Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 275

Lu Chen could see Cai Guowei"s helplessness, but he didn"t say anything more.

He turned to Zhang Junwei, who was still in a daze, and said, "Wei, leave my phone number with Senior Cai, it"s convenient to contact you."

Hearing Lu Chen calling out to him, Zhang Junwei suddenly came back to his senses.

Just a moment ago, he had already recognized Cai Jianqiang"s ident.i.ty. He couldn"t help falling into a dazed state of mind.

This was China"s top medicinal herb tyc.o.o.n!

It was said that the Cai Family controlled at least 50% of the Chinese medicine trade.

Zhang Junwei also happened to see Cai Jianqiang at a ball far away.

He could still clearly remember that his father had to be polite to him. His uncle, who was in high spirits, had been cautious and humble when facing Cai Jie Qiang.

He was even overjoyed to drink a gla.s.s of wine because he was able to converse with him for a bit.

Who would have thought that he would meet such a situation here.

Now that his master had asked him to leave a call for the other party, Zhang Zhiwei"s mind could not help but be moved.

From today onwards, Uncle will probably not continue to brag about himself in front of Dad anymore!

After exchanging a few pleasantries with the father and son duo, Lu Chen turned to Dugu Yun Yun and said with a smile, "Senior, this matter should not be delayed. Let"s go see Uncle He first!"

Uncle He...

Dugu Yun Yun Yun was obviously stunned for a moment.

Following that, she turned her gaze towards Murong Xin`er, who was following beside Lu Chen without saying a word.

Murong Xin`er caught Dugu Yun Yun"s gaze. She was stunned for a moment before she regained her senses.

She quickly waved her hand and said with a wry smile, "Auntie Yun Yun, I did not say much. Brother Lu knows Sister Qian, and they are on good terms. "Maybe …"

Murong Xin`er wanted to say something but she hesitated. She understood the meaning of his words.

Dugu Yun Yun raised an eyebrow, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could that d.a.m.ned girl talk about me to an outsider?! It is also impossible to mention her father. "

As she spoke indignantly, Dugu Yunyun"s gaze fell on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen only smiled in an enigmatic manner, but did not explain.

He couldn"t possibly say that he guessed it because he sensed the auras of the two of them, right?

Just by looking at Dugu Yunyun"s appearance, there was probably a story that was barely known.

Remembering He Qian"s seemingly weak but actually unusually stubborn character, Lu Chen vaguely guessed at something.

Dugu Yun Yun suddenly came back to her senses and hurriedly said to Lu Chen: "Come, Doctor Lu. Please come in, please come in!"

"I really have to thank you for taking action just now." This can also be considered to save some face for my Dugu Family. "

"Otherwise, if something really happens to old man Cai, the Dugu Family will have to take some responsibility." Some people will definitely take this opportunity to stir up trouble. "

She spoke very straightforwardly, to the point where it seemed like she would lose face for the Dugu Family. However, none of the Dugu Family members present would object.

However, anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that the people from the Dugu Family were all deeply shocked by the medical skills displayed by Lu Chen.

Technicians are usually simpler.

If you can"t do it, you can"t.

Not so much.

This applied to the members of the Dugu Family as well.

Lu Chen"s artistic prowess had already reached an unsurpa.s.sable level, and as such, he could only look up to it.

Besides, the father and son from the Cai family were also involved, so they could still accept these words even though they sounded harsh on the surface.

Lu Chen calmly accepted Dugu Yunyun"s flattery.

Accompanied by her, they finally entered a restaurant in Jiang Prefecture where the Dugu Family resided.

Although the members of the Dugu Family tried their best to restrain themselves, Lu Chen could still feel that they were looking at him with eyes of shock and worship.

Lu Chen was secretly delighted in his heart. After all that ha.s.sle, this was exactly the kind of effect he wanted.

He wanted to gain a foothold in the Celestial Sect of Wonders. While strength was important, medical skills were bound to be the foundation.

Because with his medical skills, he could easily obtain allies.

And to be able to obtain the recognition of the top medical families in the sect was undoubtedly very important.

Furthermore, collecting sufficient amounts of merit power would also require the help of the Dugu Family.

Furthermore, with He Qian"s relationship, he couldn"t be more eager to establish a friendship with the Dugu Family.

When Murong Xin"er, who was standing beside Lu Chen, also felt these heated gazes, she couldn"t help but tighten her grip on his arm.

Even though she was the direct descendant of the Mu Rong family, in addition to her mother"s family and her master"s background, Murong Xin`er held quite a high position within the entire Celestial Sect of Wonders.

However, when facing the Dugu Family, it was difficult for almost everyone to find the courage to do so.

After all, the Dugu Family controlled every single pill in the entire Celestial Sect of Wonders.

In addition, if a clan was unable to deal with the pain that they would suffer from during their cultivation, they would often request the Dugu clan to do so.

If it was an ordinary member of the Dugu Family, that would be fine.

However, everyone present was an expert with a great reputation.

If it was his grandfather, he would still be alright. Even his parents had to show enough respect when they met these people.

However, these guys, who were originally full of pride, were now looking at the man beside her with such a gaze. Murong Xin"er naturally felt a sense of pride.

After Zhang Junwei left Lu Chen"s phone call to Cai Guowei, he quickly followed.

At this moment, his mood was similar to Murong Xin"er"s. He raised his head and stuck out his chest, afraid that he would lose his master"s face if he didn"t do it well.

As Dugu Yun led Lu Chen inside, she also gave a simple introduction of the situation.

After Dugu Yunyun"s introduction, Lu Chen finally understood that this villa was a clinic of the Dugu Family in Jiangzhou City.

To be exact, this was the medical hall for cultivators from the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

Those who were able to come here for treatment were basically from the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

There were occasional exceptions, and they were often inextricably linked to the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

Otherwise, he wouldn"t even be able to touch the door here.

Of course, the medical fees for treatment here were not something an ordinary person could afford.

Lu Chen wasn"t surprised.

The disciples of the Celestial Sect of Wonders relied on their ability to resist. Ordinary diseases were impossible to catch.

If it was slightly heavier, he could easily deal with it with his own experience and strength.

Once an illness requiring the help of another appeared, it would be difficult to treat.

Especially those that could reach the Dugu Family, they were usually the ones suffering from problems.

For example, being infected with hostility.

Perhaps he had been poisoned by a parasite.

Perhaps, during cultivation or battle, he had damaged his foundation, and even caused his cultivation to go berserk. (TL: Wreck = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi.))

A minute later, Lu Chen followed Dugu Yun Yun Yun through the villa"s backyard and arrived at a quiet wooden house.

The moment he walked in, Lu Chen"s eyes couldn"t help but light up.

This small wooden house that was surrounded by birdsong and fragrant flowers and a small bridge was not as simple as it looked on the surface.

A formation to gather spirit energy had been set up here.

Under the dense spiritual energy, the gra.s.s and trees here flourished, and flowers bloomed, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with vitality.

In particular, there was a Golden Turtle guarding that small spring, which immediately attracted Lu Chen"s interest.