Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 268

Lu Chen calmed himself down, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

The next moment, the ring on He Tian"s ring started to shake.

The s.p.a.ce within the ring was indeed too small. The two formations had a strong repelling effect against each other at such a close distance.

This situation was a little beyond Lu Chen"s capabilities.

He had been sufficiently careful and released all of his power. Unfortunately, he was still unable to stabilize these two formations.

The little fox, who was already prepared, finally made his move.

It turned into a streak of white light and instantly flowed into the ring of He Tian. The power in its body suddenly exploded between the two, forming the power of the third pole.

Being attacked by an external force, the two formations that were originally fighting suddenly turned the spearhead and charged straight at the little fox.

Lu Chen saw the opportunity and immediately took action, forcefully compressing the two Diamond Protection Spells together.

The violent collision caused Lu Chen, who was bearing the brunt of the impact, to feel his qi and blood roiling. However, thanks to the power of merit, he was able to quickly recover.

The moment the little fox suffered the attack, it turned into a flash of white light once again.


The two identical powers clashed against each other and annihilated each other, and only produced a barely audible sound.

Boom — —

Another violent tremor occurred, and a ma.s.sive force was released in all directions from the center of Tian Yu"s ring.

"Woosh, woosh, woosh ~ ~ ~"

The Heart Devouring Mother Gu around Murong Xin"er"s body was still crazily devouring the surrounding spiritual energy.

However, as they were being attacked by that power, they chose to escape without hesitation and all of them retreated back into Murong Xin"er"s body.

And then everything calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

Murong Xin"er"s heart skipped a beat.

She knew that Lu Chen had actually succeeded.

Double array jade talisman!

That"s it?

Everything seemed to have happened so suddenly that Murong Xin"er wasn"t even prepared for it.

The feeling from earlier clearly indicated that he was about to fail.

Murong Xin"er was even prepared to lend Lu Chen a helping hand at a critical moment.

Even if it cost him his cultivation base, he wouldn"t hesitate to risk his life!

At this moment, Murong Xin"er was enviously looking at the ring that contained Tian Chanzi"s jade ring. Her eyes were shining.

When she felt the boundless power above her, all kinds of feelings were mixed in her heart.

Murong Xin"er was a self-proclaimed genius.

However, in front of Lu Chen, she felt like she was too far off.

However, Lu Chen was in no mood to pay attention to Murong Xin"er"s reaction.

For him, this was not the end.

At this moment, the two formations were only able to fuse them together through trickery.

Next, he still needed to refine the two powers to truly fuse them together.

He had to do it himself. Only by having him in the mix could he be considered to be a true dual array jade talisman.

Compared to the previous two steps, this process did not seem difficult, but it required a long period of time and patience.

Just like this, Lu Chen carefully circulated the zhenqi in his body for at least two hours.

When he opened his eyes again, the halo of light on He Tian"s jade ring that was floating in the air revolved and emitted a stable power.

Lu Chen exhaled deeply and a pleased smile appeared on his face.

He finally succeeded!

Although he had borrowed the little fox"s power, Lu Chen had benefited greatly from it.

With this experience, Lu Chen was completely confident that during the next refining process, he wouldn"t need the little fox"s help and would be able to complete it on his own.

Holding Tian Yu"s ring in his hand with great value, Lu Chen poured a wisp of his Spiritual Sense into it, feeling the effects of the amplification effect in detail.

It was very obvious!

The energy waves emitted by He Tian Yu"s ring were nearly two times stronger than before.

In addition to the effect of the two formations being combined, the s.p.a.ce between Tian Yu"s ring and array formation was extremely small, so the distance between them was very close.

Now, the power of merit in Lu Chen"s body had reached the late orange level.

Just a castrated version of the Diamond Protection Formation was already at the quasi-Xuan level.

The amplification from the dual array formations far exceeded what it should have.

However, it was a pity that it had not been put into practice before. It was also hard for Lu Chen to guess what level of effect it would achieve when it unleashed its full strength.

However, there was one thing for sure, it absolutely surpa.s.sed the strength of high-grade Profound Rank.

This was because the little fox had indicated that it was powerless, and it would definitely not take the risk to carry out the test.

According to it, once the Diamond Protection was above the Xuan Level, it could crush any Xuan Level existence.

Moreover, all existences in the soul state had to avoid the danger.

Otherwise, if he was not careful, he would suffer a strong backlash.

It admitted that even though it could explode with strength infinitely close to the Earth Stage, it wasn"t willing to take that risk.

Of course, Lu Chen would not force him, nor was he willing to let the little fox take the risk.

Besides, it was enough for him.

Within the current Mysterious Gate, I have yet to encounter anyone who can break through to the Earth Stage.

And judging from everyone"s looks, this disciple should be an insurmountable peak.

This double array diamond protective talisman should be enough.

Amidst Murong Xin`er"s surprised and envious gaze, Lu Chen carefully put away this and Tian Yu"s ring.

He knew how attractive this treasure was to Murong Xin"er. However, he could not give it to her.

On one hand, it was certain that Lu Chen had saved it for his life.

On the other hand, because Murong Xin"er practiced the path of the voodoo Gu, she was not suitable for this type of protection jade talisman.

Otherwise, the Diamond Protection Talisman would instead suppress Murong Xin"er"s growth.

He might even suffer a backlash if he was a little bit careless. That would be the opposite.

"This jade talisman cannot be given to you." If you have the chance in the future, I"ll give you a compound type of jade talisman that suits you better. " Lu Chen said with a smile.

Murong Xin"er lightly nodded her head and took a deep look at the two Vajra Body Protection Talismans on Du Cheng"s hands.

"I wouldn"t dare to take it even if you gave it to me. It is suppressing the power in my body so using it would only be a burden. "

Hearing Murong Xin`er"s words, Lu Chen lightly raised his brows.

To be able to understand this point meant that Murong Xin"er was still very rational.

Suddenly, Murong Xin"er said: "Forget it, I"ll go to your bedroom and sleep! If I stay with you, I might not be able to sleep at all. "

As she spoke, Murong Xin`er let out a big yawn, then stood up and entered Lu Chen"s room.

Sensing the change in Murong Xin`er"s body, Lu Chen couldn"t help but let out a smile.

It seemed like Murong Xin"er had also benefited greatly from staying at the side just now.

If nothing unexpected happened, then in the next few days, she would probably break through the yellow level and step into the low-Xuan level.