Lu Chen"s explanation, Wu Siqi became even more surprised.

This talisman in the shape of an unimportant plate was actually able to withstand an attack from a middle grade Profound Rank weapon, yet it was given to him just like that?

Could it be because he was interested in his own cousin?

It wouldn"t be too much to use such a treasure as a betrothal gift!

Wu Siqi quickly glanced at He Qian, who was standing to the side. Seeing her stare blankly at the trouble plate in Lu Chen"s hand, she couldn"t help but sigh in her heart.

"Mister Lu is a kind heart for doctors. I am very grateful for your consideration."

"However... Please forgive me for not daring to accept such a treasure. It would be better if Mr Lu kept it for his own protection! "

Wu Siqi looked away with some difficulty, gritting her teeth as she refused Lu Chen"s good intentions.

And the reason why He Qian, who was sitting beside Wu Siqi, had her eyes fixed on the jade talisman in Lu Chen"s hand, was actually not what Wu Siqi thought she was.

At this moment, He Qian"s emotions couldn"t help but become complicated.

The Innate Spirit Convergence Talisman that Lu Chen had given her previously had already caused the people in her family to be extremely shocked, to the point that they had all sorts of thoughts sprouted in their minds.

Especially so for her grandfather and mother, they had always wanted to find an opportunity to thank Lu Chen.

However, He Qian was well aware of what he meant.

Moreover, in He Qian"s eyes, if Lu Chen could give such a treasure to her, then he really might have other intentions.

Before he made that clear, He Qian actually did not want her family to meet Lu Chen rashly.

If she made a mistake, she really didn"t know how to face Lu Chen in the future.

However, now that Lu Chen had casually taken out a piece, He Qian immediately realized that this item wasn"t as valuable as she had imagined.

At the same time, He Qian thought of an even more unbelievable possibility.

These jade talismans were crafted by Lu Chen himself!

Forging jade talismans …

He Qian suddenly felt that this idea was truly terrifying.

"Just take it. This jade talisman isn"t considered expensive, and your cousin also has it!"

Lu Chen said lightly, then fished out another safety b.u.t.ton.

This was a jade talisman engraved with the Immoveable Bright King Array.

With the help of the Upper Sky Spirit Gathering Talisman, He Qian"s progress was incredibly fast.

With the support of the Art of Acalanātha, when absorbing spirit energy, she would be able to calm her heart and calm her mind, and the effect would be even more obvious.

It wasn"t like Lu Chen hadn"t thought about giving his newly crafted compound jade talisman to He Qian.

However, this sort of thing was too precious. If he gave it to her so hastily, it might harm her.

That would be doing bad things with good intentions.