Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 252

Originally, Lu Chen had wanted to make a move.

However, seeing how nervous everyone was, he obviously couldn"t overstate it.

Sixty years of Dung Beetle Insect, its strength was at least a middle tier Xuan grade.

It would be too shocking if it could be settled so easily.

Moreover, Lu Chen wanted to see just how strong the core strength of the top families in the Celestial Sect of Wonders was.

They were all used to holding back, and it just so happened to force them to reveal their true strength.

At that moment, Dugu Yunyun, who had not given up, made her move once more.

The corner of Lu Chen"s mouth curled up into a helpless smile.

This time, he didn"t even try to dodge. Instead, he directly made Dugu Yunyun place her hand on his shoulder. Then, a surge of true energy was violently injected into his shoulder.

Dugu Yun Yun didn"t have the slightest chance to be happy. In the next moment, her eyes widened as she looked at him as if she was looking at a monster.

Dugu Yun Yun felt that his power was like a clay ox entering the sea, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

After a brief moment of absent-mindedness, she gritted her teeth in disapproval. An even more majestic energy surged out from her palm.

It was still the same!

How is this possible?

After all these years of closed-door cultivation, Dugu Yun Yun Yun"s cultivation base had steadily reached the middle grade Profound Rank.

However, Lu Chen stopped there.

And then everything returned to normal.

The two surges of energy that Dugu Yunyun had infused into Lu Chen"s body appeared out of nowhere and began to flow through his body once more.

In an instant, Dugu Yunyun was filled with suspicion.

She already did not know whether this was due to Lu Chen"s own power, or whether there were some special defensive restrictions on his body to prevent outsiders from invading.

As the two streams of zhen qi flowed in, Lu Chen became more and more certain that Dugu Yunyun and He Qian were definitely related.

Because of the ability of discernment bestowed upon him by the Power of Merit, Lu Chen could clearly sense that this power"s aura was of the same attribute as He Qian"s.

An aura so close to him was the embodiment of his blood.

Could it be …

She was He Qian"s mother!

Dugu Family... He Clan...

No wonder the He Clan that He Qian belonged to was proficient in the arts of medicine, and could even be considered a match for the Dugu Clan.

Middle Huang grade!

Sensing the aura within the spirit energy, Dugu Yun Yun frowned.

She discovered that she couldn"t see through Lu Chen at all.

However, no matter what, Dugu Yunyun could not believe that Lu Chen was only a middle Huang grade.

Putting everything aside, just the few moves that Lu Chen had just avoided were sufficient to point out the problem.

Without the strength of a Profound Rank, it was impossible to achieve.

However, when she felt the astonished gazes of everyone around her, as well as the fact that her own little brother, Dugu Muyan, was on the verge of collapsing, she finally gave up.

Dugu Yun Yun subconsciously shook his head. He turned around to look at Ma Buqun and said to Dugu Mu Yan:

"Little brother, prepare to let go! Humph! I told you to put in a lot of effort, and you relied on your talent to be complacent. In the end, they couldn"t even deal with such a small matter. What a disgrace for the Dugu Family. "

"It"s fine if you don"t want to live up to your expectations, but sooner or later, your talent will be ruined. Learn well. It"s only sixty dung beetle worms, you two better take a good look! "

Dugu Yunyun scolded Dugu Muyan as she placed a hand on Ma Buqun"s shoulder.

Dugu Muyan hurriedly nodded his head, not daring to refute a single word.

As for Dugu Qianqiu, he lowered his head even more.

It could be seen that the two of them were extremely afraid of Dugu Yunyun.

Comparing the mother and daughter pair"s personalities, Lu Chen couldn"t help but sigh in his heart.

Dugu Yunyun seemed so domineering, but He Qian was gentle and charming. It was simply unimaginable that she was actually a mother and child.

"Who is this person?" If you take out the Dung Beetle Worm Gu, his life will be lost! "

Dugu Yun Yun had just taken over when he turned his head to look at Dugu Mu Yan and asked.

Just a moment ago, Dugu Muyan had been in an incomparably difficult situation, but now that he was in her hands, he had played it down so lightly.

Of course, Dugu Muyan had laid the foundation, and to a large extent, he had suppressed the power of the beetle Gu.

However, it also showed how extraordinary Dugu Yunyun"s methods were.

This was no longer just an advantage in terms of cultivation, but more of it was due to one"s true strength.

Dugu Yunyun knew how to suppress the beetle Gu.

Before Dugu Muyan could say anything, Du Wenfeng had already respectfully cupped his fists towards Dugu Yunyun and explained:

"This Ma Buqun, Mr. Ma, is an aide in this junior"s family. However, this junior did not know that Mister Ma was actually cultivating such a demonic technique. "

"The Dung Beetle Worm is related to everyone"s safety, so senior has decided that the Du Family has nothing to say. I also have to apologize to the seniors. "

Du Wenfeng cupped his fists towards the surrounding people as he spoke.

"That"s easy!"

Dugu Yun Yun nodded, and his eyes became serious as he prepared to destroy the Gu.

"Senior, please wait!"

Lu Chen was beside Dugu Yunyun, and as he spoke, he placed his hand on Ma Buqun"s right shoulder.


The zhen qi wrapped in the power of merit inside of his body surged out, firmly wrapping around the agitated and restless Dung Bug Bug Gu.

Yet another feeling ….

Although she had heard Lu Chen"s warning, Dugu Yunyun still acted straightforwardly.

However, just as this majestic force was about to approach the beetle Gu, it was suddenly blocked off by an invisible barrier.

The most terrifying thing was that the true qi she had released was completely devoured the moment it came into contact with the barrier.

At this moment, Dugu Yun Yun Yun"s heart was filled with shock.

Although she had already determined that Lu Chen"s true strength was not only displayed as a middle Huang grade.

However, she wanted to destroy the toad beetle in one go just now, so she activated almost all the steam in her body without holding anything back.

However, under such circ.u.mstances, her zhenqi was easily devoured. It was truly inconceivable.

Even a peak Xuan Xuan expert would not be able to accomplish this!

The Lu Chen in front of him was only in his early twenties. How did he do it?

Just as Dugu Yun Yun was overwhelmed with shock, Lu Chen"s voice rang out once more.

He respectfully said, "Senior, your life is truly in danger. Junior has no choice but to be impolite!"

"With senior"s strength, he could force the toad bug out of the dung beetle"s body and eliminate it without a problem. However, I"m afraid that with Old Mr. Ma"s current condition, he won"t be able to bear it."

Dugu Yun Yun"s eyebrows knit together as he asked in surprise, "You have a way to save his life?"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Junior has a little understanding of the way of the weasel, and coincidentally learnt some ways to deal with the toad beetle Gu from my master."

"After all, the Dung Beetle Worm Gu was cultivated by the host with great care. It"s a pity that it was destroyed just like that, let alone the fact that the host couldn"t even keep his life."

"Although this junior does not have absolute confidence, I can still try. At the same time that I allow it to remain in the host"s body, I can also protect the host"s life."

Dugu Yun Yun stared at Lu Chen with a burning gaze, her eyes filled with shock and suspicion.

He not only had to keep the toad beetle Gu, but he also had to protect Ma Buqun"s life?

Even his own brother, the strongest member of the Dugu Family in the past hundred years, the one known as the "Celestial Hand of Wonder", Dugu Wuhe couldn"t do such a thing!

How dare he boast?