Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 245

Li Qing immediately frowned as a trace of unhappiness flashed across his eyes.

Speaking of which, many of the nine families in the Celestial Sect of Wonders were related to each other.

In fact, Murong Xin"er was his cousin"s daughter.

Therefore, Li Qing knew Murong Xin"er"s personality.

If it was an ordinary private gathering, it would have been fine, but today was different.

Basically, all of the nine great families of the Celestial Sect of Wonders had arrived.

Moreover, there were also many Celestial Sect"s influence.

Aside from Lu Chen, only the reputable members of the Celestial Sect of Wonders were allowed to sit in this seat. How could a junior like Murong Xin"er possibly sit in it?

The elders who had already sat down at the table looked at each other in dismay.

[What the h.e.l.l is going on?]

Although he knew that Mu Rong Xin"er was a little mischievous, no one from influential families would act rashly in such a manner.

"Big Brother Lu, there"s someone I hate at the other table. Xin"er doesn"t want to sit there."

Murong Xin`er didn"t care about the reaction of Li Qing and the others. Instead, she bent her body slightly and took Lu Chen"s arm, smiling in a wronged manner.

Situ Haotian clenched his teeth as he ran.

He had not expected Murong Xin"er to act like this.

Although Situ Haotian knew that this strange little girl was doing this on purpose, he still couldn"t help but glance at Lu Chen, a cold light flashing through his eyes.

In the past, although Murong Xin"er"s att.i.tude towards him wasn"t too good, he still cared a little about his face.

But today, it seemed like it was intentional.

It"s all because of this guy!

No one had expected Murong Xin`er to do this, including Lu Chen, who didn"t know how to respond.

Fortunately, Li Qing seemed to suddenly understand something as he smiled and said: "Since that"s the case, Xin Er will sit beside Mr. Lu!"

Those at the side glanced at Li Qing in surprise. After which, they seemed to understand something as a knowing smile appeared on their faces.

"Thank you, Uncle Li!" "Then Xin Er won"t be polite."

Murong Xin"er giggled, and after thanking him, she very straightforwardly sat down.

Lu Chen!

Situ Haotian was sitting at the other table on the left. As he saw this scene, he couldn"t bear it any longer. He placed a hand on the teacup beside him.

In less than a second, the teacup in his hand became boiling hot.

The soup churned and steamed.

This scene happened to be caught by Zhang Junwei, who was sitting across from him.

He looked at the bespectacled young man in front of him in surprise and immediately retracted his gaze.

To cause the tea to boil in an instant...

Zhang Junwei suddenly shrunk back and felt that he should keep a lower profile.

As the host took his seat, a table full of dishes was served.

"Thank you, my friends, for your kind words and for taking the time to celebrate my daughter"s recovery."

"I am not a very good host, please do not take offense. Here, I want to drink a cup with Mr. Lu Chen Lu, the savior of Lil "Li"s life. "

"In the future, if Mister Lu requests anything, I will definitely do my best to repay you! I hope that everyone can bear witness to this. "

Li Qing raised her wine cup with a face full of smiles as she spoke.

At this time, Li Ruoxi also took the initiative to stand up, raising her wine cup along with her father:

"Mr Lu, Ruoxi thanks you for saving her life! If there is anything that you need, you will go through fire and water, and not refuse it! "

Although they knew the purpose of the Li family"s banquet, when the Li family"s father and daughter went straight to the point, everyone still couldn"t help but quickly exchange glances.

This was clearly showing that he was going to support Lu Chen.

He had to admit that the Li family"s timing was too accurate.

Although everyone present had all sorts of thoughts, they could only feel envious at this moment.

Even though Lu Chen was young, the people attending the banquet more or less understood some of his recent affairs in Jiang Prefecture.

Therefore, no one dared to look down on him.

On the other hand, when they saw Murong Xin"er recklessly sit next to him, many people"s thoughts became lively.

In the Celestial Sect of Wonders, using the method of marriage to win over talents was nothing new.

It could be said that the nine great families were extremely skilled in using this technique.

According to the news spread by the Duanmu family, Lu Chen had no connections to the Lu family of the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

Everyone continuously toasted Lu Chen, not one of them was afraid of being an elder.

However, Lu Chen could tell that these people were all either intentionally or unintentionally inquiring about his background.

As usual, Lu Chen threw out his fake ident.i.ty.

As expected, none of the elders from the Celestial Sect of Wonders knew about Lu Qi.

On the other hand, Lu Chen made it clear that his Master had only raised him and taught him some of his skills before sending him into the army, never to see him again.

Although no one was satisfied with Lu Chen"s answer, no one dared to press him.

After all, the more ambiguous Lu Chen"s words were, the more these people feared him.

With such abilities at such a young age, no one would dare to underestimate Lu Chen"s sect.

Just as everyone was toasting each other happily, a heart-wrenching scream suddenly rang out.

Lu Chen frowned slightly.

Because of this somewhat hoa.r.s.e voice, he was extremely familiar with it.

Who else could it be other than Ma Qun?

Ma Qun, who was sitting on the right side near the entrance, suddenly trembled and let out a heart-wrenching scream.

"Elder Ma … …" "What"s going on?"

Du Wenfeng, who was sitting right next to Ma Buqun, was the first to react.

Noticing the restless movements of Ma Qun, he suddenly thought of something, and waves of shock surged through his heart.

He had actually hit the nail on the head.

Even though Du Wenfeng could feel that there was a problem with Ma Buqun"s strength, he wasn"t so sure.

At the same time, everyone looked at Ma Qun who was on the ground.

"There seems to be something swimming in him …"

"Why does this look like a black magic backlash?"

"This is bad!" It"s as if there"s something on his body that"s about to rush out of his body. "

… ….

The people present were not ordinary people. Even though their cultivation was low, they were still the most talented of the new generation.

All of them were extraordinary, and were able to quickly tell what was going on.

At this time, the white-haired old man sitting next to Li Qing suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Ma Buqun.


A gust of wind blew. The white-haired old man extended his hand and placed his palm on Ma Buqun"s chest, which was bulging slightly.

Immediately after, a strand of vigorous Zhen Qi burst out from the palm of Ma Buqun"s hand, engulfing all of his limbs and bones.

"Elder Yu Long, how is he?"

Li Qing"s face sank as he asked Li Yilong.

This was one of the Li family"s three Grand Elders.

Although Li Qing was in charge today, the Li family higher ups had actually sent him in charge.

Firstly, it was an expression of the importance he attached to Lu Chen.

Secondly, it was also a form of deterrence.

After all, this was not a peaceful place within the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

On the contrary, there were quite a few conflicts between the two, especially in this kind of gathering where a single mistake could cause trouble and cause trouble.

With Li Yilong overseeing the operation, even if an accident occurred, it could be suppressed in time.

However, she didn"t expect such an accident to happen. Li Qing couldn"t help but be worried.