Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 241

That unprecedented feeling of fullness made him tremble all over. He actually had the urge to moan out loud.

However, Hu Lingling still retained a bit of rationality.

She gritted her teeth, barely able to suppress the indescribable feeling in her heart.

The reason why Lu Chen was so busy keeping this strand of orange merit power in Hu Lingling"s body was naturally to help her absorb the spiritual energy more easily.

To people like He Qian or Murong Xin"er who were talented enough, this sort of support effect could be ignored.

After all, because of the bloodline, not to mention Murong Xin"er, even He Qian, who hadn"t stepped onto the road of cultivation, had won at the starting line.

Because his mother was a cultivator, even if He Qian was implicated by her father, her innate talent was beyond ordinary.

This was also the reason why the Celestial Sect of Wonders had always emphasized on the right of way.

He Qian had an awkward position and was unwilling to stay at home.

Just now, when the power of merit had flowed into Hu Lingling"s body, Lu Chen had taken the opportunity to have the little fox inspect her entire body.

Lu Chen did not expect too much. Hu Lingling did not have a very high talent and was only slightly stronger than ordinary people.

To Hu Lingling, this wisp of karmic power undoubtedly had an instantaneous effect.

"Brother Lu..."

After Lu Chen let go, Hu Lingling looked up at Lu Chen in shock.

Lu Chen didn"t say anything, only slightly nodded his head at her.

Hu Lingling suddenly understood something and subconsciously clenched her fists.

The next moment, Hu Lingling opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief,

"Big Brother Lu, how could this be? Why do I feel like my hand has suddenly gained such strength? "

Suddenly, she looked at a fist-sized green tree on the flowerbed and quickly glanced at her fist.

"I feel... I can break him with one punch. " Hu Lingling said in a slightly absent-minded manner.

Lu Chen chuckled: "That"s for sure." But, as a lady, you can"t be so violent. "

"Especially if you find out about destroying trees on campus, I"ll give you a special scholarship later on!"

Hearing Lu Cheng"s words, Hu Lingling couldn"t help but glare at him and burst into laughter.

Naturally, she would not act against that small tree.

Just now, he had felt such a strong impulse that he had been unable to control himself.

Lu Chen reminded again, "Right now, you"re only in the process of absorbing the spiritual energy. This level of power is actually far from enough. It"s only enough to deal with a few ordinary people."

"It will take a long time to truly embark on the road of cultivation. Therefore, if you follow the trajectory of my power, you will definitely reap a lot from your training! "

Following that, he told Hu Lingling about the main points of channeling spirit energy in a straightforward manner.

She listened very carefully, and with her current strong memory, every word that Lu Chen said was clearly imprinted in her mind.

Lu Chen raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

Unknowingly, they had been chatting for over half an hour. It was already 6: 35.

"Alright, I have a date tonight that I can"t decline. Next time, I"ll make up for it with a good meal for you. "After you go down, just practice more."

"Uncle Hu"s body condition, you need to provide more snacks. If possible, I still hope that he can stay near the school."

"There"s absolutely no problem with the house. I can arrange it. "In short, both you and Uncle Hu, if you have any problems, just give me a call. I"m not an outsider!"

"In addition, your brother"s mission this time is very difficult and very important, so I"m afraid he won"t be able to return in a short period of time. "Try to reduce the amount of worry Uncle Hu has because you don"t want him to worry too much."

"Once the mission is complete, I will personally bring your brother back! I promise you! "

Hu Lingling nodded and happily said, "When big brother comes back, I"ll definitely give him a big surprise."

"Alright, Brother Lu, you should go back to your work first. The professor has given me some tasks. I think we"ll be on a rush today!"

"When you are free, let"s go for a big meal. But this time, I must treat you. I got a scholarship of 8,000 yuan! "

Lu Chen dotingly nodded his head, "Alright, I"ll try my best if I have the chance to fight a tyc.o.o.n. Don"t be heartbroken when the time comes! I can eat a lot. "

Hu Lingling giggled and waved at Lu Chen before she ran off.

Looking at Hu Lingling"s lively back, the corner of Lu Chen"s lips curled up into a bitter smile as he stood on the spot in a daze.

Murong Xin"er"s gaze was focused on Lu Chen. Feeling that his mood had suddenly dropped, she hesitated and did not immediately go up.

"Master, are we leaving now?"

Zhang Junwei followed from afar and finally got close, asking with a smile.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he finished a cla.s.s from beginning to end.

Moreover, he suddenly realized that listening to the lecture was actually such an interesting thing.

In the past, he couldn"t remember all of these things. But now, after hearing Lu Chen"s explanation, he realized that not only did he understand all of them, he even memorized them firmly.

He suddenly felt that it was a great advantage for these guys to be able to listen to his master"s lecture.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that in the future, he would not miss even a single one of Lu Chen"s

Oh right, I still have to review all the videos from the previous lectures.

Hearing Zhang Junwei"s voice, Lu Chen snapped out of his daze, nodded at him, and walked towards the car park.

Murong Xin"er lightly shook her head and quickly followed.

After getting on the car, Lu Chen immediately sent a text message to Li Ruoxi, telling her that they were already on the road.

It was the peak hour for getting off work, so the traffic on the road was rather congested.

However, Zhang Junwei was very familiar with the area around the Jiang Prefecture. He had long since chosen a quiet section of the road to bypa.s.s the congested area.

The Roman Holiday Inn was still a distance away from the center of Jiangzhou.

Probably because Lu Chen had in the afternoon, Li Ruoxi"s banquet was set to be held at 7: 15 PM. There was still plenty of time.

Along the way, Zhang Junwei drove at a relatively fast speed.

After pa.s.sing through six or seven traffic lights, they finally arrived at the Roman Holiday Inn.

As soon as he arrived at the Roman Holiday Inn, he saw a girl in a blue dress standing at the entrance of the parking lot.

It was precisely Li Ruoxi.

Looks like this young miss Li was full of sincerity.

A security guard waved respectfully at Zhang Junwei. Upon seeing Zhang Junwei, he immediately stopped the car.

He then opened the car door and directly handed the key to the security guard.

There were also two other security guards who politely opened the doors on both sides of the car.

Lu Chen got out of the car, nodded towards the security guards with a smile, then walked towards Li Ruoxi.

Lu Chen had only taken a few steps when he stopped. He had sensed two familiar auras.


Why are these two here as well?