Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 223

After she suddenly regained her senses, Wu Siqi"s face was now filled with antic.i.p.ation, "Mr Lu … No, Lu laoshi, do you still want to accept disciples? "

Seeing that Wu Siqi did not seem like she was joking, Lu Chen gently smiled.

For a moment, he didn"t know how to respond.

The teacup in Zhang Junwei"s hand slightly swayed, he looked at Lu Chen with excitement.

He was looking forward to it.

If that were the case, wouldn"t that mean he had a beautiful junior sister?

He did not dare to think of anything else, but at least on the path of cultivation, it was not that boring.

However, Lu Chen"s following reply made Zhang Junwei a little disappointed.

"Miss Wu, I"ve only learned a little of this Dao of array formations from my teacher."

"Right now, I already have a disciple who hasn"t even entered the school yet. I"m afraid I don"t have much energy."

Wu Siqi was about to say something when she heard a somewhat hurried voice coming from outside the door.

"Young mistress, two people who claim to be members of the Duanmu family have come to look for Mr Lu Chen …"

From the sound of it, the one who had been guarding the door just now was none other than him.

He first looked at Wu Siqi, and finally at Lu Chen.

The Duanmu Family was looking for Lu Chen …

The Duanmu family...

Lu Chen …

Lu Family?!

Could it be … The person in front of him was a member of the Lu family!

Uncle He, who was sitting on the sofa, narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Chen with a complicated expression.

"Let them in first!" Wu Siqi obviously hadn"t thought this much. She frowned in suspicion and instructed the gatekeeper.

Lu Chen sat on the sofa and did not say anything.

He was also a bit confused.

Where did the Duanmu family come from?

However, Lu Chen had long since sensed that someone was staring at him.

And not just one.

It was not strange that these people would come here and point out their intentions to meet him.

The gatekeeper nodded before turning around and leaving.

At this time, everyone"s eyes landed on Lu Chen, hoping that he would be able to provide an answer.

Lu Chen could only shake his head with a bitter smile, then said that he didn"t know any members of the Duanmu Family.

At this moment, Lu Chen felt a strong gust of wind blow across his face.

And then, two auras approached each other strangely.

In less than a second, Lu Chen saw two black figures appear at the entrance of the hall.

They wore black robes, revealing only their wrinkled faces.

One of them had a huge black axe on his back.

The axe was actually as big as two heads.

The other was carrying a huge wine jug on his back.

The surface of the axe and wine jug were covered with complicated patterns that reflected a dim l.u.s.ter, appearing extremely strange.

Among all the people present, only Zhang Junwei opened his mouth in shock.

Two living people just appeared out of thin air like that?

Although his view of the world had been constantly refreshed, this was the first time something like this happened to a human body.

Suddenly, Lu Chen felt the subtle fluctuations that belonged to the villa becoming clearer.

At the same time, the little fox"s voice rang out.

"Master, I never thought that the energy wave that has always been present is the barrier of the Six Ultimate Tiger Prison! This Miss Wu is not simple! I actually made a mistake! "

Lu Chen repeated in confusion, "Six Extreme Tiger Prison enchantment? What"s that? "

The spell formation had only begun to come into contact with it in this period of time.

As for this Spirit Formation, he had never even heard of it before.

Fortunately, the little fox immediately gave him the answer.

According to the little fox, the barrier of the Six Ultimate Tiger Prison was a defensive barrier.

Possessing powerful defensive capabilities.

Furthermore, there was a restriction within the spirit formation that could imprison people or objects.

Once the barrier was activated once, it would disappear after a few minutes.

It would take at least a month to reconstruct the barrier, and there were countless array glyphs that needed to be drawn.

Simply put, this barrier consisted of multiple array glyphs that combined together with a specific trajectory to be able to draw upon the spiritual power between heaven and earth.

The power of this barrier that borrowed the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth was not to be underestimated.

It just so happened that this enchantment was made from a combination of high-grade yellow-rank runes. It had a qualitative change in quant.i.ty and was extremely profound.

According to the grade of this barrier, using it at full power would allow one to release power that was infinitely close to high-grade Profound Rank.

Even a middle grade Profound Rank expert would be trapped and be unable to escape if they were to fall.

And the reason why the little fox had misjudged him was because it had never thought that Wu Siqi was actually the core of this barrier.

She released her power into the barrier. In addition, the barrier itself also helped her hide her power, so the feeling it gave off was no different than that of a normal person"s.

Inside the barrier that Wu Siqi controlled, even the little fox had been fooled.

But in reality, to be able to become the master of this barrier, Wu Siqi"s strength was at least a high-grade yellow-rank!

Just now, when Wu Siqi saw these two black figures suddenly appear, her expression didn"t change in the slightest. Instead, she was very calm.

Clearly, this was because she had already set up a barrier around the Six Ultimate Devil Tiger Prison. She was completely confident in herself.

Lu Chen retracted his attention, and his gaze fell on these two figures. He was secretly gathering his strength, ready to make a move at any time.

"Speak, what did you come here for?" Wu Siqi indifferently asked while sitting on the sofa.

One of the black-robed elders who was carrying a black axe lightly stepped forward, cupped his hands, and smiled at Wu Siqi and said:

"This old man Duanmu Yunfeng greets the young miss of the Wu family." It was also because of the urgent matter of him coming here uninvited today. If there is anything that is disturbing you, please take care of it! "

"The dispute between the Duanmu and Lu families is something that everyone in the Celestial Sect of Wonders knows. This old one here is naturally here for the Lu Family. "

Duanmu Yunfeng"s tone was calm, and as he finished speaking, his gaze fell onto Lu Chen.

Lu Chen openly met Duanmu Yunfeng"s gaze.

Duanmu Yunfeng"s eyes were filled with a burning pa.s.sion, as if he was about to devour someone.

But even so, Lu Chen"s expression did not change at all. He also stared straight at his opponent, not giving in at all.

From Duanmu Yunfeng"s intimidating gaze, he could see that he seemed to be testing him.

That was to say, they could not confirm his ident.i.ty!

"Duanmu Yunfeng..."

Uncle He was sitting on the sofa. When he heard the old man"s name, he couldn"t help but mutter to himself.

After which, he glared at them and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

The hand that was holding the teacup slightly paused, and there was an undetectable tremble.

"Humph!" "Find someone to find us, the Wu Clan, the Duanmu Clan is so imposing!"

"If your surname is Lu and you are a member of the Lu family, then you can find him everywhere on the street. Don"t disturb my hospitality! "

After Wu Siqi took a sip of the tea, she looked somewhat displeased.

Lu Chen was her savior. Even if he was a member of the Lu family, at the very least, he wouldn"t allow Duanmu Yunfeng to be rude to him here.