Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 222

Lu Chen had a general understanding of He Qian"s ideals.

It also met Lu Chen"s current needs.

If it was able to help him quickly grow and have some achievements in the medical field, it was likely that he would be able to obtain a lot of contribution points.

Besides, it was a beautiful thing for a girl like He Qian to help her.

Seeing the safety b.u.t.ton in Lu Chen"s hand, He Qian"s body trembled slightly.

She couldn"t help but let out a faint blush on her fair cheeks.

At this moment, Lu Chen directly stuffed the Immoveable Bright King Talisman into He Qian"s hands.

Before she could even react, He Qian"s body trembled slightly. That feeling was as if she had been electrocuted.

He Qing suddenly raised her head and looked towards Lu Chen in a daze.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she forcibly swallowed it back down.

Feeling a strange power from the safety b.u.t.ton, He Qian only felt her mind calming down.

She had never felt so calm before.

His heart was like still water, calm as an ancient well.

Even the blush on her face dissipated in an instant.

He Qian stared at the safety b.u.t.ton in her palm.

She didn"t have the ability to distinguish what rank of jade it was, but she could feel that it was extraordinary.

Although the number of jade talismans that the He Clan had collected was pitifully small, it was nothing to her.

Because most of them were his mother"s dowry.

His mother"s family background was deep.

Although she was just a grandchild, she had seen quite a few things from her grandparents.

Jade talismans that were able to focus one"s mind was relatively common in the Celestial Sect of Wonders and there were still quite a few of them.

However, compared to the jade talisman in Lu Chen"s hand, the effects were on a completely different level.

Wu Siqi had been observing the entire process from the moment Lu Chen"s safety was in He Qian"s hands.

The slight reaction on He Qian"s face, as well as the trace of light that flashed in her eyes, were all captured by Wu Siqi.

What kind of jade token was this?

The normally calm and composed Cousin Sis actually had such a reaction!

"Come on, Miss Wu, you should believe what I just said now!"

"To me, this" unimportant card "is not as precious as I thought."

"Since Miss Wu can use it, then we"ll take it first. Making it function as it ought to be is also a realization of value. "

As Lu Chen spoke, he handed the emasculated version of the Diamond Protection Talisman to Wu Siqi.

"Thank you, Mr Lu …"

With Lu Chen"s words reaching this point, after a brief moment of hesitation, Wu Siqi received the "No problem" sign with both hands and said gratefully.

But before she could finish, Lu Chen interrupted her.

"I"ll give you another jade talisman with a different effect. If you wear both at the same time, the effect will be even better!"

Seeing Lu Chen pa.s.s her another piece of safety, Wu Siqi couldn"t help but feel mixed emotions.

This was a jade token!

Not cabbage!

These treasures … to this Mr. Lu, are they as casual as this?

Lu Chen continued, "This jade talisman is not like the Diamond Protection Talisman, which can defend against attacks, but Tranquil Heart and Calm mind can achieve very good results."

"Here, try to see how Miss Wu feels with it in your hand!"

Without waiting for Wu Siqi to react, Lu Chen had already stuffed the Immoveable Bright King Talisman into her palm.

Only then did Wu Siqi realize that before she could cover the heat of the tokens in her hand, a safety b.u.t.ton that could calm one"s mind had appeared in her other hand.

However, these things were all treasures that he had yearned for in the past.

Wu Siqi had no mood to say anything at all.

A strange power surged out of the jade talisman and occupied her entire mind.

He didn"t feel the same way about the "medallion" just now, but the safety b.u.t.ton had a completely different effect.

Wu Siqi felt that her agitated and emotional mind that had suddenly obtained a treasure had suddenly become quiet.

So this was what my cousin had just experienced!

No wonder they reacted like that …

At the same time, Wu Siqi discovered that the last trace of discomfort in her body had quietly dissipated at this moment, as if it had never existed.

Feeling such a miraculous change, Wu Siqi raised her head to look at Lu Chen in shock.

She couldn"t help but lower her voice and ask, "Mister Lu, may I ask where I can buy these jade talismans?"

Adding the safety b.u.t.ton in He Qian"s hand, Lu Chen had already given her three pieces of expensive jade talismans.

She reckoned that Lu Chen had a special way to buy these jade talismans.

Moreover, the price shouldn"t be too high, it was completely within the acceptable range.

However, what Lu Chen said next left Wu Siqi dumbstruck.

"I didn"t buy it. I made this jade token myself." "The technique of a technique can"t be considered to be perfect..."

Lu Chen spoke humbly. Uncle He, who had just sat down after making a pot of tea, swayed slightly.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at Lu Chen in disbelief, as if he was looking at a monster.

Uncle He was slightly focused. His right index finger and ring finger slightly moved as he quietly sent a tiny wisp of spirit energy into the safety b.u.t.ton.

Even though they were almost a meter apart, they could still feel the mysterious power that could calm their mind down.

What made him even more surprised was that the seal engraved within the jade talisman was actually not a rune or incantation.

Formation …

It was actually a formation?

Uncle He couldn"t help but be shocked in his heart.

He suddenly felt that his brain was insufficient!

What was going on?

In this era of spa.r.s.e spiritual energy, it was already quite good for a cultivator of Lu Chen"s age to be able to refine some low-grade yellow-rank jade talismans.

Occasionally, a middle Huang grade jade talisman would appear, meaning that it was a demonic level existence.

However, a person like him was completely unheard-of.

Uncle He could faintly feel that the aura emitted by this jade talisman had already reached the middle Huang grade.

More importantly, Lu Chen had taken out three jade talismans consecutively, and all of them were actually made by him …

Zhang Junwei was playing with his teacup, taking a sip from time to time.

After following Lu Chen, he had even seen a legendary creature like a Flood Dragon. To him, this was nothing to be surprised about.

Zhang Junwei was surprised by his master"s generosity.

Not to mention the jade talismans, even the value of these items themselves were not cheap.

However, the current situation was such that anyone who saw it would be willing to give it a try!

Maybe this was the same as those real rich people who didn"t take money as money!

These two beauties were shocked by Zhang Junwei"s master. Zhang Junwei could not help but praise and admire him in his heart.

Master is indeed awesome!

Today, the three beauties had similar att.i.tudes. This was the true winner of their lives!

He Qian was equally shocked by Lu Chen"s answer.

A strong fire flashed in her eyes.

As expected, his guess just now was right, it was really made by him!

He Qian secretly touched the medallion she wore on her chest. Feeling the spiritual energy from the Innate Spirit Gathering Talisman that Lu Chen had gifted her, a sliver of hope rose in her heart …

On the other hand, Wu Siqi was stunned for a full five seconds after hearing Lu Chen"s words.

If these words came from the mouths of other youngsters, she would not believe it at all.

However, she had to believe the words of her savior, Lu Chen.