Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 27

Liu Cheng frowned and then quickly walked forward. He grabbed onto Lu Chen"s hands and shook them: "Teacher Lu, you"re really young and capable."

"If you have anything to say, just say it!" Lu Chen said indifferently.

When he saw the other party"s posture, he had already guessed what the other party was here for.

Those words just now were naturally said by Lu Chen for the visitor to hear.

Although he loathed what Madam Liu had said just now, he was still feeling pitiful for his parents. This was probably due to him worrying about his son"s situation.

Regarding this, Lu Chen could totally understand it, but he did not care about it at all.

He was extremely disgusted with Third Elder Liu"s tyrannical actions. Otherwise, he wouldn"t have attacked so viciously yesterday.

But then again, this guy was a student of the school after all, so he had to call him teacher.

Don"t say you didn"t know.

After this incident, the guild leader should have a good memory.

He also wanted to see how this wealthy family would handle this matter.

If he was too arrogant, he wouldn"t mind letting Old Liu spend more time to recognize his mistake.

Looking at Lu Chen"s calm smile, he could only awkwardly say from the side, "This lowly one is Liu Cheng, Liu Kai"s father. I wonder if Lu laoshi can be so magnanimous and cure my son"s acupuncture points? He already knows he was wrong. "

Lady Liu immediately added, "Teacher Lu, don"t worry. We will definitely not treat you unfairly."

Liu Cheng"s att.i.tude was easy to accept, but what Mrs Liu said displeased Lu Chen.

"I"m sorry, I don"t know what you"re talking about. I"ve only met him once before." Lu Chen couldn"t help but deny it.

"You clearly …"

Madame Liu was about to retort in anger, but her husband stopped her with a look.

Finally, Doctor Lei, who had been silent this whole time, spoke up.

He looked at Lu Chen excitedly: "Teacher Lu, your cla.s.s has been taught about the human body"s meridians, right? A young hero indeed appeared! "When you condense your Zhen Qi into a needle, the way you stab the acupoints across the void is truly amazing."

"Although I don"t have the ability to undo the seal on your true qi locking acupoint, much less do it, I can still pick up on some clues."

"Moreover, although you intentionally suppressed your aura, it could not fool me. Ordinary people would not be able to keep their cool like you at this time. In fact, they would not be affected at all. "

"If I"m not wrong, you are a true inner force expert." Therefore, please forgive me and help me out! This time, it"s Liu Kai"s fault. He already knows that he was wrong.

When Doctor Lei said this, he deliberately gave Liu Kai a glance.

Although Liu Kai hated Lu Chen from the bottom of his heart, he had no choice but to lower his head under the eaves. How could he dare to say half a word no now?

He quickly patted his chest to indicate that he would definitely circle around He Qian and Hu Tingting when he saw them in the future.

"I"m sorry, I really don"t know what you"re talking about. "I still have things to do, so I"ll be leaving first." Lu Chen"s expression remained as cold as ever.

As a special forces soldier, Lu Chen had his own judgment. He definitely wouldn"t let other people"s feelings affect his own.

As long as he didn"t want to remove the shackles on Old Liu"s true qi, no matter who came to ask for mercy, it would be of no use.

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to leave, Old Liu could no longer hold his cool.

The Lu Chen in front of him was his lifesaver. He did not want to live his entire life being mocked by others without any hope of survival.

Even though his heart was filled with hatred, he still decided to resolve this issue first.


Liu was kneeling on the floor. Ignoring the surprised looks from the bystanders, he begged, "Teacher Lu, as long as you can help me with this, I"m willing to do anything."

Lu Chen frowned. After pondering for a moment, he finally sighed and whispered into his ear, "Do more good deeds and acc.u.mulate merits. The restrictions on your body will disappear and you will return to normal."

"Really?!" Liu Kai looked at Lu Chen in antic.i.p.ation. This was too unbelievable.

Lu Chen lightly patted Liu Kai on the shoulder twice, with the same indifferent tone as before, "So be it, if you don"t believe me, so be it. If you don"t believe me, so be it!"

"But, when will it be effective?" Liu Kai asked anxiously.

This was the question he was most concerned about at the moment.

"That"s up to you." After Lu Chen finished speaking, he called out to Hu Lingling, who was standing beside him, to turn around and walk away. He did not give Liu Kai and his family any chance to speak at all.

"Sir!" This time, we"re going to post! " In his mind, the little fox"s voice rang out once again.

"He"s just a playboy. Even if he"s a prodigal son, how many merits can he acc.u.mulate?!" Even I am worried that I will let this kind of people off the hook, and I will compensate you for my meritorious services! " Lu Chen said unhappily.

"Then I"m going to the sea!" The little fox man stood up and stretched out his front paw, "As the saying goes, a prodigal cannot change his wealth. If you tell him to stop hurting others in the future, then it would be with boundless merits. "

"If only this guy could do more good things, that would be even better. Even putting down the butcher"s knife and standing up on the spot to become a Buddha is not enough. "

"Eh? That makes a little bit of sense. " Lu Chen pondered.

"Of course!" The little fox proudly said, "Furthermore, the doctor beside him is also not simple!"

Lu Chen nodded his head: "It is indeed not simple. At the very least, it is at the middle stage of the hidden strength. This is no longer an easy task." "Unfortunately, there must have been a mistake in the early days. Otherwise, my cultivation level in the inner force would not have been this high."

"Hehe!" That doctor is someone who has saved lives for so many years. If you can help him break through his bottleneck once and use Qi to control his needles, the amount of merit points he has would probably be no less than that of the old general. " The little fox said excitedly as it secretly licked its lips.

"That"s fine. But there doesn"t seem to be a chance now? " Lu Chen frowned.

"That"s simple. Leave everything to me." The little fox said in an overbearing manner.

In any case, it could increase his own merit. As for who his target was, Lu Chen didn"t care too much.

Besides, helping the doctor was a good thing in itself, and he felt at ease.

"Sir, the doctor has caught up." The little fox suddenly reminded.

As expected, Doctor Lei"s voice could be heard from afar, "Teacher Lu, please wait!"

Doctor Lei"s face was not red as he ran over. He said with a smile, "Teacher Lu really doesn"t reveal his true colors. It was our fault just now."

"I"m sorry, I don"t know what you"re talking about." Lu Chen smiled and continued walking forward.

Even though Hu Lingling was puzzled, she still quickly followed him.

Doctor Lei chased up to him and said with a smile, "Just now, you patted Liu Kai on the shoulder and removed the Zhen Qi restriction on his body, right? The reason why I allowed him to do such a good deed in order to recover is actually because I need some time to recover. "