Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 263

Wu Qiming did not know that in order to coordinate with Lu Chen, the little fox had already turned into a streak of light and appeared behind him, tightly suppressing his soul.

At this moment, Wu Qiming subconsciously thought that Lu Chen"s method of manipulating Zhang Junwei"s soul a moment ago was nothing to him.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and strode towards Wu Qiming, his palm landing on Wu Qiming"s Dantian.


A m.u.f.fled cry of pain came from Wu Qiming"s throat. However, he was somewhat surprised in his heart.

He had originally thought that he would not be able to escape this calamity, but Lu Chen seemed to have shown mercy.

In that one strike, Lu Chen had actually retracted the dark purple lightning bolt in his hand!

However, even so, Wu Qiming still felt a surge of surging Zhen Qi inside his dantian.

In just an instant, the Zhen Qi that he had trained so hard for dozens of years had been released, and his body had been reduced to a cripple.

Cough cough!

Wu Qiming coughed violently twice, then cupped his fists towards Lu Chen with difficulty: "Thank you … "Thank you for showing mercy!"

Lu Chen sneered: "Today"s incident is just a small punishment. It can be considered a lesson for you. And I"ll also send a message to the Witch Clan! "

"It"s best not to hara.s.s me and the people around me. Otherwise, even if I have to risk being punished by my teacher, my teacher, I"ll definitely bring down the entire Shaman Tribe!"

Leaving a live one for Wu Qiming to bring back the news to the Witch clan was obviously much more intimidating than killing him directly.

Moreover, there were quite a few people watching from the shadows.

It was true that killing someone right in front of their eyes would have a deterring effect, but it was possible that what he had just said would cause them to feel even more fear.

Murong Xin`er had seen Lu Chen"s actions. Her understanding of Lu Chen"s strength had already reached an unfathomable level.

But at this moment, he paid more attention to what Lu Chen had just said.

It was one thing for Lu Chen to call him his master.

This was the consensus of almost everyone. He definitely had an extremely strong teacher.

But this time, Lu Chen mentioned the sect.

This was actually what everyone was most concerned about.

The sect represented a force, and Lu Chen"s stunning performance only showed that there was an unimaginably terrifying force behind him.

Having said that, Lu Chen ignored the complicated look in Wu Qiming"s eyes. He turned around and patted Zhang Junwei"s shoulder.

"What are you blanking out for? I"ve been tired all day. Hurry up and go back home to have a good rest."

Only then did Zhang Junwei regain his senses, hurriedly nodded his head, then looked towards Lu Chen, saying gratefully, "Master, I really have to thank you for what you did just now. Otherwise, I really wouldn"t be able to protect my life."

Lu Chen smiled gently: "If you can"t survive a great disaster, you will definitely be blessed. Since you have such an experience, you should cultivate well in the future. Once I have enough strength, there will be no need for a master like me to do anything. "

Hearing Lu Chen"s words of encouragement, Zhang Junwei nodded his head firmly and said in a serious tone, "Master, don"t worry. Disciple will definitely follow your instructions and cultivate well. I will absolutely not embarra.s.s you!"

Lu Chen smiled in satisfaction, then his gaze landed on the nearby Murong Xin"er.

At this moment, Murong Xin"er looked at him with a complicated expression.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "What"s wrong? Hurry up and get in the car, I"m still in a hurry to go back to sleep! "

Hearing Lu Chen speak to her, Murong Xin"er suddenly came back to her senses.

Murong Xin`er looked at Lu Chen in surprise, as if she understood something.

She stopped looking at him in surprise and ran over to him with a smile. She grabbed his arm.

However, this time, Murong Xin"er hugged him even more tightly, her puffy chest rubbing against Lu Chen"s arm.

With great difficulty, Lu Chen managed to suppress the chill in his heart. He intentionally looked at Murong Xin"er with disdain:

"Hey!" Miss Xin"er, have you collected all the bugs? I have a bit of a phobia. "

Murong Xin`er"s body clearly paused for a moment, then she looked angrily at Lu Chen and actually released him.

Lu Chen helplessly shook his head, then grabbed Murong Xin"er"s hand, pulling her up to Maybach.

Although Murong Xin`er was a little angry with Lu Chen for what he had just said, she knew that Lu Chen was purposely joking around.

Furthermore, when she felt Lu Chen take the initiative to grab her hand, Murong Xin"er actually felt a sweet sensation in her heart.

Murong Xin"er rolled her eyes and said with a pout, "If you dare to bully me, I"ll let them all out and eat you!"

Lu Chen laughed out loud: "As expected, you are the most malicious of women! "Forget it, forget it. I am a good person after all. Let"s continue to repay this debt with virtue!"

As Lu Chen"s words fell, Murong Xin"er wanted to say something. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

This was because he suddenly felt an invisible force suddenly jump through Lu Chen"s hand and enter his body.

As for the Heart Devouring Parasite that had been intimidated by the purple lightning a moment ago, it suddenly became abnormally active. The most crucial point was that the queen bug was actually growing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Although Murong Xin`er felt that the Gu worms in her body had grown a little faster after wearing the Innate Spirit Convergence Talisman that Lu Chen gifted her, she didn"t pay much attention to it.

But at this very moment, the feeling was very clear. Murong Xin"er naturally knew what Lu Chen was doing to her.

Overjoyed, Murong Xin`er"s heart was filled with grat.i.tude towards Lu Chen. She subconsciously held his hand tightly and even rested her head on his shoulder.

… ….

Although Zhang Junwei was still thinking about the danger he had just been in, his superb driving skills were very stable as he drove backwards.

It was almost midnight, and there were fewer cars.

After pa.s.sing through five or six traffic lights, they arrived at the entrance of Jiangzhou Medical College"s dormitory.

Because it was too late and the Maybach was not registered, the security guard did not immediately let them through.

Initially, Zhang Junwei had been planning to get off the car to fill in the form, but Lu Chen waved his hand to stop him.

The distance from here to the dorm was less than 100 meters, there was no need to go through all that trouble.

"Xin Er, let"s get off here. It"s getting late, let"s go back and rest!"

After Lu Chen finished speaking, just as he was about to open the car door, Murong Xin"er grabbed his arm.

"Big Brother Lu, when did I say I was going back? I"ll stay over with you tonight."

As soon as Murong Xin"er finished speaking, Lu Chen was instantly stunned.

What was going on!

Although he knew what Murong Xin`er was thinking about him, this kind of development speed seemed to be a bit too fast.

Could it be because he stabilized the heart devouring seed that he was frightened of just now, and helped her raise her cultivation by a little at the same time?

Upon hearing this, Zhang Junwei felt a burst of envy in his heart.

Master is indeed awesome!

Such a beautiful and proud girl with an extraordinary background was rushing to recommend a pillow. Who could do such a thing?