Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 264

Lu Chen was about to refuse, but Murong Xin"er, as if she knew what he was going to say, suddenly launched a sneak attack and covered his mouth with her lips.

After a warm kiss that seemed to leave no one behind, Murong Xin"er let go of Lu Chen.

Looking at him with a burning gaze, Murong Xin"er seriously said:

"Big Brother Lu, I have already thought about it. I must follow by your side and protect … "Protect your safety."

Protect me.

Wasn"t this reason a little too clumsy?

It just so happened that they took it for granted.

Lu Chen was slightly impressed by Murong Xin`er"s shamelessness.

But honestly speaking, with this kind of gaze, she couldn"t help but hesitate if she wanted to say no.

Lu Chen did not laugh, nor did he have the time to speak. However, Zhang Junwei, who was sitting in the driver"s seat, could not help but laugh out loud.

However, he immediately covered his mouth.

As if one hand wasn"t enough, plus the other hand.

Unfortunately, although he feared Murong Xin"er, he was naturally honest and wanted to laugh.

He couldn"t control his emotions at all.

Zhang Junwei held his breath with difficulty. His face was flushed and his body was trembling.

For the first time, Murong Xin"er didn"t even pay attention to him.

She just stared at Lu Chen with her beautiful big eyes, waiting for his answer.

Although Murong Xin`er didn"t pursue the matter, Zhang Junwei, who had regained his senses, was filled with apprehension.

He was no fool.

As the saying goes, for a gentleman to exact vengeance, ten years is not too late.

But Mu Rong Xin"er was a girl!

Old Confucius had already said that only women and despicable people were hard to raise.

With Miss Murong Xin"er"s temper, she would probably find trouble with him tomorrow.

This was the future Mistress, of course she could be one of them.

However, regardless of who it was, it was definitely not someone he could offend.

Zhang Junwei quickly thought of something else and hurriedly said, "Master and Mistress, please get off the carriage here for now. Leave parking the carriage to me."

Zhang Junwei laughed as he spoke, quickly scanning Murong Xin"er"s expression through the mirror.

Sure enough, after hearing those words, a satisfied smile appeared on Murong Xin"er"s face.

Unfortunately, Zhang Junwei did not even have the time to feel happy for his intelligence. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Lu Chen"s unfriendly gaze.

He was startled.

It"s over!

It seemed like today was truly an unavoidable day. He was just thinking about how to make up for it, but he had forgotten his main target.

He could only shut his mouth and wait for Lu Chen"s final judgement.

Lu Chen was too lazy to bother with this idiot. He immediately opened the car door and got out, walking straight towards the dormitory.

"Wait …" I still have my luggage in the trunk. " At this moment, Murong Xin"er didn"t care if Lu Chen agreed or not. She had already made up her mind to stick close to this man.

Because just now in the car, Murong Xin"er had felt Lu Chen"s incomparably gentle side.

She felt it was worth a gamble.

Honestly speaking, he was also forced to do so.

When she thought of Bai Jinyu and Li Ruoxi"s performance at the banquet today, she felt a little ashamed of her own appearance.

If he missed tonight"s opportunity, he would have fallen behind by a large margin.

Without the slightest hesitation, Murong Xin"er jumped off the car and opened the trunk.

Hearing Murong Xin"er"s shout, Lu Chen frowned, then stopped in his tracks.

Turning around to take a look, this young miss was indeed carrying a big and a small suitcase.

However, what made him feel funny was that the pink suitcase even had the picture of a h.e.l.lo Kitty on it …

Lu Chen couldn"t help but glance at Murong Xin"er.

So it turned out that this strange little demoness Gu Ling was not as mature as he thought. She actually had a girl"s heart.

Lu Chen hesitated slightly, but in the end, he still walked over and unhappily said:

"Speaking of which, you"ve already planned this a long time ago? Or are you prepared to do so at any time? "

Murong Xin"er looked at Lu Chen with a stunned expression. She bitterly smiled and openly met his gaze as she said in a serious tone:

"I had originally planned to be a little later, but under the circ.u.mstances today, I can"t wait anymore."

Obviously, he did not expect Murong Xin"er to answer him so directly. Lu Chen couldn"t help but be stunned.

However, he then recalled the girl"s usual att.i.tude and thought that it was natural for her to do such a thing.

When Murong Xin"er noticed Lu Chen"s reaction, she couldn"t help but feel overjoyed.

She said with a smile, "With a smart, cute, and empathetic girl like me accompanying you, don"t tell me you"re not happy with me, Big Brother Lu?"

"Rest a.s.sured!" I still understand the principle of first come first served. I definitely won"t destroy the relationship between you and Sister He. "

"Speaking of which, her mother is also my father"s cousin, Dugu Yunyun. So I have to call her Cousin. "

"Didn"t you say that brother-in-law will like sister-in-law? If he asks about her, then tell him that there"s a problem with my Heart Devouring Mother Gu, and you have to help me treat it. "

Right after Murong Xin`er finished speaking, Zhang Junwei couldn"t help but murmur to himself,

"I don"t think even taking medicine would work. I would even need to take an occasional injection."

Hearing Zhang Junwei"s words, Murong Xin`er was stunned and didn"t have any time to react.

With a wave of his hand, a black shadow whizzed out and entered Zhang Junwei"s mouth with unerring accuracy.


Accompanied by a blood-curdling screech, Zhang Junwei instantly clutched his throat, his mouth only able to emit a babbling sound.

"Nothing good comes out of your mouth. If you can"t talk, then don"t talk!" Murong Xin"er scolded him harshly.

Zhang Junwei"s cheeks turned red as he clasped his fists and begged for mercy.

Unfortunately, Murong Xin"er had no intention of letting him off.

Frowning, Murong Xin"er said in a cold voice: "Is there anyone who talks to their elders like that?" It"s too late to be afraid now! "

"This is just a small commandment. It will be done tomorrow. The next time we meet, you won"t be able to speak for a month. "

Lu Chen frowned, then asked doubtfully: "Forget it, it"s not convenient to suddenly stop talking."

"Besides, he was just joking earlier. It"s harmless! Next time, just ask him to pay a little more attention. "

Lu Chen said as he patted Zhang Junwei"s shoulder. Then, he took out the last emasculated version of the Diamond Protection talisman and stuffed it into Zhang Junwei"s hand.

"Take this and wear it properly." I don"t think the situation has been peaceful recently, so for the sake of safety, please don"t come to my place for now. "

"For the rest of the time, you can practice by yourself at home according to the method that I taught you. "I"ll contact you after a while."

Zhang Junwei hurriedly put it away and said gratefully, "Master, I will listen to you. I will listen to whatever you say." That. If there"s nothing else, I"ll be leaving first! "

As Zhang Junwei spoke, he glanced at Murong Xin`er with a bit of fear in his eyes, and forced a fawning smile on his face.

Even though Lu Chen had helped to smooth things over and removed the restrictions on his body, saving him from punishment temporarily, Zhang Junwei was still worried that Murong Xin"er would settle the score.