Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 273

Once this power, which belonged to Cai Guowen, was fused into Lu Chen, he no longer had any hesitation. He immediately spread it into the old man"s body, merging it into his limbs and bones.

Then, he carefully guided the power of meritorious service, and straightened out the chaotic zhenqi in Cai Guowei"s body.

On the surface, Cai Guowei looked fine, but his body was riddled with holes from the long time of suffering and pains.

Not only was his zhen qi a mess, even his meridians and even his blood and bones had been severely damaged.

It could be said that it was already a miracle that Cai Guowei could persevere until now.

If he did not carry out a proper plan to expel the aura of death from Cai Guowei"s body, he would be able to temporarily escape from his illness and pain, barely extending his lifespan. However, it was not a long period of time.

In fact, in the following days, Cai Guowei would be in extreme agony, suffering a fate worse than death.

Under such torture, even with the help of external help, he could only live for at most a year or so.

The power of virtue filled Cai Guowei"s body. Everywhere it pa.s.sed, it was washed away and restored.

As the karmic power penetrated deeper and deeper, Lu Chen quickly discovered that other than the damaged body structure, Cai Guowei"s body also contained quite a number of hidden toxins.

This poison permeated through his entire body and was unavoidable within his flesh and bones.

Lu Chen quickly determined that the poison was a residue of medicinal herbs.

However, it was not purely to treat the poison left in his body.

It could be said that some of the various poisons were present.

On the contrary, it was a little less used to treat his body.

What was going on?

Could it be that he wanted to treat the illness by using poison to counteract the poison...

But there are a lot of toxins that don"t fit in at all.

At this moment, the little fox suddenly made a conjecture.

Combined with Cai Guowen"s ident.i.ty as a medicinal ingredient merchant and the large amount of meritorious services he had acc.u.mulated, Lu Chen felt that this was the only explanation that would make sense.

Cai Guowen was obviously testing the medicinal properties of the herbs by using Shen Nong"s method of tasting them.

This was the reason why there were so many types of poison in his body.

In other words, Lu Chen was able to control the Power of Merit and easily remove the poison from his body. Moreover, it was very gentle and did not have any side effects.

Otherwise, if he were to use any other method, it would definitely be a th.o.r.n.y problem.

Moreover, even Lu Chen himself would have to expend a lot of energy.

Most importantly, even if Lu Chen was willing to take the risk, given Cai Guoweng"s current situation, it was still hard to say if he could handle it.

After figuring out the condition of Cai Guowei"s body, Lu Chen tried to comb through his meridians.

He not only had to treat the symptoms, but he also had to treat the root of the problem.

Since he had already made his move, there was no point in simply extending Cai Guowen"s lifespan by half a year.

The person who could acc.u.mulate so much merit power had coincidentally met him at this critical juncture. In the words of the little fox, his life should not have ended there and then.

Feeling the changes in his body, Cai Guowen was both amazed and delighted.

The heavens had finally opened their eyes.

Because he couldn"t sense the existence of the power of virtue, Cai Guowei felt that the whole process was in an unfathomable state.

This kind of treatment had completely overturned his understanding of the art of medicine.

Cai Guowei could only feel Lu Chen pouring zhenqi into his body, before a warm feeling flowed through his limbs and bones.

Wherever it went, the poison was immediately cleansed.

However, this was just the beginning.

What he found hard to believe was that the damaged tissue was being repaired quickly, and his damaged meridians were also being repaired!

Cleansing bones, remodeling the body?

Although it was not that exaggerated, it was still magical.

It was unheard-of to use such a miraculous method.

Cai Guowei didn"t have time to examine it closely; he could only feel that his entire body was transparent.

It was as if he was thirty or forty years old and very strong.

Relatively speaking, most of the toxin acc.u.mulated in Cai Guowei"s body was in his heart.

In fact, his focus was also in this place.

The poison carried by those herbs initially injured the liver and kidneys, but in the end, the poison would attack the heart.

After he combed through Cai Guowen"s entire body, Lu Chen carefully controlled the power of merit and focused it all there.

The unceasing stream of meritorious power reached the location of Cai Guowei"s heart, and a burst of scorching heat was followed by an inexhaustible coolness.

Cai Guowen finally realized that the biggest danger in his body had been eliminated!

However, this still did not seem to be enough.

Cai Guowei was very clear that his life force had been completely depleted.

If it was just a simple treatment for the body, he still wouldn"t be able to live past tonight.

The treatment was complicated, but it only lasted about five minutes.

This was actually Lu Chen"s deliberate deceleration.

Otherwise, as long as he could get the little fox out, cutting the time by half wouldn"t be a problem.

Even so, it still stunned everyone.

Everyone present held their breath, quietly feeling the changes in Cai Guowei"s body.

Although Cai Guowei"s face gradually turned pale during the treatment, most of the people present were medical experts, so they could still see through the situation.

The more it was like this, the more everyone found it unbelievable.

How is this even a medical skill?

This was simply death"s life force, an immortal"s trick of meeting spring on a withered tree!

It was too surreal to be in the hands of a young man.

At this moment, Lu Chen was in no mood to pay attention to the gazes and thoughts of the bystanders.

This was because Lu Chen was very clear that everything that had just happened was just the preparation for the entire treatment process.

This last step was of utmost importance!

Lu Chen took a deep breath and once again focused his mind, carefully controlling all of the karmic power within Cai Guowei"s body and letting it slowly gather towards the top of his head.

The power of karmic virtue had an extremely good affinity to begin with.

Moreover, a part of it belonged to Cai Guowei himself.

Therefore, in the process of being wrapped up by the deadly death qi above Cai Guowen"s head, there was actually no resistance at all.

Everything seemed so smooth.

Lu Chen secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Only the little fox couldn"t help but remind him. This time, he had met someone like Cai Guowen who had done countless good deeds in his life. Furthermore, his strength was still there, so he had some background.

Otherwise, if it was another person, things wouldn"t have been so simple.

During the treatment, as his son, Cai Jie Qiang didn"t look away for even a moment.

When he noticed that Cai Guowei"s face had turned unusually pale, he couldn"t help but clench his fists.

If he did not feel that his father"s aura had become even calmer, he would have had the urge to directly interrupt Lu Chen.