Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 254

The reason why Lu Chen had used such a ruthless acupuncture technique was just to hide it from others" eyes.

Although the Silver Needle Needle Stinger had quite the supportive effect, it was impossible to deal with this lifeblood worm Gu that had been cultivating for a hundred years.

As a result, when Lu Chen"s silver needle fell, an even richer power of achievement flowed into Ma Qun"s body along with the Xiantian Qi in his body.

This power was poured into Ma Buqun"s eight extraordinary meridians, and finally rushed towards the Hundred Year Old Insect Bite Gu in his heart from all directions.

At the same time, the restless dark aura within the group of horses quieted down as soon as it came into contact with the power of karmic virtue.

Hidden in Ma Buqun"s heart, the beetle Gu originally felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, becoming unusually alert.

It was ready to burst out at any moment.

However, when it came into contact with the power of virtue, not only did the life Gu worm not show any resistance, it even crazily absorbed the power.

To it, this power was undoubtedly the best supplement.

Although it only took a blink of an eye, the Dung Beetle Gu"s cultivation actually increased by half a level again. It seemed like it was about to break through the bottleneck and officially enter the Superior Grade Profound Ranked.

At this moment, the beetle bug Gu was undergoing an unprecedented evolution.

It would sometimes transform into its true form, sinister and terrifying. At other times, it would transform into a lump of black mist without a shadow or shadow.

Towards this result, Lu Chen already had a clear understanding of the situation from the little fox"s mouth, so he wasn"t surprised at all.

The karmic power that Lu Chen had just released was extremely rich. He had originally planned on feeding this dung beetle"s worm Gu to its heart"s content in one go.

This was because only by letting it eat and drink to its heart"s content would it be able to fall into a short slumber on the verge of evolution.

However, Lu Chen had still overestimated this beetle"s strength.

Or rather, because of the state of the earth"s spiritual energy, even the little fox was unable to calculate accurately.

The toad Gu actually only absorbed two-thirds of it before it stopped.

The duration of this process was actually very short.

From beginning to end, it had only been three minutes.

The next step was to wait.

All he had to do was wait for the toad beetle to fall into a deep slumber, and things would naturally become much easier.

To say the least, it was a tragedy of the Age of Chaos that the horses had not come to this point.

Although he had tried his best to obtain resources for cultivation, he was still relatively lacking.

This beetle worm had already cultivated to this stage and possessed a certain level of spirituality.

After two sixty-year cycles, he would have the strength to break through to the Earth Stage.

However, in times like these, the demand for spiritual energy would only grow.

Even though Ma Qun had tried his best, he was still unable to meet this increasing demand.

Originally, if the surrounding spiritual energy was plentiful enough, there was a possibility of a buffer.

However, in the Age of Chaos, not to mention the spiritual energy in the air, it was hard to even find a spiritual vein.

Ma Buqun probably wanted to suppress the life Gu worm to reduce this crazy demand.

Unfortunately, he had wrongly estimated the strength of this hundred-year-old dung beetle, and in the end, this sort of crazy backlash had occurred.

And then, the restless dung beetle Gu required even more strength.

As the host, Ma Buqun was also unable to provide sufficient support, causing the life Gu worm to urgently want to break through his body and find a new host.

After waiting for about five more minutes, this slowly falling asleep Dung Beetle worm Gu had jumped from the middle grade Profound Rank to the upper grade Profound Rank.

The dark sorcery"s witchcraft had the ability to poison other"s head, or to give the human race a variety of effects of the insect Gu.

However, the role of this beetle is much more active.

Ma Buqun"s power was continuously being supplied to the beetle Gu. His body was in a long-term state of lack of power, so the rate at which he absorbed energy would always remain in a state that was much faster than normal.

This situation was the same as Li Ruoxi soaking in the cold yin energy for a long time.

Both were risky, but the results were equally obvious.

After the dung beetle worm had eaten its fill and completely quieted down, Ma Buqun"s originally pale face slowly turned a rosy red.

He hurriedly circulated the true energy within his body before slowly opening his eyes. The first thing he did was to cast a grateful gaze at Lu Chen.

Even though Ma Qun"s body was stiff and he could not say anything, he knew about everything that had just happened.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ma Qun stood up from the stool and respectfully said:

"Mr Lu, there is no need to thank me for this kindness! This old one is unable to repay you in any way, from now on, I am willing to serve you like a dog or a horse! "

As soon as the dung beetle worm quieted down, Ma Buqun"s spirit was immediately restored.

Or more accurately speaking, his cultivation base was at the middle legendary realm.

It was also because he was enveloped by Dugu Yunyun"s Spirit Formation and he did not want to shock the world, he intentionally suppressed his power to the peak of the yellow level.

Even so, it still deterred quite a few people.

After all, the strength that Ma Buqun had shown earlier was only barely at the level of a high-grade yellow-rank monster.

In such a short period of time, he had actually grown so much. It was equally astonishing.

At this moment, Lu Chen was not in the mood to care about Ma Buqun.

A large amount of merit power began to gush out from the spring, quickly filling up a third of the pool.

And then there was actually a tendency to condense!

Soon after, an orange Merit Pearl was formed in a matter of seconds.

Lu Chen had already gained experience.

As the amount of time needed to condense the Merit Bead became shorter, it also meant that the time needed to break through to the next stage was getting closer and closer.

When the little fox saw the orange Merit Pearl, its eyes immediately lit up.

In addition to the previous one, there were already two orange-colored contribution points in the s.p.a.ce above the contribution point pool.

After this Merit Orb was condensed, the power of the Merit Pool continued to flow unceasingly.

Only after seeing another two-thirds filled up did it gradually slow down, but it did not stop.

Lu Chen could roughly guess that these were the jade talismans that he had given away previously.

Although it was slow, the amount of karmic power collected was endless.

As the saying goes, a stream of water flows continuously, this sort of continuous collection was what Lu Chen hoped for.

The more jade talismans he could give out in the future and increase the number of jade talismans he has, the better the effects would be.

"How can he produce so much karmic power?" After Lu Chen threw one of the achievement beads to the little fox, he couldn"t help but ask it.

The little fox took the pellet and swallowed it in one gulp. Only then did it withdraw its drooling gaze.

It let out a carefree groan and then explained to Lu Chen:

"My lord, this fellow just barely survived, and now he"s getting lucky from this disaster." If little fox"s guess is correct, he should have had quite a bit of insight. "

"Simply put, it means that he felt grateful towards you, Sir, and understood some of the truths within the great dao. His att.i.tude has changed."

"As expected, this fellow should have stepped onto the right path and done many good deeds for you."