Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 24

Although she had already acknowledged Lu Chen"s ident.i.ty in her heart, telling others about this matter was a completely different matter.

Especially in the face of two open mouth, particularly like gossiping friends.

Last night, although Lu Chen had endured her and He Qian"s torture, Hu Lingling had a whole new understanding of Lu Chen"s medical skills through her interactions with He Qian.

At the very least, she knew that with Lu Chen"s G.o.dly acupuncture skills, he had managed to pull two people back from the hands of Yama Minamiya in a single day!

She even hoped that Lu Chen would find some time to visit her father.

If possible, he could also instantly cure his father"s lung disease.

Lu Chen, 23 years old, a new graduate from Jiangcheng Medical College.

This was the new ident.i.ty Yang Yi had prepared for Lu Chen. Furthermore, it was posted on the school forum"s homepage.

In fact, when Lu Chen saw this ident.i.ty before he came to cla.s.s, he couldn"t help but curse in his heart.

Chairman Yang! Brother! You don"t have to be such a good person, okay?

At least give me a few more t.i.tles!

Or maybe they just won"t give it to us and can just hire it from the public. It"s fine if we use our abilities to talk!

Isn"t this obviously making things difficult for me?

"Teacher, may I ask what qualifications you have to teach us, a student who has just graduated? All the other teachers are masters or Ph.D. graduates, and they are experienced. "

Some people were born to be picky, but after Lu Chen introduced himself, he straightforwardly stood up.

When those words were spoken, the cla.s.sroom immediately quieted down.

"Thank you!" Lu Chen suddenly said.

"Why are you thanking me? You haven"t answered me yet! " That person said in confusion.

"If it wasn"t for you, everyone would probably still be whispering to each other and wouldn"t be able to calm down. I also can"t prove to you that I have the ability to be your teacher." Lu Chen said with a smile.

Not only was it the boy who raised the doubt, but the others were also dumbfounded.

"Give me ten minutes …" No, just five minutes! I will prove that I have the power. " When Lu Chen said these words, he intentionally swept his gaze across the crowd.

His gaze seemed to have a magic to it, everyone nodded almost subconsciously.

It couldn"t be helped. Although Lu Chen had the confidence to attract these students to his lecture, he had to at least give himself a chance to do so!

Thus, with the little fox"s help, they gave everyone a collective hypnosis.

Because this was an elective cla.s.s, and the previous teachers" requirements were usually very low. As long as they attended every cla.s.s, or were called out by name, they wouldn"t be called out.

Furthermore, the exams were to open the papers, so there were many people who attended the cla.s.s to earn credits.

There were actually more than half of the seats in the lecture theater that could seat 300 people.

Lu Chen didn"t expect everyone to be hypnotized. Most of them could just listen on.

Of course, there was another reason. If he was completely hypnotized, then he would have to spend too much of his karmic power.

At least that was what the little fox had said.

"First of all, to learn the meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, you must know your body"s acupuncture points like the back of your hand..."

"Tch!" He really is a swindler. Isn"t he just reading from a book? Let me go up, I can do it too! " That person from before could not help but whisper.

This person was clearly the part that hadn"t been hypnotized.

After Lu Chen"s cultivation had been modified by the Power of Merit, his six senses were very sensitive. Although they were very far away, they could still hear him.

He laughed softly, "This student, please read all the acupuncture points on your body according to the book. If you can read it out, you don"t need to take the exam. If that"s not possible, then you"d better obediently listen to the lecture. Otherwise, it would be bad enough if you want to receive your credits from me. "

When Lu Chen"s words came out, the entire cla.s.sroom was in an uproar.

I didn"t expect the new teacher to actually dare to say that!

If someone were to say it out loud, wouldn"t that mean that they wouldn"t need to attend his for an entire semester?

However, he couldn"t possibly remember all of the acupuncture points. There were at least seven hundred and twenty points!

Moreover, the book only listed a small portion of the important acupuncture points.

The boy, who was still standing, was obviously stunned for a moment. He did not expect Lu Chen to hear what he had just said.

However, Lu Chen"s provocative att.i.tude made him extremely unconvinced.

He fiercely bit his lips and summoned up his courage, saying, "Teacher, there are a total of 720 acupuncture points. If we were to memorize them directly, none of us here would be able to do so. However, if you can recite it completely, I will honestly follow you to cla.s.s. "

For a moment, everyone"s gaze once again returned to Lu Chen.

The human body had about fifty-two single acupoints, 309 double acupoints, and 50 odd acupoints. In total, there were seven hundred and twenty acupoints, so it was almost impossible to memorize them.

At the very least, no one believed that a senior who had just graduated would be able to do it.

"Is that so? Then let"s watch and see how it starts. " Lu Chen jokingly said these words, then really began his performance.

Thus, an exciting performance that was close to learning appeared in the lecture theater without a sound.

Lu Chen began with 108 acupoints.

In order to let everyone know these acupuncture points more directly and to facilitate his own explanation, he had actually called Li Liwei, the boy who had stood up to question him, up to the podium.

Naturally, Li Liwei would not refuse.

He also really wanted to see just how confident and capable this recently graduated Senior Martial Brother was.

Very quickly, Li Liwei regretted his decision to seek death.

Lu Chen used a nearly cool method to make Li Liwei, who was filled with doubts towards him, turn 360 degrees without a blind spot. He personally experienced the same reaction as when the seventy-two acupuncture points on his body received different stimuli.

Click to rub rub.

Although Lu Chen had only used the more conventional method of ma.s.sage, without even using the silver needles, he already let Li Liwei experience the feeling of a roller coaster ride.

The students below were all stunned by what they saw. Occasionally, they would let out exclamations of surprise.

This was because many people had already taken out their cellphones. Not only Baidu, there were even people who had entered the professional website to compare them to Lu Chen"s lecture.

The most important thing was that everyone noticed that Lu Chen was off script during the entire lecture.

It was fine that he could recite the names and positions of every acupoint, but he was also very familiar with their uses!

The most terrifying thing was that he also had a very professional acupoint ma.s.sage technique, which allowed each of them to display their abilities in front of everyone.

This point could be seen from one"s exaggerated performance.

Thus, when Lu Chen wanted to let the absent-minded Li Liwei experience the 36 fatal acupoints, he quivered and directly begged for mercy.

"Lu laoshi, I"m impressed. Please let me off!" My heart can"t stand it. " With a sullen face, Li Liwei said while holding onto his chest.

He had indeed been tormented by Lu Chen just now.

In any case, he did not want to try it again, not even if he was beaten to death.