Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 244

Li Qing was completely unable to believe that this was refined by a young man in his early twenties.

He also could not understand why such an exquisite jade talisman would be so easily given out.

The Li family could be considered to have a deep foundation, but they would absolutely treat this kind of jade talisman as a treasure and would not let anyone off the hook so easily.

Not to mention giving it away so casually.

Therefore, he urgently wanted to meet Lu Chen and see what kind of extraordinary person he was.

By the way, he would also investigate what kind of terrifying power was hidden behind Lu Chen.

Of course, since the dignified Li Clan wanted to befriend Lu Chen, they would naturally show their utmost sincerity and give him face.

Speaking of which, in the past twenty years, in order to cure the Three Yin meridian in Li Ruoxi"s body, as her father, Li Qing never had a good night"s sleep.

Actually, he had not been able to sleep soundly last night. Instead, he had been continuously stimulated by all sorts of news regarding Lu Chen.

Li Qing started to arrange this banquet overnight. Within a short day, under the orders of the Li family higher ups, they unceasingly increased the quality of the banquet.

Fortunately, the compet.i.tion this time around was nearby the Jiang Prefecture.

Not only were the core members of the nine families of the Celestial Sect of Wonders stationed around here.

The representatives of the other important sects and powers also arrived.

Madame Li followed closely behind Li Qing. She hurriedly greeted Lu Chen with grat.i.tude, and her eyes immediately became moist.

"Senior is too polite!" As the saying goes, a doctor has his parents" heart. I think any doctor who has a way to save them would help. "

Lu Chen spoke casually, his gaze calm.

Li Qing"s only right eye could not help but narrow as a bright light flashed through it.

He was clearly trying to see clearly that Lu Chen"s words were a little fake.

Li Qing had a burly figure and an imposing manner. In fact, her appearance was a bit refined.

The eye-patch on his left eye gave him a valiant aura.

However, the moment it saw Li Qing, the little fox warned Lu Chen to be careful.

This was a character that was thick on the outside but thin on the inside. He mustn"t be fooled by the surface.

Lu Chen agreed.

When Lu Chen stepped into the banquet hall, the atmosphere had already changed.

Almost everyone"s eyes were on him.

Other than the conversation he had with Li Ruoxi"s parents, the only sounds that could be heard were those of breathing and heartbeats.

There were five round mahogany tables arranged in a plum shape.

At this moment, almost every table was filled with people.

When they looked at Lu Chen, their gazes were very complicated.

Lu Chen could already sense that among everyone present, there was an aura that did not belong to ordinary people.

Moreover, everyone present was at least high-grade yellow-rank. There were many of the older generation present, and some were even above the dark cla.s.s.

What surprised him the most was that even the uniformed attendants were from the Celestial Sect of Wonders!

On the contrary, Bai Jinyu and Zhang Junwei, who had followed him here, had become different.

Without a doubt, this banquet hall was today"s home ground.

Anyone who had the right to sit here obviously had an extraordinary ident.i.ty.

As for ordinary people like old man Bai Wanli, he"d been arranged to stay in other banquet halls.

"Come, Mister Lu, since I owe you a great debt of grat.i.tude, then I won"t say anything else. Please take a seat."

Li Qing lowered her posture and personally led Lu Chen to the main seat at the center of the mahogany table.

Lu Chen wanted to decline, but seeing Li Qing"s pa.s.sionate att.i.tude, he gave up in the end.

Noticing the three people that Lu Chen had brought with him, Madam Li first greeted Murong Xin`er.

Of course, she knew this little princess from the Mu Rong family, and she looked very familiar with her.

Lu Chen even heard her calling Madame Li Aunt.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Madam Li took the initiative to arrange a table for Murong Xin"er on the left.

Logically speaking, although Mu Rong Xin"er was the direct descendant of the Mu Rong family, she was still a junior.

Furthermore, there were other representatives from the Mu Rong family, so she couldn"t represent the Mu Rong family herself.

It was because of Lu Chen that he had arranged for her to stay here.

Soon after, Madame Li did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly greeted the somewhat embarra.s.sed Bai Jinyu to sit down.

However, she was slightly surprised in her heart. This daughter of the Bai Clan actually had this kind of relationship with Lu Chen.

Madame Li couldn"t help but glance at her daughter, Li Ruoxi.

At that moment, Li Ruoxi was standing beside her father, Li Qing. She was staring at Lu Chen with her large eyes.

Seeing this scene, Madam Li could not help but sigh inwardly.

As a mother, when she saw her daughter talking about Lu Chen, she already understood what the little girl was thinking.

Honestly speaking, she was very grateful to Lu Chen.

Without him, unless something unexpected happened, Li Ruoxi wouldn"t be able to survive for three months.

Moreover, even these last three months would be abnormally painful.

But, as a mother, who doesn"t want their daughter to be happy?

Thus, in Madam Li"s opinion, although Lu Chen was outstanding, he might not be a good match.

Looking at Lu Chen, she couldn"t help but think of that man who could shake the world twenty years ago.

Could this be fate?

As for Zhang Junwei, whose presence was extremely low, he was not ignored by this attentive hostess.

Madam Li arranged her messy thoughts and invited him to take a seat at the table on the left with a smile. It could be considered as giving Lu Chen face.

At this time, Zhang Junwei had changed from his usual carefree personality to a cautious one.

He had no choice but to be cautious!

After not being able to get into this place, he felt that everyone was emitting a formless pressure. How could he dare to act rashly?

Another reason was that when he came in, he saw many people that his parents looked up to.

These people had been arranged to stay outside, and didn"t even have the right to enter.

Originally, Murong Xin"er was still smiling brightly as she sat down, but in the next moment, the smile on her face froze.

This was because she saw a face that she didn"t like - Situ Haotian.

"Little Sister Xin Er, what a coincidence that you"re here too!"

Situ Haotian pushed his up from the bridge of his nose and faintly smiled in greeting.


Murong Xin`er suddenly stood up and glared at him. Then, she walked over to Zhang Junwei"s side.

Reaching out her hand, Murong Xin`er gently patted the absent-minded Zhang Junwei.

Zhang Junwei suddenly felt someone was patting him and abruptly stood up.

Turning around, he saw that it was Murong Xin"er. He smiled bitterly and asked: "Mistress … "Wait, Miss Mu Rong, is something the matter?"

Murong Xin"er"s face was filled with black lines as she pointed to the spot where she was just standing.

Zhang Junwei was surprised for a moment, but he nodded in agreement and sat down on the seat.

Murong Xin"er ignored him and walked straight to Lu Chen"s table.

"Uncle Li, can Xin Er sit here?"

Murong Xin"er"s gaze landed on an empty seat beside Lu Chen as she asked Li Qing.