Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 225

Lu Chen had a faint feeling that the Situ Family had informed the Duanmu Family of the news of him breaking through the Earth Spirit Rune Formation.

After all, this was the equivalent of revealing that there might be a middle or upper Xuan level expert by his side.

The Earth Spirit Formation was a genuine middle grade Mysterious rank array glyph. To break through it, one had to be at least at the peak grade Mysterious rank.

It was to the point that the Duanmu Family was facing a great enemy, a Superior Grade Profound Ranked expert.

Another old man in a black robe with a jug of wine on his back also revealed a high-grade Profound Rank aura.

As soon as he appeared, he saw two high-grade Profound Rank experts!

Lu Chen couldn"t help but be taken aback.

Just how strong was the Duanmu family?

On the other hand, Duanmu Yunfeng was frowning.

It had been almost a minute since he had used the Pulse Purification Technique, but he still did not discover anything similar.

He could clearly feel that this young man called Lu Chen possessed an extremely strange bloodline aura, which was far inferior to the Lu Family"s.

The Situ Family dares to mess with us?!

However, that old fellow, Situ Zhangkong, was indeed injured. He definitely wasn"t faking it …

For the past eighteen years, in order to eradicate the Lu Family"s remnants, just how many times had he used the Meridian Purification Technique?

Duanmu Yunfeng would not have the slightest doubt in the accuracy of the Meridian Purification Technique.

However, Lu Chen"s appearance was too similar to Lu Qingtian. Thus, he couldn"t help but be suspicious of him.

Could it be …

What kind of secret technique did this kid have that modified his meridians?!

Duanmu Yunfeng couldn"t help giving Lu Chen another deep look.

His gaze stayed on Lu Chen"s calm face for a full three seconds before a crazy idea appeared in Duanmu Yunfeng"s mind.

Unfortunately, he had never heard of such a secret technique!

After a brief moment of hesitation, Duanmu Yunfeng, who still refused to believe what he had just heard, focused his attention and sent more strands of his spirit energy into Lu Chen"s body.

This time, the burst of spiritual energy was even denser, directly covering all the meridians in Lu Chen"s body.

As this manic spiritual energy flowed into the eight extraordinary meridians in his body, Lu Chen was slightly startled.

He astonishingly discovered that the protective energy that protected his meridians began to slightly vibrate.

Obviously, Duanmu Yunfeng"s Meridian Purification Technique, which was executed once again with the strength of a Superior Grade Profound Ranked Martial Technique, was too powerful.

If this carried on, it was very likely that it would exceed the limit of what he could bear.

It was too late to infuse more power of karmic virtue into his body.

The movements of the gra.s.s in his body would definitely be noticed by Duanmu Yunfeng.

The opponent was not a three year old child, but an experienced, powerful, Xuan expert.

It was already an extremely difficult task to be able to keep the karmic power within one"s meridians from being discovered before Duanmu Yunfeng"s eyes.

However, Lu Chen was very clear in his heart that if this carried on, it wouldn"t be long before the power protecting his meridians collapsed under the pressure.

Once it broke, the Lu Family"s bloodline would be exposed to Duanmu Yunfeng.

Based on the Duanmu family"s att.i.tude toward the Lu family, once their ident.i.ty was exposed, they would immediately fall into a dangerous situation.

Even if the little fox hadn"t used up its cultivation base to deal with the two high-grade Profound Rank experts, it would still be somewhat difficult to deal with them.

As the spiritual energy that Duanmu Yunfeng poured into his body through the Meridian Washing Technique became denser, Lu Chen"s back was already covered in cold sweat.

The power of karmic virtue began to tremble violently, perhaps it would dissipate in the next moment …

The little fox"s expression became even more serious, as if it would attack at any moment.

It was the first time that Lu Chen had seen such an expression on its face.

At this moment, Wu Siqi"s voice suddenly rang out.

"Not done yet? What kind of investigation is this, taking so long?! Could it be that you want to do something to my guest? "

"Since Elder Duanmu likes to investigate so much, why don"t we just line up on the streets and check it out one by one?"

Wu Siqi raised her watch to take a look and angrily said.

After nearly three minutes had pa.s.sed, she felt that Duanmu Yunfeng had done it on purpose.

Duanmu Yunfeng was just about to increase his spirit energy inspection when he heard Wu Siqi"s voice. After a slight pause, he helplessly withdrew his hand.

If they truly infuriated Wu Siqi and she forcefully activated the formation, they would be the ones to suffer.

After all, this was someone"s territory and Wu Siqi was from the younger generation. Even if the two of them were to suffer a great loss, the Wu family would still be on the side of reason.

Duanmu Yunfeng cupped his hands and apologetically said to Lu Chen:

"Mr Lu, I"m very sorry! If it were not for the fact that you look extremely similar to an old friend of the Lu family, this old one would not easily believe the rumors. "

"Through this investigation, Lu Xian is indeed not a member of the Lu Family. I had no choice but to do so earlier. I have offended you in many ways, I hope that you can forgive me. "

At the same time that Duanmu Yunfeng apologized to Lu Chen, he also glanced at Wu Siqi apologetically.

Seeing that Duanmu Yunfeng had finally stopped, Wu Siqi sat down on the sofa and did not say anything more.

As for the hand that was resting on the ring on her left hand, she unconsciously let go of it.

Uncle He, who was sitting on the sofa, quickly glanced at his young miss after hearing Duanmu Yunfeng"s reply. He then heaved a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Wu Siqi would activate the formation along the way. When that happened, the Wu and Duanmu families would definitely be at loggerheads.

Although the Wu family would not fear the Duanmu family, once this matter arose because of Wu Siqi, the punishment of the family would be inevitable.

This was something he absolutely did not want to see.

Duanmu Yunfeng stopped, and Lu Chen"s tensed heart finally relaxed.

Just now, he was afraid that it wouldn"t even take ten seconds for the contribution points in his meridians to completely dissipate.

"Senior is too courteous, this is just to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings. If I am able to clearly investigate, junior will naturally be happy for you!"

Maintaining a calm expression, Lu Chen cupped his fists towards Duanmu Yunfeng with a smile.

Thanks to Wu Siqi"s sudden interruption of Duanmu Yunfeng"s investigation, they had been able to avoid danger.

Duanmu Yunfeng maintained his politeness, at least on the surface.

Lu Chen felt that aside from considering the power of the barrier, he should also be fearful of the Wu family"s forces.

On the other hand, although Wu Siqi"s att.i.tude seemed sharp, it still maintained a certain standard.

It was as though neither side was willing to rashly offend the other.

"Everyone, I"m sorry to disturb you. Since there are no members of the Lu family here, I will take my leave now … "

Duanmu Yunfeng cupped his fists towards the crowd once again.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Duanmu Huanghun, who was standing beside him, raised his hand to stop him.

Duanmu Yunfeng gave him a puzzled look, but did not say a word.

Then, a hoa.r.s.e voice came from Duanmu Fu"s mouth.

"Miss Wu, can you show me the safety b.u.t.ton in your hand?"

Wu Siqi was stunned at first. Subconsciously, she tightened her grip on Qin Lie"s safety while her eyes became unsettled for a moment.

Following that, she turned her head to glance at Lu Chen, obviously asking him for his opinion.

Lu Chen chuckled lightly and nodded his head.

Wu Siqi let out a wry smile and said coldly, "If you want to see it, then go ahead! "Got it."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wu Siqi flicked her finger, and the safety b.u.t.ton instantly flew out of her hand. Like a bolt of lightning, it shot towards Duanmu Fu.