Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 25

Lu Chen chuckled: "As long as you submit, then everything is good." However, remember to exercise more in the future and play less games. Your cervical spine already has problems, and you probably still have some tenosynovitis after using the keyboard. "

"Although I helped you recuperate just now, you should pay attention to the recent period of time. It will take at least half a month to recover." In addition, your liver is not too good, you must be a carrier of hepat.i.tis B. "

Lu Chen pondered for a moment, then continued, "He should have developed jaundice in the first half of last year and was treated by western medicine. His kidney suffered some damage. "If your liver function is damaged and you drink less alcohol during normal times, it will be very troublesome in the future."

This time, Li Liwei opened his eyes wide, looking at Lu Chen as if he was looking at a monster.

Only after a full ten seconds did he regain his senses.

Swallowing his saliva with difficulty, Li Liwei stuttered as he said: "Teacher Lu, you … How did you know? "

"If you can"t even tell, is it even worth standing on this podium?" Lu Chen asked with a domineering air.

With this, no one doubted Lu Chen"s capabilities anymore.

Everyone began to discuss where did this G.o.d-like senior brother come from. Why was it that they had never heard of his legend before?

Watching Li Liwei obediently return to his seat, Lu Chen once again scanned the entire audience, smiled and said: "Sorry! He had been speaking carelessly for over 30 minutes. However, from the looks of it, the results were quite good. At least everyone had listened attentively. At this point, there should be no one who doubts my qualifications, right? "

The audience said in unison, "No more!"

Lu Chen nodded his head in satisfaction, patted his chest, and said with an expression of lingering fear: "It"s good that you don"t have one, it"s good that you don"t." The first time we attended cla.s.s, I didn"t have much experience. If everyone didn"t listen, the old headmaster might have just kicked me out of the cla.s.sroom. "He got off the job as soon as he got on, where can he find such a good job when he has no face?"

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, the tense atmosphere in the cla.s.sroom immediately relaxed. Everyone revealed a knowing smile.

"Actually, I would like to spend some time to explain the remaining 36 Death Acupuncture Points to everyone. I wonder if everyone is willing to listen. " Lu Chen did not miss the opportunity to ask again.

With the traditional Chinese medical style weakened, Lu Chen was not arrogant enough to turn the tide and change the situation.

However, there were some things that still needed someone to do, even though they knew that they weren"t of much use.

Otherwise, if he didn"t even try, then there would be no hope at all.

Since they now had the opportunity to stand on the platform, or facing a group of future doctors, or even elites, as the inheritors of traditional Chinese medicine, it was their duty to plant a little bit of the seeds of traditional Chinese medicine in their hearts, in order to prevent the quintessence left behind by their ancestors from being lost.

Immediately, a chorus of responses came from the cla.s.sroom:


Lu Chen nodded his head in satisfaction, then said with a smile, "There are many acupoints in a human body. Actually, when we explain it, we still need to add knowledge about the Twelve Channels and the Twelve Channels." But! But! But! I have to say it three times for important things! "

At this point, Lu Chen deliberately paused.

Everyone stared at him with widened eyes, as if they didn"t even dare to breathe loudly.

"Very good! This is exactly the kind of effect you want. " Lu Chen pretended to be proud of himself.

Finally, someone realized that Lu Chen was joking again and couldn"t help laughing out loud.

Then, the entire cla.s.s burst into laughter.

When everyone was done laughing, Lu Chen lifted his hand and pushed. Everyone quieted down.

"I suggest that everyone take some notes on these 36 Death Acupuncture Points. Especially those four major acupoints, you must remember them by all means! "

"Because, in the future when you take up positions, ma.s.sage the patients, or even use acupuncture, you must be extremely careful when facing these acupuncture points. They can truly be fatal, but you cannot be careless."

… ….

Ever since the beginning of the interlude, it had been Lu Chen"s personal performance. Everyone"s eyes were focused on him, afraid that they would miss out on any details.

Unknowingly, the bell for the end of cla.s.s rang.

The whole cla.s.s lasted for a full hour and a half, but no one made any mistakes. Everyone was listening attentively to Lu Chen"s explanation.

Many people who never took notes could not help but take out their books to write and draw, trying to record as many things as possible.

Such a strange atmosphere caused many teachers and students who pa.s.sed by to be astonished. They couldn"t help but peek inside, then were inexplicably attracted by Lu Chen"s lecture.

As a result, when the cla.s.s ended, the back row was filled with students and even teachers.

When Lu Chen announced the end of cla.s.s, someone took the lead and everyone stood up. The applause that lasted for a long time suddenly rang out.

"Lingling, this brother of yours is really amazing! I originally wanted to leave in the middle of cla.s.s, but I actually made two pages full of notes. Furthermore, I actually remembered a lot of what he said. While saying that, Ye Fangfei deliberately waved the notebook in her hand.

"Tch!" With such a handsome and capable lecturer, are you willing to run? Furthermore, the rhythm of the cla.s.s is being grasped so well that I feel like he is the commander. We are all attracted by his magic. " Zhang Yuwen twitched her mouth and said.

… ….

Hu Lingling did not say anything the entire time. As she listened to her best friend and cla.s.smates chattering about Lu Chen, she felt sweet in her heart. She even secretly glanced at Lu Chen, who was packing up his stuff on the podium.

Sure enough, no matter what the reason was, strength was what was needed to speak.

Before Lu Chen finished tidying things up, Li Liwei caught up to the podium and respectfully bowed to him. He said in an unusually sincere tone, "Teacher, I"m sorry. In the future, I will definitely listen to your cla.s.s seriously. "In addition, I would also like to thank you for treating my body."

"Great Doctor is sincere!" Lu Chen said with a smile, "Since you"ve chosen this major, not only are you serious about listening to my lessons, don"t skip any of the other either."

Li Liwei nodded to show that he would work hard.

"Lord, I didn"t expect you to be so capable. I would have been confused if you had changed so many nouns." The little fox suddenly jumped out to kiss Lu Chen"s a.s.s.

Lu Chen snorted coldly: "Don"t think that I don"t know. You clearly said you would only use it once. Count it yourself how many times."

"Hee hee!" The process was not important, and the means were not important either. The key was to see the results. "If I didn"t do that, how could those people in the corridor come in and listen?"

"If the little fox didn"t do this, would it have the effect of standing up? Hehe! The effect should be pretty good! "Who knows? Maybe Chinese medicine will change the situation because of you" The little fox said in a flattering manner.