Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 256

No matter what, that South Ming Fire Talisman belonged to his daughter, Li Ruoxi. Lu Chen was just adding oil to the fire.

However, this safety b.u.t.ton was owned by Lu Chen, and had been given away so easily.

As for the background behind Lu Chen, he couldn"t help but look forward to it even more.

And looking at the way her daughter looked at Lu Chen, Li Qing became more and more certain of her decision.

It wasn"t just Li Qing!

Everyone present looked at Lu Chen strangely.

Although they might not necessarily understand the true usage of this safety b.u.t.ton, they definitely knew that this was undoubtedly a jade talisman.

Furthermore, how could the jade talismans that were useful to Ma Buqun be inferior to him?

In addition to Ma Buqun"s expression, it also proved the value of this safety b.u.t.ton.

Feeling the heated gazes of the bystanders, the corners of Lu Chen"s mouth unconsciously curled up.

This was exactly what he wanted to achieve.

After these people had reported today"s events to their respective families, although they would inevitably be hara.s.sed, those who wanted to target them would likely give up temporarily.

It was easy to dodge a spear, but hard to defend against an arrow in the dark.

Lu Chen did not wish to spend every single day in a state of anxiety.

Of course, there was also a very important reason.

Now, Lu Chen already had a set of plans on how to obtain the Power of Merit faster.

On one hand, it was obviously to continuously treat illnesses and save people. On the other hand, it was to cure as many illnesses as possible.

On the other hand, he would practice crafting higher grade jade talismans in order to establish a good relationship with them. At the same time, he would also be able to continuously gather more contribution points.

Seeing Ma Buqun in a dazed state, Lu Chen smiled and reminded him:

"Old Mr. Ma, try activating the dung beetle Gu inside your body and let it awaken temporarily. Let"s see how its effects are."

"Please be at ease. With the support of this safety b.u.t.ton, even if it is enraged, it will not be able to do anything."

There was a trace of spiritual power in Lu Chen"s words, which brought Ma Qun back to reality.

Earlier, he had unknowingly been lost in the wonderful atmosphere created by the Immoveable Bright King Formation and the Innate Spirit Gathering Formation.

Ma Buqun completely trusted Lu Chen, so he didn"t hesitate and immediately nodded his head.

Although Ma Buqun has been planted with the beetle beetle Gu since childhood, but the actual age is not ancient yet.

The toad Gu in his body had actually survived in his grandmother"s heart for forty years.

All this time, Ma Buqun had never dared to use the power within it. Furthermore, he had concealed that power the entire time.

Ma Buqun also really wanted to see for himself the power hidden within the Dung Beetle Beetle Gu. Just what level of power had it reached?

It would be great if he could intimidate the people around him.

Ma Buqun"s mind stirred. The Dung Beetle worm attached to his heart instantly transformed into a ball of dark energy, suddenly filling every part of his body.

At this moment, everyone couldn"t help but exclaim.

This was especially true for those with great strength. They were extremely shocked when they saw the level of this power.

High-grade Profound Rank?

He was already at his peak condition!

Dugu Yun Yun"s eyes widened.

Although she had already guessed it, when the power really exploded out, it still made her feel shocked.

In that moment, Dugu Yun Yun became even more anxious to understand what that strange power on Lu Chen"s body was.

From the shocked voices of the crowd, Du Wenfeng could vaguely hear the judgment of the bystanders towards Ma Buqun"s strength.

High-grade Profound Rank …

And it was infinitely close to the peak!

When he looked at Ma Qun again, Du Wenfeng"s gaze also became fiery.

However, when Ma Qun"s gaze met his, what he saw was coldness.

Suddenly, Du Wenfeng seemed to remember something and his heart skipped a beat.

It"s over!

It was all over!

For a long time, he wished he could tear Situ Haotian into thousands of pieces.

[If he didn"t use me as a gun, how the h.e.l.l would he be in this situation?]

Even if it was impossible to make Ma Qun work again in the future, at the very least they would have some love for each other. If there was a need in the future, they would be able to negotiate with each other.

But now he didn"t even have the hope to hug her.

More importantly, he had also offended Lu Chen.

The future was dark, and Du Wenfeng couldn"t help but feel a sense of despair.

Ma Buqun stared coldly at Du Wenfeng. This time, he simply knelt down on one knee in front of Lu Chen.

If it was a favor for saving his life, then to Ma Qun, this was the same as a rebirth of grace.

The reason why he had raised this beetle Gu for the rest of his life was because he was shouldering the clan"s mission.

Although the time had not yet come, he had every reason to believe that the day was not far off.

Lu Chen raised his hands and helped Ma Buqun up.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, Li Yilong and a few other elders had already removed the surrounding five elemental enchantments, and were rushing over.

Just as Li Yilong"s men were about to say something, Dugu Yunyun had already s.n.a.t.c.hed him away.

"Mr Lu, today we finally have a glimpse of your skills. Dugu Yunyun has a presumptuous request, I hope that mister can agree to it. "

Dugu Yun Yun slowly said as she looked at Lu Chen with burning eyes.

Lu Chen nodded his head lightly and said with a smile: "The Dugu Family has been a doctor for generations, and countless people have come to help. Junior admires them greatly!"

"Senior, if you have something to say, feel free to say it." If this junior can do it, I will definitely not decline. "

He had heard Murong Dancheng mention the Peerless Saint"s Hands Dugu Wuheng long ago. Although there was disdain in his words, Lu Chen could feel that their personal friendship was not bad.

Furthermore, Murong Danfeng only thought highly of Dugu Wuheng.

Presumably, regardless of whether it was his medical ethics or his character, this Unparalleled Saint Hand was also someone with a bit of ability.

Lu Chen was naturally very happy to have a good relationship with the Dugu Family.

Perhaps in the future, he would need the strong support of the Dugu Family to help him fulfill his Master"s long-cherished wish.

Dugu Yunyun told Lu Chen that eighteen years ago, someone from her family had been seriously injured and was now unconscious, becoming a vegetable.

All these years, he had tried every possible method to save Lu Chen, but to no avail. He hoped that Lu Chen would lend him a helping hand and see if there were any methods to cure him.

Lu Chen did not intend to decline from the start. On top of that, after hearing about it for eighteen years, he immediately contacted his parents and became a little impatient.

Dugu Yunyun did not expect Lu Chen to agree so easily. She could not help but have mixed feelings in her heart.

Many people with great medical skills could not help but feel proud. Even the children of the Dugu clan, who had taken the task of saving the world, were no exception.

Especially since Lu Chen was only in his early twenties, it was much easier for the younger generation to be arrogant.

Besides, they were enemies.

The Dugu Family was famous for their medical skills, and was highly sought after by the people in the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

At this time, even if he wanted to make a move, he should at least be a bit hesitant.

"Dugu Yunyun thanks my poor husband first!"

As she spoke, Dugu Yun Yun deeply bowed towards Lu Chen, a hint of mist actually rising from his eyes.